Super Street rules ??


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Nov 16, 2006
I know this has been talked about before but I am going to bring it up again. Why can't you do away with the no hood stack rule. and the fuel cell placement rule.
Last year when I built my truck to run in the Outlaw Super Stock class I built it with racing the Super Street class in mind too. I left the stock tank in place but went with a Hood stack to save weight as my truck still is about 400# too heavy for that class. Then I find out you put in the rules no hood stacks so I don't fit in . I am too heavy for Pro Street and going to fast for 11.90 index.
I know of several trucks that have fallen though the cracks because of these two rules and would love to race in Super Street but don't want to change their trucks back and forth to compete in different organizations classes.

I think these two rules are irrelevant in this class anyway because most of the trucks that run this class competitively are pretty much strictly race trucks any way . The fuel cell is a safety factor and as far as the hood stack goes it is street legal here in Michigan and Indiana we have several trucks running around my area with hood stacks on the street.
with the new 11.90 class the super street entries are now very fast trucks, basically heavy pro street from the few i have seen. Last year at pheonix, the only race i was able to attend, the SS class was way small compared to before because a lot of former ss trucks moved to 11.90. That being said I think that we might see a few more SS trucks if we did as toolman suggests,

I hereby throw my support, as one who has built a dedicated SS truck, behind the change in rules allowing hood stacks and fuel cells in SS. (not that my support matters but there it is)
im more for the index racing that wrongway purposed. A 10 or 10.5 class would be great for ss trucks imo
Thanks for input and if you look at the rules it states fuel tank / cell must be in stock location. As far as hoodstack we can review rule at the end of the year as we dont change rules during the season as it is not fair to those competitors that built there trucks to meet the specs.

We do understand that we will never have rules that makes everyone happy but we do try our best
I guess that leaves me on the side lines for another year. Lol Or at least racing in the orgs that my truck fits.
Seriously though I know of 5 fast trucks that would fit perfectly in the Super Street class that aren't running it because they have hood stacks and are sitting out the races because they don't want to change their set up.
I have a suggestion, why not pole all the guys who ran Superstreet last year and see if they mind if the guys ran hood stacks and not have the fuel tank in the stock position or have a battery forward of the firewall? I'd bet they don't as none of those rules give those trucks any advantage. You have to be 6000 lbs and the fastest trucks in that class are at 6000 lbs. Why not change the rules and let more trucks in?

Max'd Out holds the record and if we'd got to have another pass in Topeka we would have set it even lower. Ran 9.36 in Boise in September. I believe those rules were put in so we and a couple other trucks would move up to Prostreet. We decided to comply because Max'd Out was built to be a Superstreet truck. The 11.90 index class pretty much fit the bill for those who felt they couldn't compete in SS including me. Those rules currently make no sense. I would vote to remove the hood stack and fuel tank restriction and let those trucks who want to race SS in. We need trucks on the track not more truck in the parking lot.
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I have a suggestion, why not pole all the guys who ran Superstreet last year and see if they mind if the guys ran hood stacks and not have the fuel tank in the stock position or have a battery forward of the firewall? I'd bet they don't as none of those rules give those trucks any advantage. You have to be 6000 lbs and the fastest trucks in that class are at 6000 lbs. Why not change the rules and let more trucks in?

Max'd Out holds the record and if we'd got to have another pass in Topeka we would have set it even lower. Ran 9.36 in Boise in September. I believe those rules were put in so we and a couple other trucks would move up to Prostreet. We decided to comply because Max'd Out was built to be a Superstreet truck. The 11.90 index class pretty much fit the bill for those who felt they couldn't compete in SS including me. Those rules currently make no sense. I would vote to remove the hood stack and fuel tank restriction and let those trucks who want to race SS in. We need trucks on the track not more truck in the parking lot.

I agree with Rob the 6000# is what limits the class not all the other trivial stuff. BTW If you are trying to limit it to street trucks then how many 6000 # street trucks are out there? They all have to be somewhat stripped to get to that weight and then you have more or less a dedicated racer.
I agree with Rob the 6000# is what limits the class not all the other trivial stuff. BTW If you are trying to limit it to street trucks then how many 6000 # street trucks are out there? They all have to be somewhat stripped to get to that weight and then you have more or less a dedicated racer.

Subman is Ken to clear things up. I also agree with what Ken said and think it is a very good post. I made the effort to move all the stuff when they came out with the rule change, I knew it won't slow me down much at all, but made it less safe. I didn't like it as it didn't make sense to me, still doesn't. All we can do as racers is state our ideas and hope there are open minds involved in the decisions.
Just my thoughts before Jim starts telling me about rules.

Taking weight of a battery away from the rear where it does the most for stability and traction and placing it in the place that is the worse possible location for a race truck.

No remote battery shutoff like when the battery is in the rear so if an accident, the track staff can't shut the electrical system down.

The rule lends itself for trucks running a stock plastic tank, instead of a true fuel cell. This explains itself.
well hopefully the powers that be can be a little flexable on this one. Still 39 days till the first race and I don't see this as hurting anyone, in fact it should help. As I said earlier the 11.90 index class takes care of the original concerns for this class.
Sorry about the mix up on the names guys maybe if we get this cleared up and get a chance to race each other and meet face to face I'll be able to tell you two apart. LOL
Now, I'm confused! LOL



Seriously - Randy - you should post a poll and let the racers vote on this potential rule change. I know some of the trucks Bruce is referring to (and have gotten to race one of them), I think they would be great additions to the class!
Just my thoughts before Jim starts telling me about rules.

Taking weight of a battery away from the rear where it does the most for stability and traction and placing it in the place that is the worse possible location for a race truck.

No remote battery shutoff like when the battery is in the rear so if an accident, the track staff can't shut the electrical system down.

The rule lends itself for trucks running a stock plastic tank, instead of a true fuel cell. This explains itself.

If we are talking about the same Jim that you have his truck . That would be another Super Street truck that has set out for the last couple years because of the fuel tank location.
If we are talking about the same Jim that you have his truck . That would be another Super Street truck that has set out for the last couple years because of the fuel tank location.

No, the Jim I'm talking about rules is the guy in the other nhrda threads busting everyones balls about following nhra rules.

You are correct as far as having Jim's street/race truck in our shop. It would be perfect for S.S. but the fuel cell limits it.

Sorry for confusing.
A lot of trucks built for the Super-Stock class that also have nitrous would be great in Super-Street, but like Bruce's they have hood stacks &/or fuel cells. The one I referred to is Ashley Black's 4x4, but I've also raced Jim's 2WD and it would make a good SST truck as well!
I'd like to see the rules changed. I understand the class was meant for it to be street trucks. But I really don't see that happening. If nothing does change I may slow down and run 11.90.