Spring Fling 2013 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Now on to more important things.....

First off THANK YOU to the ENTIRE DGR Performance crew for hosting this fine event.Each year it gets larger and I can honestly say I can not remember a larger field of trucks than what we had on Saturday.I would also like to thank our club officers and members who helped put on a very nice gathering for us all to attend and without their hard work the show would never happen.......THANKS GUYS and GALS!!!!!!

Congratulations to BOTH Dimitri and VaOutlaw for the OUTSTANDING show and numbers made.From where we started back in 2001 at our first show where 331hp won the whole deal we have came along way.I can say this those of us left from that first year never envisioned what we have seen over the years and it shows each owners dedication to hard work and enjoyment of our sport!.VaOutlaw thanks for keeping us Dodge Owners Proud and on top!.

LOTS of people,GREAT Food,Good Times,LOADS of stories to carry forth with keep us all coming back for more.It was very nice to see all the old timers again and all the new faces who were very abundant this spring!.See You All In The Fall!!!!!......Andy
Nope no irregularity issue here,yet,who knows now I did have 2 bowls of Mike's "Blame The Dog" chili though.I will say I have long since tired of your smart azzed comments about people who DO go to shows and at least compete,while you sit at home and do NOTHING but criticize their work.Numbers on any given day are what they are and IMO anyone who has the time to come enjoy our hosted show is Ok by me,no matter what they lay down.

I will tell you what their Wade Jr,IF,and I do not feel you have the stones to show yourself here,IF you have the intestinal fortitude to show up here for our fall show,I WILL COMP YOUR DYNO RUN.Then maybe,just maybe,you may have some grounds to stand on when you bash others but until you show up its time you shut up or quit crying about what other do that you can not.

Blah blah blah. Obviously you can't understand the words from my posts.

I'll hit a local load dyno here post numbers. Then i'll drive to my closest 1/4 mile track, 120miles away and back them numbers up. You will have to deal with that. :)
JASON: since you wont drop it till you get a answer here it is. I will answer your question the best I can & pretty sure andy/Dmitri or any real power builder will agree with. too many variables to know why. 1% cf instead of 5-10%, outside temperature, humidity, tire temp, altitude, atmospheric pressure. battery health and voltage. all fluid temps (trans,fuel,oil), nitrous temp plays a HUGE role in numbers depending on temperature.

I did drop it. Others chose not to. I felt compelled to troll them further. Always an easy task on compd.
just out of curiosity there is always talk of the west coast dynos inflating numbers.... does this lighten any proof on that concept ????

I saw very similar numbers from his truck on his dyno with a 1.24 correction factor. Not sure if his setup has changed since I saw it run
well I made it back an unloaded my lime, 3000 lbs is noticed in the bed of these trucks.... kept it under 65 and was fine. great show, the antics of meeks, well thats a fine example of what not to do. Only bummer was the Kareoffkee singers last night at flapjacks, bout soured my beer.
The Clampetts even stopped by....LOL

well I made it back an unloaded my lime, 3000 lbs is noticed in the bed of these trucks.... kept it under 65 and was fine. great show, the antics of meeks, well thats a fine example of what not to do. Only bummer was the Kareoffkee singers last night at flapjacks, bout soured my beer.

What was his full name mike. Robert meeks.. A total fukin moron that is never allowed back there again.. This tool pulled off the dyno and decided to do donuts in the middle of a highway.. On coming traffic had to slam on brakes and wait for the show to end... At least he hit the curb on his last 360... Black new ford with temp plates...
truck looks good with 3k in the3 bed......... still showed an inch till the bump stops hit........ rode a lot smoother, boost numbers were up.
We would also like to thank all those involved in putting on such a great event. You guys definitely worked your butts off to keep things moving so smoothly. My entire team had a great time and are glad we could be part of your event. Thanks again.

But next time could you make it a little warmer outside .. haaa
Good to see all you guys again! I had a great time as usual and it makes for a great weekend when your truck throws down some good numbers. :rockwoot:

Congrats Mark on your outstanding runs! Good seeing you again and hopefully you guys will be back in the fall.

And congrats to Dmitri for making the long trip and putting on a show. It was good to see a west coaster come to the east side and see how the numbers really look without those huge correction factors.

Hope to see you all in the fall.
We would also like to thank all those involved in putting on such a great event. You guys definitely worked your butts off to keep things moving so smoothly. My entire team had a great time and are glad we could be part of your event. Thanks again.

But next time could you make it a little warmer outside .. haaa

Congrats on beating Duramini, he's a tough nut to crack. You going to be headed back to the track anytime soon in your ride?
Now on to more important things.....

First off THANK YOU to the ENTIRE DGR Performance crew for hosting this fine event.Each year it gets larger and I can honestly say I can not remember a larger field of trucks than what we had on Saturday.I would also like to thank our club officers and members who helped put on a very nice gathering for us all to attend and without their hard work the show would never happen.......THANKS GUYS and GALS!!!!!!

Congratulations to BOTH Dimitri and VaOutlaw for the OUTSTANDING show and numbers made.From where we started back in 2001 at our first show where 331hp won the whole deal we have came along way.I can say this those of us left from that first year never envisioned what we have seen over the years and it shows each owners dedication to hard work and enjoyment of our sport!.VaOutlaw thanks for keeping us Dodge Owners Proud and on top!.

LOTS of people,GREAT Food,Good Times,LOADS of stories to carry forth with keep us all coming back for more.It was very nice to see all the old timers again and all the new faces who were very abundant this spring!.See You All In The Fall!!!!!......Andy

Speaking of which, how'd you do? Long time no talk to, it's Jason from Diesel Power mag.
Congrats on beating Duramini, he's a tough nut to crack. You going to be headed back to the track anytime soon in your ride?

Thanks Jason .. We have another custom turbo being built now , once its in we do plan on hitting the track again.

It was nice to finally go up against Dimitri on the same dyno , he has got an awesome running truck thats for sure.
We did very well for the time we had to tune before the show.Lee Reiff has built me a custom harness and worked the bugs out so we could upgrade my 05 truck to EFI Live and try to refine the tuning a bit.With Lee's help,and a couple of others,we have the first runs from a jet I have spent hours on and a good baseline to do some more work with.918/1437 on fuel and 1152/1775 on spray with the small .80 jet and only one stage.

Lots of learning and work to be done but so far we seem to be on the right track......Andy
.080 jet? Pssh.....

Good times man, maybe I can make it for the fall!
Good times man, maybe I can make it for the fall!

I would REALLY like to see you come out,it is a good time and you would enjoy yourself.
I'll buy the steaks when you show and if you want a place to stay you are more than welcome to stay with us.
Bring your camera and your appetite,we can handle them...LOL

We are hoping for a trip west this year for at least one show,not sure which one yet.
Just hope they don't lock the gates that cross the Big Muddy to keep us back east,LOL.