I wonder if thelma and louise will talk smack and sofa king screw up my day today.
morning gentlemen....super reds mechanic had a sofa king good night...he's already working on red this morning!!!!!!!!!!
btw quarterman....thelma and louise sofa king whooped some a$$...watch out my friend!!!!!!!
Didn't Thelma and Louise Sofa King drive off a cliff ?
Fa King women drivers....:poke:
THAT thelma and louise did....this time though, they are gonna be tossin quarters over that cliff and sofa king laughing their hota$$es off....:kick: $.02
I have a feeling that we may Sofa King change Beech Bend's Grudge Match policy forever LOL
You know this is Sofa King the funniest chit I've read yet! I almost went to the last TS . I think I am sofa king going to have to go this coming one. Hey Tim I sofa king need to tag along and ride out with you when it does come out. Darren, you are sofa king in a bad place right now with every one turning their backs on your for some hota$$!:hehe:
The TS race huh?
Ehhhh...I might drag my sorry ass out there this year. LOL
I wonder if thelma and louise will talk smack and sofa king screw up my day today.

Good Morning Quarterman!! Do you need someone to smack that a$$ this morning so you can get motivated??? Better get to work on that extra 150 hp. You are sofa king gonna need it!!!
Good Morning Quarterman!! Do you need someone to smack that a$$ this morning so you can get motivated??? Better get to work on that extra 150 hp. You are sofa king gonna need it!!!

Good morning hotass some ass smacking would be sofa king sweet of you don't you worry your little hotass about my 150hp I can smack a little ass to.