Smarty UDC Initial Impressions

My tq management stops in the low 60's, and PoD at 85%. I get 100% load still.

Torque management is how much fueling you get at low rpms, and PoD is the full value of the throttle. Since the throttle goes to WO at ~83% on my UDC a PoD of 85 still gives me 100% throttle.

Two separate things. I was pointing out that you can back the PoD off and not loose power, but gain throttle.. just like keeping 100% from occurring before 100% on the TQ table.

I understand the high RPMs are set in the Smarty SSR but how do you know what going on above the 3600RPM table with UDC? Is it just preset in the tune or do the tables just keep increasing automatically?

As I understand it, the last setting is what it fuels above OEM rpms. The ECM tables are not setup for high rpms, so in it's effort to blend it just blends the highest table with itself. So you max rail pressure and timing settings will hold until the rpms stop climbing, all at peak duration.

So setup your peak tables how you want it to run thru your new redline. Which is 3,500 rpms for timing and pressure. Maybe 3,600, but I have only seen 3,500.
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One of the things I have told Marco/MADS from the beginning is that I would like to see the tables have a copy/paste function. There are many reasons but the biggest is that I built an excel timing calculator and it's very slow transferring data back and forth between UDC and excel. The other is copy/paste would allow quicker building of tunes that aren't comparable, i.e. making a S06 tune from a Jr, or a SSR tune from a S06.

The thread I linked is about such a feature, please weigh in if you have used UDC.

POLL - UDC Copy/Paste Function - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together
Did you tell Marco to put in a calculator? That we could customize.
It hasn't come up yet. It would be a great tool for sure.

If I could figure out how to automate a few more things on mine I would think about sharing it, but right now it takes too many inputs to work.
Anybody interested in either having remote tuning done or helping guys with remote tuning, Brian is working on an detailed instruction sheet for it and should have it ready for you guys pretty quick. It helps simplify a lot of the questions you guys have had about having someone else write tunes for your truck.
Anybody interested in either having remote tuning done or helping guys with remote tuning, Brian is working on an detailed instruction sheet for it and should have it ready for you guys pretty quick. It helps simplify a lot of the questions you guys have had about having someone else write tunes for your truck.

Sounds awesome!
Anybody interested in either having remote tuning done or helping guys with remote tuning, Brian is working on an detailed instruction sheet for it and should have it ready for you guys pretty quick. It helps simplify a lot of the questions you guys have had about having someone else write tunes for your truck.

I wouldn't mind being a test subject for a remote tuner.
I'll ask the stupid question. How does the remote work?

I don't believe there are such thing as a stupid question. I'm here to help with any and all information on the subject as possible.

Remote Tuning (not my terminology) means having someone else do your tuning for you. For example I live in Amarillo, TX and I just wrote a tune for a customer in Wisconsin. We've never met, and I didn't have his truck here at my shop to dial in the tune. He bought a UDC dongle, VIN locked it to his truck, pulled his stock tune, and emailed it to me. I used a second UDC dongle here at my shop, loaded his tune up and VIN locked it to the 2nd UDC dongle that I have, and wrote his tune, and emailed the new tune back to him to load into his truck.

At the moment we have 2 options for remote tuning:

1. The customer and the tuner must have their own dongles for the same truck (1 at the customers location and 1 at the tuners location both VIN locked to the same truck). This allows for the tuner to adjust the tune and write custom tunes specifically for that truck, and allows the customer access to the UDC software to enable him to both send his stock tune to the tuner and allows him to load up his new custom tunes into his smarty device.

2. The customer purchases one UDC dongle, VIN locks it to his truck, pulls the stock tune and emails it to the tuner. Then he has to mail his UDC dongle to his tuner before the tuner can start adjusting and writing tunes for that truck.

As of right now, that is the only options we have available for remote tuning or getting tunes from someone who is not at your same physical location.

Please let me know if any of this doesn't make sense. Brian will be coming out with the detailed version of what I just typed up soon with specific instructions on how to do everything I listed. :Cheer:
1. The customer and the tuner must have their own dongles for the same truck (1 at the customers location and 1 at the tuners location both VIN locked to the same truck). This allows for the tuner to adjust the tune and write custom tunes specifically for that truck, and allows the customer access to the UDC software to enable him to both send his stock tune to the tuner and allows him to load up his new custom tunes into his smarty device.

Is there a provision to un-VIN lock the 2nd dongle?
At this point in time, no. You either have to have 2 dedicated main dongles for 1 truck or mail a single main dongle back and forth.

I did speak with Brian and one of the guys on the tech support side at smarty and they said they are finishing developing a VIN only dongle that does not include the UDC software license (allows you to pull up the UDC software not in DEMO mode). And they are going to be about $100 (much like a VIN license for EFI).

When that comes out it will make remote tuning easier. The customer will still need a main UDC dongle VIN locked to their truck, but instead of having to mail the dongle back and forth or purchase 2 full dongles, the tuner can just purchase individual VIN license only dongles for their customers and use one main dongle for all trucks.

Sounds like the professional version is still quite a ways off tho. I believe they are going to develop the basic UDC version for the 6.7 and VP44 trucks next and then move on to the professional version.
Interesting that they said it's still in development, I already know someone using one. He bought it for $78.

Smarty User Defined Catcher (UDC) Vin Dongle

Sorry I was a sleep at the keyboard this morning and worded that wrong. As far as I know, Source is the only place that has the VIN only dongle available for sale right now. Thanks for letting me know John. I wish I had known that last week before I got a 2nd main dongle to tune a customers truck but no worries. I can not get one through my suppliers yet but at least now I know for next time if I need one before I am able to get them myself. Kind of like the Big Bang Injectors are offered by Smarty but only available to purchase through Source and not every Smarty dealer yet.

Thanks for posting the link. :Cheer: