smokin around the town

We were on him for videoing it, thinking we were gonna think he was cool, posting it, and then getting belligerent when he was called out on it.

The mature thing to do is admit to a mistake, and move on. Not justify it (with idiotic, immature reasons) and insult, and attack those that point out a less than brilliant idea.

i never thought anyone would think i was cool

i posted it thinking some would get a laugh

you are the immature one arguing on a computer about someguy hundreds or thousands of miles away is gonna get diesels banned and is so stupid

grow up
And what pisses me off is you've got some of the same guys in this thread calling the original poster all kinds of names for smoking like he did, yet in the thread about the train smoking its a completely different story. Oh man its so cool...

Like I said double standard.

That picture was taken 50 years ago, and was LITERALLY rolling coal.

Speaking of which, how many of them do you see anymore?? Ask the coal industry how their business is, thanks to the EPA.

You are amazing. How old are you, 17? You need to educate yourself.
EPA banning our trucks from yesterday,
They could try, but it'd NEVER happen.

I beg to differ, and they really can't if we as a community stand up to those idiots.

The community stand up against them????

WTF, you mean the same community that you TARDS have been SMOKING at WALMART!?!??!?!!!!!!??!?!

Yea they will help us.:bang

You imbecile the COMMUNITY is the ones TRYING to get us banned or shut down BECAUSE of people LIKE YOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This guy is kidding me, right, no one is this stupid... can't be.........*bdh**bdh**bdh**bdh*
Crop dusting at its best!!!! I personally was against stacks but you just got me to reconsider seeing how it lays it perfectly in the lane.!!LMFAOOOOOO!!!!

This video is hilarious! Ignore all these old geezers.
Crop dusting at its best!!!! I personally was against stacks but you just got me to reconsider seeing how it lays it perfectly in the lane.!!LMFAOOOOOO!!!!

This video is hilarious! Ignore all these old geezers.

i appreciate it man. i must admit the single stack lays a perfect cloud. im runnin a 6in. mitre cut. i payed $120 for the stack. got 4 feet of 5in. flex tubin from a truck store for $20 and payed about $20 for some couplers. and we welded the rest up ourselves. fairly inexpensive and gives a unique look
Nobody argue with gene...besides holding a PhD in politics, mechanical engineering, and whatever else is convient he and Gale Banks helped Rudolph Diesel create the first diesel engine...just quit while you can this man knows everything.:hehe:
everybody quit ur b!tch'n everyone has done it everyone will do it. Alot of people STILL do it. Epa is already in our ass he has already done it so who gives? I just cant believe there are people on this board that get pissed off at people that do this stuff when they did it b4 :bang
Oh, is there any way we could incorporate a IQ test when you register? I realize that would drastically cut down membership, but the pure idiocy around here is amazing.
Carry on morons, do as you wish. Just remember you've been warned about the consequences.
This thread r super cereal
Sledpuller, mod or not I don't care... your responses show imaturity and ignorance. You flew off the handle and made some wild assumptions... and the funny thing to me is here you are getting angry at me lumping me in the same category as the original poster because of my posts here, the same thing you did in the thread about the silver ram smoking out on the freeway. NOT once in either thread have I said it was okay to do what they did, infact in the other thread I believe I stated several times I disagreed with it... yet you and others over look it and because I'm going against the grain... you assume I'm one of those guys that goes around town smoking everybody out. VERY immature on your part...

By community I meant anyone who owns or uses diesels... if you would have slowed down a bit and read my posts I think you would have gotten that, but congratulations on a rant about the wrong thing...

How old am I? Its none of your business, but I'm not 17. I need to educate myself? Pffh, please...

No those trains aren't around anymore... but just think, those trains actually served a purpose, unlike us modifing our trucks and taking them to the track and what not. So my point here is if you or anyone else is going to ***** about smoke, do it on any and all ocassions... because smoke is smoke and in all situations it only hurts our cause.

I've said that before, I honestly don't know how else to say it so people like sledpuller can comprehend it and not assume I'm defending the actions in the video.
No those trains aren't around anymore... but just think, those trains actually served a purpose, unlike us modifing our trucks and taking them to the track and what not. So my point here is if you or anyone else is going to ***** about smoke, do it on any and all ocassions... because smoke is smoke and in all situations it only hurts our cause.

I've said that before, I honestly don't know how else to say it so people like sledpuller can comprehend it and not assume I'm defending the actions in the video.

during the time when that train was still being used there was no way to run it "clean" and get the power they needed, so there is no way for us to criticize it... today we have methods and parts that can make a diesel run as clean as we want and still make loads of power!!! today there is no excuse for driving around town smoking out people, sure everyone's done it TO AN EXTENT, but he went a little overboard...
nothing wrong with smoke at the track, it's just not something that should be on the street
You people are getting way to worked up about this. Find something better to do, like grab a beer - or sleep with a woman. Why the hell are you all so worried about type-yelling at people. The kid got the point - how about another 200 people type-yell just to make sure though. Type-yelling is pretty cool. One of the mods should just close this dumb A** thread.
Glasseater said:
nothing wrong with smoke at the track

No to me there isn't, but if you or anyone else thinks the EPA only cares about on road smoke, your in serious denial. Thats why I say from the outside and not only to the EPA, smoke is smoke is smoke. It all looks dirty, seems like pollution, and it all hurts our cause.
Oh, is there any way we could incorporate a IQ test when you register? I realize that would drastically cut down membership, but the pure idiocy around here is amazing.
Carry on morons, do as you wish. Just remember you've been warned about the consequences.

It would cut down the membership here. But not as much as some other sitesLOL

Gene is a vendor, not a mod. VENDORS ARE BLUE
No to me there isn't, but if you or anyone else thinks the EPA only cares about on road smoke, your in serious denial. Thats why I say from the outside and not only to the EPA, smoke is smoke is smoke. It all looks dirty, seems like pollution, and it all hurts our cause.

Most intelligunt post on thread.:cheer: There is hope.