smoke switch

:lolly: I just read all of this and it made my evening a hell of a lot better!
Three easy steps to make it on Comp D
1. Know how to spell and type correctly
2. Must have positive I.Q. score
3. Search
If above 3 can't be fulfilled make sure you have thick skin.:shake:
first u start with this
then get some 2 stroke mix (stihl high performance works best)
1 gallon per fill up should have you rolling some serious coal
I love two stroke oil. Qt per tank religously. I think used 15-40 is up his alley.
Wanting spark plugs more and more....

Never being asked, in any way/form, how to make smoke sounds damn good to me right now.

The CompD tear apart was amazing, my side hurts a little from laughingLOL!
wow looks like a bunch of ball bags that sit on there computer all day and have no life o thats right all of you bum ass that have are so greate then y are you on there if you no every thing and cant answer anything

we been waiting for you you phuckin retard...
Wow, he took a beating.

I know him and I think im gonna need to have a talk with him...
I heard there is this stuff that you add to engine oil that will make it smoke like a freight train.

Sodium Silicate? Something like that.
Yeah, its sodium silicate, its a special engine oil additive that makes diesel engines smoke really good.

It mixes with the oil, and makes the oil more viscous, allowing the engine to not have to work as hard to spin, therefore not as much fuel will be burned at the same work load, in turn making more smoke.
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Pretty Easy on the 12V a buddy did it for me on mine! It's awesome!
I'm sure your VE pumped 12v does. Men, this is the guy that likes to scam people on all the forums. If he's causing trouble let him have it. I'll go back to my corner now.:pop: