Second Jamboree added to Schedule!

Actually my wife is in the pic of me in the speedo. Its been posted on here before. Dont know where but its floating around.
BINGO!! Just for you Mikey. My wife is the blonde on the far right smiling like a donut!
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I couln't take it nomore Had to fix it that speedo just isn't you Anthony we only wan't to so your wife in one.
Just to let everyone know, Antonio let the cat out of the bag over on show-mesmokers! He is smugling about 3 pair of socks in that speedo if that tells you anything! LOL
You would to if you had that tight thing on. Hot or cold you couldnt see much. How to add some padded man hood to me my confidence back up!
Just to let everyone know, Antonio let the cat out of the bag over on show-mesmokers! He is smugling about 3 pair of socks in that speedo if that tells you anything! LOL

You would to if you had that tight thing on. Hot or cold you couldnt see much. How to add some padded man hood to me my confidence back up!

IDK...She cant be with him for his looks....
I think i figured it out, if shes smart shes going to wait until he gets that truck finished, divorce him, and take the truck!
I could use that photo of 2tone to put in the basement to scare off rodents and bugs!:hehe::hehe::hehe:
Considering the fact that she almost got your 2.6 truck air born, well lets just say i will have video camera in hand if she pulls this one!
Considering the fact that she almost got your 2.6 truck air born, well lets just say i will have video camera in hand if she pulls this one!

Ya somehow that ended up being my fault! :what: Came up to the truck and talk to her and she started yelling at me "That was NOT fun like you said it would be. It was embarrasing. Everyone was looking at me ewwing and awwing!!" I thought it was awesome since nothing broke!
How long have you been married and you haven't figured it out yet "that it will alway's be your matter what.
did you get her another orange after my alarm sysem stole hers Haha.
How long have you been married and you haven't figured it out yet "that it will alway's be your matter what.
did you get her another orange after my alarm sysem stole hers Haha.

Haha, ya she had 2 of them. It was hilarious watching him do it. Jumped up in the truck and was loving all the attention. Saw something that looked like a toy. Dove his face directly in her purse. Took the orange, jumped out and ran!!:hehe: He is a character.
there is never a dull moment around him you know he is alway's there he has to be leaning on you so you pet him.Never let your soda set because if he is around it will be gone.
Did you all have a good trip was that peice of alluminum long enough for Ryan
Nothing broke??? What do you call the traction bar she turned into a bow??? HAHA that was an interesting trip to say the least! You would no beleave all the floods from washington to tennesse LOL