Ass smacking ?
All I hear is Thelma and Louise screaming......

And that's all I have to say about that.........LOL
Ass smacking ?
All I hear is Thelma and Louise screaming......

And that's all I have to say about that.........LOL

Oh Unbroken...did you have to go and do that?? I really hate working on Photoshop, but I guess it is sofa king on!!! You perfectly captured what I told Slowpoke and "the Jeff Garmon" would happen to Super Red if I lose!
unbroken....honey....i think that you got your little laugh:bang, but, i feel bad that the only way you could get your laugh is by not putting the next picture of superred landing on the other side of the canyon because it had so much hp that it cleared it's landing as it lightened it's load by tossing all those quarters $.02out of the bed !!! AND ...do you REALLY think that "THE" jeff garmon would allow his perfect little high horsepower hota$$ bride fall in a cliff??? i sofa king don't think so.....:umno:
Ass smacking ?
All I hear is Thelma and Louise screaming......

And that's all I have to say about that.........LOL

This needs tom petty's song free falling playing in the background and it would be sofa king dramatic.
I do have the landing pic...but it's not quite what you describe ?

I hope you Sofa King hot asses get out OK cause that looks a bit rough....
I do have the landing pic...but it's not quite what you describe ?

I hope you Sofa King hot asses get out OK cause that looks a bit rough....

I would like to thank you for building Quarterman's confidence. Maybe he won't be such a cry baby today and can actually get some work done!! Ooops...there I go running my sofa king mouth piece again!!!
Not to mention I'll be racing in my bikini!! Told you I didn't play fair!!:shake:

This isn't cheating according to the NFUO rule book:

Section 69, paragraph 1..." Small, flame retardent bikinis are permited, as long as: (1) the driver is a hot female. (2) There is high quality in cab video footage. (3) Driver submits to photography & autograph signing while IN said bikini, or a portion thereof."


-We Todd.
Man, we are freaking busy today at work...It's been hard to catch up on my reading...LOL

Ya'll, this is good!!! LOL

The ladies seem to handling their Business on the forum!!! Wow!!
This isn't cheating according to the NFUO rule book:

Section 69, paragraph 1..." Small, flame retardent bikinis are permited, as long as: (1) the driver is a hot female. (2) There is high quality in cab video footage. (3) Driver submits to photography & autograph signing while IN said bikini, or a portion thereof."


-We Todd.

Oh Quarterman you are sofa king in trouble now that I have this information!! Better bring some big blinders big boy!!
In cab race video of women in bikinis.. Can we add speed bumps? If not, we just need to hold the race at Steele, AL.. Lots of speed bumps at the end of that track.. That would be a great video.. haha..
I am sofa king planning to make a business trip to TS next year!
I do have the landing pic...but it's not quite what you describe ?

I hope you Sofa King hot asses get out OK cause that looks a bit rough....

dear sweet unbroken....again, you pulled up the wrong pic....that pic is of the explosion that quarterman is gonna do right before he hits the gas pedal
after he views me at the end of the track flashin him my sofa king
big beautiful you knows and the red hota$$ mama in her bikini leavin him at the line goin over speedbumps ...you're sofa king gonna need ur camera....CLICK!!!!:tree:
Man!!! TS OWES US!!!

This thread is GREAT for Business!!!!!!!!

I bet it'll be a record crowd and lots of FIRST'S!!!!! LOL