SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

You running a pressure box Swole? Just curious for those with no box if RP should be turned up to like 50?
Is that shift delay even with no tuner? My 05 does that whether I have a tuner in it or not.


You running a pressure box Swole? Just curious for those with no box if RP should be turned up to like 50?

Still have my MP8 and a Dr. P box... I just like the idea of controling pressure when I want / need it on the fly... Keeping it very low all the other times...

I can't afford to have Any more issue...
Rail Pressure

I'm still running my MP-8 cause I like controlling rp on the dial. For you other guys that are doing the same are you running rp on 0 on the Smarty? I've been messing around with 5.
Here was my last noted settings I ran on the street for decent spool / smoke / power....

For some with similar mods that want a powerful street tune...But then again, it may not work for all...Obviously..

Shift Limiter OFF
RPM's Stock
LLT 15
HLT 29
LLD 18
HLD 32

I'm still running my MP-8 cause I like controlling rp on the dial. For you other guys that are doing the same are you running rp on 0 on the Smarty? I've been messing around with 5.

The above settings were run but used the mp8 to very fine tune my WOT RP if I wanted a max hp run...

Just make sure you have a gauge and be careful...

Or just run the 0 and fine tune from there...

Can be done either way...
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I wouldn't set the Rail pressure to 50 except at the track. Even then with Dual CP3's it's pretty agressive. It gets to 25,500 really quick on my truck. I guess set it as high as you think you can afford... :hehe:

Setting the LLTiming lower, helps spool large chargers, but as Jason said, it spools really nice anyway. If you are getting a little haze at cruise try going with a little less LLTiming. Looking far a mpg improvement? Play with the LLTiming. More is not always better though.

Jason, I would reduce both the HLTiming and HLDuration until you get on a dyno. By your driving description, I suspect you have to much of both, but every truck is different.

Hmmmmm, yup it looks like that hesitation is an 05 thing. Also this last beta tester got an 05...

I'm still running my MP-8 cause I like controlling rp on the dial. For you other guys that are doing the same are you running rp on 0 on the Smarty? I've been messing around with 5.

The RP settings on the SSR are a bit less aggressive than what the TNTR had.
Combine this with the fine steps.... # 5 is just a tiny bit above stock level.

We'll see if the RP should become more aggressive in the future. For now I've choosen to start it slow. As you probably know, I'm not a big fan of increased RP. Too many problems with it in the long run.

hmmm that surge is gone.... I'm curious if I even need a BOV anymore. I gave it a quick go and saw 55psi and zero surge.
what is the HLT adjustment range? what would the equivelent setting for 21 Deg BTC be?
what is the HLT adjustment range? what would the equivelent setting for 21 Deg BTC be?

The settings are from 0-50.

21 Deg? At what rpm, load, coolant temp, air temp, etc. The timing on a CR is dynamic. Is the 21 degrees from the start of the pilot injection, or from the main? Do you want 21 degrees when the pilot is spraying 2.0mm3 or 5mm3? Or when the main is delivering 20mm3, or 100mm3?

I'm not trying to be an a$$, just trying to point out one of the benefits on the CR is being able to delevop timing maps, not just a single point of timing. This ability is one of the reasons that on a CR we can street drive turbos that you would never dream of with a p-pump. Or why you can see full sized 10 second CR's running without a hint of smoke.

Please don't take this message wrong... I know you have made a lot of passes at the drag strip, and I HIGHLY respect that.

Who's had the LLTiming down below 12? with 100%+ over injectors? I'm still rattling a little and I'm not sure if it's rail of injector. I've also lowered the LLRail down to 10. See how the drive home is.
Jason, I took mine down to 05 a time or two... I never got rid of my rattle completely...

But that was not the updated software either, so........
I'm not going to be thin skinned I'm just asking where you would start? the levels have to have some type of beginning value and some type of ending value. I don't now what those are and I would like to understand how it affects things! when you change the settings?
where would you start at with a 03?

The settings are from 0-50.

21 Deg? At what rpm, load, coolant temp, air temp, etc. The timing on a CR is dynamic. Is the 21 degrees from the start of the pilot injection, or from the main? Do you want 21 degrees when the pilot is spraying 2.0mm3 or 5mm3? Or when the main is delivering 20mm3, or 100mm3?

I'm not trying to be an a$$, just trying to point out one of the benefits on the CR is being able to delevop timing maps, not just a single point of timing. This ability is one of the reasons that on a CR we can street drive turbos that you would never dream of with a p-pump. Or why you can see full sized 10 second CR's running without a hint of smoke.

Please don't take this message wrong... I know you have made a lot of passes at the drag strip, and I HIGHLY respect that.

Jason, I took mine down to 05 a time or two... I never got rid of my rattle completely...

But that was not the updated software either, so........

I have a good sized hesitation around 2200rpm. I should start using my plx-datalogger to get throttle and load percentage numbers I could relay back to marco. I've lowered the timing and lowered the rail but bumped up the duration so.
I'll pull a "um, don't feel like wading though the threads" post.

Bob/Marco, What occurs to trigger the high load tables? A specific load percentage or throttle percentage?
Sounds like very good results so far for no longer than it has been available.
First time with the SSR..... I studied all the different settings everyone has posted and went with this....Ohh and Thanks to all for the post!

82 degrees @ 700'

Speed Lm - 150
RPM - Stock
Shift Lm - Off
Torque - 1
LLT - 15
HLT - 29
LLRP - 10
HLRP - 30
LLD - 15
HLD - 30

I have always had a hard time controlling smoke! Ended up going back to Revo 5 but still had a moderate haze
with descent power.....I felt sorry for the dude on the scooter behind! At first I had the 3.3's in and then went
back to the DDP 90's which is where I'm at now.

The smoke at these settings has almost disappeared...... I mean its night and day! It truly is alot easier to drive!
I daily drive my truck for work which equals to about 700 miles a week.

I just want to say Thanks and Awesome job Marco !!! It's going to be nice to dial some more power and control the smoke!

I have a good sized hesitation around 2200rpm. I should start using my plx-datalogger to get throttle and load percentage numbers I could relay back to marco. I've lowered the timing and lowered the rail but bumped up the duration so.

As a suggestion try going with the LLTiming up around 25, without changing anything else.

I'll pull a "um, don't feel like wading though the threads" post.

Bob/Marco, What occurs to trigger the high load tables? A specific load percentage or throttle percentage?

I'm by far not Bob or Marco, but until they can give you the real answer, I was told it was with a calculated load. I do not know, what the load is though.
