Super Street rules ??

I left the stock tank in place but went with a Hood stack to save weight as my truck still is about 400# too heavy for that class. Then I find out you put in the rules no hood stacks so I don't fit in . I am too heavy for Pro Street and going to fast for 11.90 index.

I run an aluminum stack that doesn't weight anything, my personal preference is to keep the current rule in this class. For the TV coverage and the future of the sport, kind of like other forms of racing, we still need a class people can relate to. At least the image of what is in there driveway. I may be off base, just my thought.

We built our truck for the super street class, the rules then changed and so did I as I wanted to race with the best org. available. I don't always agree, but will race and make changes as needed. I like to ***** at times, but will be racing in the end.
I have 1 NHRDA race within 600 miles of me that is INDY. I have set up my truck to run the 2.6 Outlaw Super Stock class which gives me 4 races. I also change chargers and run 3-4 NADM races. Why would I want to change the set up that I run at all these other places that are half ways close to me with in 600 mi to run 1 NHRDA race.
But that is not really the point here. There are a bunch of guys out there that fit perfectly into this 6000# class and the only thing that is keeping them from it is one or the other of these rules. I would like to see NHRDA and all the organizations grow and help diesel motorsports grow. But I think there should be some continuity between the Orgs and the classes they have so more people can participate. There are only so many fast trucks out there to fill all the spots and they shouldn't be sitting on the side line because of where the smoke comes out.
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I have 1 NHRDA race within 600 miles of me that is INDY. I have set up my truck to run the 2.6 Outlaw Super Stock class which gives me 4 races. I also change chargers and run 3-4 NADM races. Why would I want to change the set up that I run at all these other places that are half ways close to me with in 600 mi to run 1 NHRDA race.
But that is not really the point here. There are a bunch of guys out there that fit perfectly into this 6000# class and the only thing that is keeping them from it is one or the other of these rules. I would like to see NHRDA and all the organizations grow and help diesel motorsports grow. But I think there should be some continuity between the Orgs and the classes they have so more people can participate. There are only so many fast trucks out there to fill all the spots and they shouldn't be sitting on the side line because of where the smoke comes out.

Just so we are clear I have said it in the past that I'm not sold on the current rules for the SS class. I do think they could and probably should be reaccessed. I agree the index class's would eliminate all of this rules issues but I'm not 100% sold on it either...

That being said your comments leave me a little confused. What I take away from your comments here is that you built a truck to run a class that was started last year for a single race. It started off strong and picked up what 2 more events running the class? This years event that started it all has yielded very little interest in the current rule set and has lead to another class somewhat similar being started at this same event. That event only has what 2 maybe 3 participants committed to it under the old rules? Now you want an established national organization to change the rules of its existing class to fit your truck build so you can make 1 race? That is just what I take from reading your above comments.

It seems like this thread is going the same direction as the other thread for the SST race.
Nhrda has 12 plus events with a world finals, yet some people choose to build a truck for what was gonna be one race. We've all been watching the progress on the 2.6 class, sorry to tell ya but I thinks she's dead. Maybe its time to re-evaluate what class you would like to run more often and go from there. My truck would fit into pro street rules for nadm but will never race it cause its a fuel only class and fords don't go fast without drugs.

Except a couple trucks most ss trucks run 10s where the pro street guys are running deep 9's now. At least there's a break in classes. Just my 2cents
I don't have a dog in this fight since my truck will hopefully scale in around 5k, buy the way I read toolman's comments is he looking for the nhrda to allow hood stacks and fuel cells. To me, that does not constitute major changes to the class. He also points out that this is not just to accommodate it could increase the truck count which is what ever org is trying to do.

Just my thoughts.


Just so we are clear I have said it in the past that I'm not sold on the current rules for the SS class. I do think they could and probably should be reaccessed. I agree the index class's would eliminate all of this rules issues but I'm not 100% sold on it either...

That being said your comments leave me a little confused. What I take away from your comments here is that you built a truck to run a class that was started last year for a single race. It started off strong and picked up what 2 more events running the class? This years event that started it all has yielded very little interest in the current rule set and has lead to another class somewhat similar being started at this same event. That event only has what 2 maybe 3 participants committed to it under the old rules? Now you want an established national organization to change the rules of its existing class to fit your truck build so you can make 1 race? That is just what I take from reading your above comments.

It seems like this thread is going the same direction as the other thread for the SST race.
I know this has been talked about before but I am going to bring it up again. Why can't you do away with the no hood stack rule. and the fuel cell placement rule.
Last year when I built my truck to run in the Outlaw Super Stock class I built it with racing the Super Street class in mind too. I left the stock tank in place but went with a Hood stack to save weight as my truck still is about 400# too heavy for that class. Then I find out you put in the rules no hood stacks so I don't fit in . I am too heavy for Pro Street and going to fast for 11.90 index.
I know of several trucks that have fallen though the cracks because of these two rules and would love to race in Super Street but don't want to change their trucks back and forth to compete in different organizations classes.

I think these two rules are irrelevant in this class anyway because most of the trucks that run this class competitively are pretty much strictly race trucks any way . The fuel cell is a safety factor and as far as the hood stack goes it is street legal here in Michigan and Indiana we have several trucks running around my area with hood stacks on the street.

The hood stack rule has been in place for at least 2 if not 3 years. The rules have always been posted on the NHRDA website.
I don't have a dog in this fight since my truck will hopefully scale in around 5k, buy the way I read toolman's comments is he looking for the nhrda to allow hood stacks and fuel cells. To me, that does not constitute major changes to the class. He also points out that this is not just to accommodate it could increase the truck count which is what ever org is trying to do.

Just my thoughts.


actually fuel cells are allowed they just have to be in the stock location. If you change the fuel cell location rule and hood stacks that's almost half the rules separating the SS class and PS. The only differences after that is battery location, rear factory frame rails, and minimum weight. With that logic you might as well just throw the SS class away and make them all run PS rules. Im not against it but the rules are their for separation. Again the trucks in question were built for a specific class created last year. The changes to run SS would not eliminate them from running that class. So instead of a rule change to fit a truck to a class why not a build change to fit the rules of both class's?
I think the major factor separating Pro Street from Super Street is the weight limits the hood stack and fuel cell placement are really irrelevant. I am not saying I will not race NHRDA . I will probably just run Pro Street. I would just like to get in a class fits me the best weight wise. If these two rules where changed there are other trucks out there that were built Super Stock trucks that would run it instead of being forced to race in Pro Street where they are too heavy.
I realize there are a lot of Nhrda races across the country if you have a fuel sponsor that is great. I have 1 nhrda event within 600 miles of me that is Indy. Racing the other Orgs I have about 8 races withing 600 miles. We had 5 Super Stock races last year.
We built our old truck to run SS and we had a fuel cell and relocated battery.
We then changed to accomodate the rules. We went to a fuel cell in the stock location and moved the battery back up to the front.
Wasn't a big deal, just a pain in the a** but we did it and didnt complain.
if you change chargers to run NADM races then why not have a seperate exhaust system and change it out for running NHRDA. Seems like you will change things to run NADM but wont change to run NHRDA. I think you may need to rethink your battle here.
Changing an exhaust will be pretty simple if you are changin chargers.
It's really not that big of deal I just thought it would attract more racers . I probably wont change my truck around for 1 race if NHRDA had more then 1 race within a reasonable distance that would be another story.
Morning guys
I will be sending out an email to those competitors that competited in super street last year and get feed back on possible rule change for this season. I have to admit it is funny that no one really brought this up in November or December as that is when we evaluate rules and changes for the next season

With that being said I want to clarify one thing that doesnt mean we will change the rule this year as that has always been one of my biggest complaints when I used to race that an organization or club would change rules during the season and it always left some people mad as they built their race vehicles per current rules.

In the future here is some advice it is always best to email me directly as we dont always have time to read every thread on every forum.

After that being said I can tell you this i will not every allow hood stacks in Super Street that is one rule I wont change if you really want one that bad then i suggest you move into pro street.

I am sorry if some built their trucks to fit other specs but we have had the same rules in Super Street for 3 years and it by far is our fastest growing heads up class we have.

So again I will get some feedback but my gut feeling is we wont make any rule changes till end of the season.
Bravo to Randy/NHRDA for being willing to listen to racers! I should have pointed out I don't really have a dog in this fight, as I've never raced Super Street (but have shoed Super Stock trucks in non-NHRDA events). Lots of good points and discussion brought up in this on both sides!
Morning guys
I will be sending out an email to those competitors that competited in super street last year and get feed back on possible rule change for this season. I have to admit it is funny that no one really brought this up in November or December as that is when we evaluate rules and changes for the next season

With that being said I want to clarify one thing that doesnt mean we will change the rule this year as that has always been one of my biggest complaints when I used to race that an organization or club would change rules during the season and it always left some people mad as they built their race vehicles per current rules.

In the future here is some advice it is always best to email me directly as we dont always have time to read every thread on every forum.

After that being said I can tell you this i will not every allow hood stacks in Super Street that is one rule I wont change if you really want one that bad then i suggest you move into pro street.

I am sorry if some built their trucks to fit other specs but we have had the same rules in Super Street for 3 years and it by far is our fastest growing heads up class we have.

So again I will get some feedback but my gut feeling is we wont make any rule changes till end of the season.

No big deal just thought I would start a discussion about it and see where it would go and if any thing could change. Like I said there are other guys in the same boat as I am that would like to find a class that fits. I will probably just race the truck in Pro Street then.
No big deal just thought I would start a discussion about it and see where it would go and if any thing could change. Like I said there are other guys in the same boat as I am that would like to find a class that fits. I will probably just race the truck in Pro Street then.

I think it is great to have discussions and new idea's brought up and honestly I dont claim to have the best ideas out there and I also know that without our competitors and spectators their would be an NHRDA so I am always open to discussions to make both our sport and the NHRDA better.

Again I think the forums are great place to get info and feedback but like I said before we always dont have time to read every thread. Especially during the season last year I was home 19 days from May till September so emailing me directly is also a good way to get ideas and concerns to my attention.

Just so everyone doesnt freak out that I dont give an answer over the next couple of days on a possible rule change is because I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow so I might not be back to office till Saturday.

Other than that looking to another record breaking year at the NHRDA. :tree:
I really don't see what the big deal is with allowing hood stacks especially if they are street legal. I doubt they are in all states however. I don't like them either, but doesn't bother me at all to race against them, at least they are not fouling the lights like some trucks do without turned up tips. Whatever will put more guys on the track and out of the parking lot I'm for.

I'm totally cool with index classes as well as long as there are no electronics involved. I built White Out to race Superstreet. It will run mid to high 10's but after about 4 granaded allison transmissions, I've decided that the 11.90 class makes way more sense for me. I've detuned and moved down not only to reduce my costs of racing, but to be in a class that I'm way more competitive. It a lot more fun too, way more going on then just hanging on and beating the other guy to the finish line.