smokin around the town

And what pisses me off is you've got some of the same guys in this thread calling the original poster all kinds of names for smoking like he did, yet in the thread about the train smoking its a completely different story. Oh man its so cool...

Like I said double standard.
They could try, but it'd NEVER happen.

I beg to differ, and they really can't if we as a community stand up to those idiots.

You are kidding me right? Do you know why we have emissions now? Really? Think about this just for half of a second. Just think of what the E stands for in EPA...also the P. Seriously..are you serious?

As far as the asshat that started this thread. You're not the only one we've picked on, get over it. If you think that your big enough to say that we are acting like children by calling you out for it then get off of this website. We've got plenty of people here that have the same mindset towards things like this. We are some of the MANY diesel enthusiasts that will make progress towards cleaner power...not only because it gives us a better image but it means our vehicles are tuned to the highest caliber with the modifications that we have done to them.

You just might be...might be a good guy. What you have shown on this board is, to put it nicely, retarded.
Some of you that put smoknyou03 down are sad, do yall have nothing better to do then keep coming back to this thread and talking s**t. I think yall need to grow up and move on. I think he already knows his video was not positive.
Some of you that put smoknyou03 down are sad, do yall have nothing better to do then keep coming back to this thread and talking s**t. I think yall need to grow up and move on. I think he already knows his video was not positive.

So we need to grow up because we're not out and about in town with a camera on our trucks smoking people out.

Well, as soon as mine is running again I will do just that and come to you for my certificate of grown upedness.
Its in the staging lanes forum.

Yes I know why we have emissions and I know what EPA, don't ask stupid questions. Now, how about YOU think about this for half a second. How many diesels are on the road that are pre-07? The real number is un-important because anyone with half a brain knows that the number of pre-07 diesels far outwieghs the 07 and later diesels. You think, even if the EPA was stupid enough to try and ban said vehicles that it'd fly with the country as a whole? In todays economy? The EPA wouldn't want to be responsible for essentially killing the economy.

Do you really feel like the EPA could do what ever they wanted? If so then I feel sorry for you... not to mention its an attitude like yours that makes them think they can.
So we need to grow up because we're not out and about in town with a camera on our trucks smoking people out.

Seriously, don't be ****ing stupid. That is NOT at all what he was meaning and you know it. He didn't even remotely hint at it. It was responses like this that pissed me off in the thread I mention earlier.
Listen here carqest, im saying that everone can keep this thread going but your not going to get anywere. He either knows what he did is wrong or not wrong. Cargest.
Cumminspower, i dont care for his video either but nothing you or i say will change people like this. I bet you he will post another video within a week if not on here some were.
Its in the staging lanes forum.

Yes I know why we have emissions and I know what EPA, don't ask stupid questions. Now, how about YOU think about this for half a second. How many diesels are on the road that are pre-07? The real number is un-important because anyone with half a brain knows that the number of pre-07 diesels far outwieghs the 07 and later diesels. You think, even if the EPA was stupid enough to try and ban said vehicles that it'd fly with the country as a whole? In todays economy? The EPA wouldn't want to be responsible for essentially killing the economy.

Do you really feel like the EPA could do what ever they wanted? If so then I feel sorry for you... not to mention its an attitude like yours that makes them think they can.

Not once in my post did I say any of the things that you just mentioned. The EPA will do what they see fit. If that means making it a law to put DPFs on all trucks pre-07 and having random road checks, then they will do that. That's helping out the economy right there. Companies will make DPFs, diesel owners will have to buy them and if they don't and get caught without one they can impound or give us a big ol fine. They get calls ALL of the time about diesels smoking. Why do you think we are getting the attention we are getting?

And as far as diesel97, not sure what you mean by carqest or cargest or what..if it's a jab at where I work (CARQUEST) then there is the correct spelling for you. The OP is one of the punkass kids that rolls around in his diesel blowing smoke on people and creating dangerous situations. Sure I blew some smoke on people..when I was 17 and first bought the truck. Then I decided to use that fuel that I wasn't burning completely and found out that my truck ran a lot better...weird I know.
No jab, like i told cummins what you or i say wont make a diffrence. He will post a video somewere maybe not here but some were despite what we post, so why give this guy the attention.
Exactly. But, what it can do is show some of the younger enthusiasts that it isn't about smoke and it isn't welcome anymore. That's how I was turned around.
But, most of the younger enthusiasts are coming to the diesel side cause of black smoke, thay dont know that is unburnt fuel and lost of power.
And what pisses me off is you've got some of the same guys in this thread calling the original poster all kinds of names for smoking like he did, yet in the thread about the train smoking its a completely different story. Oh man its so cool...

Like I said double standard.

This little clever remark is amazing to me. If there are any vehicles traveling behind a train on railroad tracks then they deserve to be hit in the face with soot. Did you even read that thread?
ride42 said:
Not once in my post did I say any of the things that you just mentioned.

Then why would you quote my response to sledpuller's comments about the EPA? You quote me and when I respond to your comments on my quote, you tell me thats not what you were talking about?? You make no sense.

Yes, I read that thread. How else would I know you thought it was oh so cool? Oh and just becaus some adds on to about "how its cool as long as its not some truck smoking around town", that doesn't mean ****. Its a double standard.

THINK about it... like as if you were from outside the diesel community. Wether its train smoke or truck smoke its all smoke. Those who are actually going to do something like the EPA, don't care where the smoke is made or from what its made from. So its laughable at best for you or anyone else to call this guy a dumbass and say hes giving us a bad name, yet turn around and say the smoke from that old train is cool. It all gives a bad name... wether it beat from some kid driving daddies diesel around town, a pro mod going down the track, a city bus, a semi on the highway, or an old train... it all gives a bad name for diesels.

My point is and always has been, it you or anyone else is going to ***** about this guy making smoke, ***** about every diesel that makes smoke.

Its a double standard and hypocritical coming from anyone whos ever purposely made their truck smoke... which is most I'd say, at some point anyways.
My point is and always has been, it you or anyone else is going to ***** about this guy making smoke, ***** about every diesel that makes smoke.

Its a double standard and hypocritical coming from anyone whos ever purposely made their truck smoke... which is most I'd say, at some point anyways.
We were on him for videoing it, thinking we were gonna think he was cool, posting it, and then getting belligerent when he was called out on it.

The mature thing to do is admit to a mistake, and move on. Not justify it (with idiotic, immature reasons) and insult, and attack those that point out a less than brilliant idea.
And what pisses me off is you've got some of the same guys in this thread calling the original poster all kinds of names for smoking like he did, yet in the thread about the train smoking its a completely different story. Oh man its so cool...

Like I said double standard.

i'm PRETTY SURE that 99% (made up percentage by the way) of the posts in that thread are sarcastic and are making fun of this thread... that's how i read them anyway