Spring Fling 2013 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't attempt to be scared when the pink panther from IA hasn't put mah motor in mah truck yet.

You certainly talk alot of chit for a owner who goes nowhere and does nothing.
Think maybe we need to call you Wade Jr.
Yes it did......
Its the gift that keeps on giving all night long!

If ANYONE knows Robert Meeks(I believe I got the spelling correct),it was a Dark Colored Ford with temps tags on it,would they please inform him before he participates in one of our coming events he HAS to have a chat with a M-D TDC Club Officer about his antics in the middle of a very busy US Rte 15 today.What he did today was a classless act of stupidity and it reflected poorly upon our club and the DGR Racing shop.NO ONE NEEDS TO BE DOING DONUTS IN THE MIDDLE OF A US Rte WITH HEAVY TRAFFIC WHICH HAD TO STOP BECAUSE OF HIS BS.The DGR Racing shop and The M-D TDC have a very good working relationship with the local LEO's and we certainly do need any issues like that which could either shutdown our shows or possible not allow us to have anymore.Your incident today was an uncalled for act of stupidity and was performed without thinking about those who still wanted to compete at our show.This show was not all about you,even though you vainly tried to make it that way,and you almost ruined it for those who were still enjoying the show.So Thanks for almost taking away something myself and a few others started many years ago and the current officers worked hard to create for this year...........Andy

Andy, I couldn't have said this better myself. I witnessed it, and couldn't believe my eyes. It's amazing that he didn't cause a major pile up on the road, and hurt or kill someone. For the most part, the participants in our shows come and have a good time with some nice trucks, good food, and friends. It only takes one assclown to ruin for everyone.

Ok, rant off.
andy, it was a extended cab 6.4 if that helps anyone.

I personally think he should not be allowed back if he can't control his childish behavior.

Yes it did......
Its the gift that keeps on giving all night long!

If ANYONE knows Robert Meeks(I believe I got the spelling correct),it was a Dark Colored Ford with temps tags on it,would they please inform him before he participates in one of our coming events he HAS to have a chat with a M-D TDC Club Officer about his antics in the middle of a very busy US Rte 15 today.What he did today was a classless act of stupidity and it reflected poorly upon our club and the DGR Racing shop.NO ONE NEEDS TO BE DOING DONUTS IN THE MIDDLE OF A US Rte WITH HEAVY TRAFFIC WHICH HAD TO STOP BECAUSE OF HIS BS.The DGR Racing shop and The M-D TDC have a very good working relationship with the local LEO's and we certainly do need any issues like that which could either shutdown our shows or possible not allow us to have anymore.Your incident today was an uncalled for act of stupidity and was performed without thinking about those who still wanted to compete at our show.This show was not all about you,even though you vainly tried to make it that way,and you almost ruined it for those who were still enjoying the show.So Thanks for almost taking away something myself and a few others started many years ago and the current officers worked hard to create for this year...........Andy
Between all the donuts and Dmitri I can't believe that nobody has said it, but CONGRATS on the win Mark!
YES congrats VA outlaw on the win & Hammer had a pretty good run too.

hopefully fall brawl we can get all 3 makes to compete.

Between all the donuts and Dmitri I can't believe that nobody has said it, but CONGRATS on the win Mark!
just out of curiosity there is always talk of the west coast dynos inflating numbers.... does this lighten any proof on that concept ????
You certainly talk alot of chit for a owner who goes nowhere and does nothing.
Think maybe we need to call you Wade Jr.

I've been over this before. Minnesota is local to nothing of scale for events with out a damn near week commitment. I just don't have the time and won't for many more years. Career first then play abroad.
I've been over this before. Minnesota is local to nothing of scale for events with out a damn near week commitment. I just don't have the time and won't for many more years. Career first then play abroad.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses....

Wade Jr....
We ALL have careers, Families & Obligations so what.There sre plenty of shows to make but not you,you would rather flap your interwebby piehole trying to make a guy who towed across country and laid down a number look bad.

Guess we should all bow down to your vast amount of internet HP!

Sent While Touring The NorthEast!
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses....

Wade Jr....
We ALL have careers, Families & Obligations so what.There sre plenty of shows to make but not you,you would rather flap your interwebby piehole trying to make a guy who towed across country and laid down a number look bad.

Guess we should all bow down to your vast amount of internet HP!

Sent While Touring The NorthEast!

It is what it is. My time is accounted for this year for anything that requires PTO.

As for sparkles. All I asked was what happened to 1700whp. Typical compdouchebag.com members twisting the comment around.
just out of curiosity there is always talk of the west coast dynos inflating numbers.... does this lighten any proof on that concept ????

Not really. Different dyno's give different readings. Dmitri's fuel only number was about 100 hp higher at this latest event than it was on the superflow in Santa Rosa(CA), while his nitrous numbers were 150(or so) hp lower. Most of the issue is just winter time bickering. Same day, same dyno is the only true way to compare. Both guys put up excellent numbers and VA Outlaw beat him soundly.
First off - the crew at DGR, Ted, Coop, and the rest of the club, it was a great event as always. I was glad to see the large turnout for y'all's event.

Dmitri and Mike it was nice talking to you guys. Also, Mulisha, I think (I didn't catch your name before someone interrupted... white CR dual offset stacks) thanks for the tire input.

Czerak, you were answered in post #157. Yet it appears you are too dense, or (as I suspect) can't comprehend the answer, to know you were answered.
Czerak, you were answered in post #157. Yet it appears you are too dense, or (as I suspect) can't comprehend the answer, to know you were answered.

I read just fine. Hammer has diarrhea of the keyboard attempting to justify something. Tell him to shut it, not me.
I read just fine. Hammer has diarrhea of the keyboard attempting to justify something. Tell him to shut it, not me.

You're correct. I misread your post as asking again what happened to the numbers in the article, not as a statement of what you asked originally. I apologize.

As for Hammer... I don't agree with his posts at times, but I do agree this time. It was impressive what Dmitri accomplished this weekend. I don't believe he, or anyone that put their truck on the dyno, deserve to be questioned by someone who wasn't even there.
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I read just fine. Hammer has diarrhea of the keyboard attempting to justify something. Tell him to shut it, not me.

Nope no irregularity issue here,yet,who knows now I did have 2 bowls of Mike's "Blame The Dog" chili though.I will say I have long since tired of your smart azzed comments about people who DO go to shows and at least compete,while you sit at home and do NOTHING but criticize their work.Numbers on any given day are what they are and IMO anyone who has the time to come enjoy our hosted show is Ok by me,no matter what they lay down.

I will tell you what their Wade Jr,IF,and I do not feel you have the stones to show yourself here,IF you have the intestinal fortitude to show up here for our fall show,I WILL COMP YOUR DYNO RUN.Then maybe,just maybe,you may have some grounds to stand on when you bash others but until you show up its time you shut up or quit crying about what other do that you can not.
You're correct. I misread your post as asking again what happened to the numbers in the article, not as a statement of what you asked originally. I apologize.

As for Hammer... I don't agree with his posts at times, but I do agree this time. It was impressive what Dmitri accomplished this weekend. I don't believe he, or anyone that put their truck on the dyno, deserve to be questioned by someone who wasn't even there.

Just wondering about 1700. that is all.
JASON: since you wont drop it till you get a answer here it is. I will answer your question the best I can & pretty sure andy/Dmitri or any real power builder will agree with. too many variables to know why. 1% cf instead of 5-10%, outside temperature, humidity, tire temp, altitude, atmospheric pressure. battery health and voltage. all fluid temps (trans,fuel,oil), nitrous temp plays a HUGE role in numbers depending on temperature.

It is what it is. My time is accounted for this year for anything that requires PTO.

As for sparkles. All I asked was what happened to 1700whp. Typical compdouchebag.com members twisting the comment around.