Super Street rules ??

Not to muck up the thread but what about the trucks that are low 11's, is there gonna be some kind of class for the heavier trucks, i think an 11.00 index would be a good middle for alot of trucks, i mean its either S/S or 11.90, thats kind of a big step up, might be something to consider
Another class won't work IMHO, until you have 30 trucks a class i don't think any more are needed. It's just gonna take away from existing classes that already have low driver counts
Thats exactly why there arent more classes.
If we could get every person sitting in the stands that drove a diesel truck to the track to watch that day to race there would be enough trucks to get a few more classes going.

Rnady, great rule change i know that will bring a few more trucks back into SS and make it an even bigger class.
Its going to be pretty competitive this year for sure.

I am happy I will be able to watch some of the SS races this year.

Cant wait for the season to start!!!
Toolman come on... A full exhaust can't even weigh 50 lbs is 50lbs really gonna slow you down that much? Stupid excuse not to run a nhrda Race, add a little shot, that's legal in ss

The exhaust system that I had on my truck before the hood stack was about 125 # I try to have my truck be as competitive as I can to run the classes I run. If not you might as well show up with a school bus or a u-haul truck. My truck already weighs in at around 6400# with the hood stack on. I would imagine that most of the top competitors in this class would come in close to the 6000 # mark. So I am at a disadvantage there and adding another 100# to it would mean another .1 or so in the 1/4 mile. I am also running these other classes in the other organizations that my truck fits in. I don't want to change up my truck for one race that is in my area and then have to tear it apart to go to the next race a week later.
My wanting to change this rule about the hood stack was not just for me but for the other trucks that were built for the 2.6 Super Stock class that would fit Super Street perfectly with the weight and everything. But can't run it because of the hood stack rule. There is probably another 5 or 6 trucks sitting out because of this. Our only choice is to jump up into Pro Street where there we are at another 1500# disadvantage.
For myself it is only one race that I would miss not that big of deal if there were several races within reasonable driving distances you can bet I would change the truck to fit Super Street rules I think it is a great class and I would just like to see the door opened for more competitors to race it and expand diesel motorsports.
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I feel the upturned exhaust is also to ease up on the track crew. These people really hate to have to sit in a cloud of smoke. The starter needs to control the starting line and can't run away from the smoke cloud as he is in charge of safety and the tree.

Common courtesy IMHO if a smokey truck.
In case you haven't noticed, the 2.6 class seems to be dead, hell they've made a second 2.6 heavy class for the whiners that couldn't compete. So I guess you wanting a heavy class means you don't feel you can compete. Maybe you should just stick to the 11.90 index class and let the grown ups play in superstreet
Well crap I guess I will just have to sit out the season because my race weight is 5900lbs in PS class wouldn't want to show up in a U-haul truck or nothing...

:bang *bdh**bdh*:doh:
They already changed the battery and fuel cell locations just need them to change the chassis rules... Cliff your a genius! How about it Randy? :rules: LOL
I ran super street for the past two years with a mid-high 11 sec truck that weighed 6800 with me in it and didn't do that bad, placed top 3 in a few races, there's not all that many truck in ss and there are a lot that break in the class also

Iirc super street has been around longer that 2.6 super stock? Not positive but pretty sure, so I'm petty sure there's more trucks setup to race that anyways

Turn the tuner/pump back a little to 11.90 and run that, that class is a blast, it's not like you would be coasting half way down the track to run an 11.90... Wait are hood stacks allowed in 11.90?
Yeah only class that has no HS is SS. Index and ET just have to tech for et and speed.
In case you haven't noticed, the 2.6 class seems to be dead, hell they've made a second 2.6 heavy class for the whiners that couldn't compete. So I guess you wanting a heavy class means you don't feel you can compete. Maybe you should just stick to the 11.90 index class and let the grown ups play in superstreet

Not every body wants to build a dedicated race truck that is the reason for the heavy class. I don't know if the 2.6 Super Stock class is going to make it or not we had 5 races last year not that many trucks showed . But if you look at the NHRDA east of the Mississippi there were not that many Super Stock trucks at events either. It's too bad these organizations can't get their stuff together and have some classes that coincide with each other so more trucks could compete. The thing is east of the Mississippi NHRDA is not the only game in town and we build the trucks for the most events that are closest to us. Changing the fuel cell rule was a big step forward that will bring in a couple more truck.
Life is all about compromises. I think the NHRDA took a big step changing the rules they did, when they did. To let something as simple as an exhaust hold you back does not seem to be a great reason not to race. Do I like hood stacks...YES! Would I let it keep me from racing if I wanted to...NO!
Because noone else showed up!

Actually IIRC it was mostly due to breakage of the faster trucks, but that is a key issue here. I have seen 9 second trucks break before the final and an 11 second truck sneaks away with the win. It has happened a bunch of times!
Actually IIRC it was mostly due to breakage of the faster trucks, but that is a key issue here. I have seen 9 second trucks break before the final and an 11 second truck sneaks away with the win. It has happened a bunch of times!

Yeah actually had 5 trucks in PS class for that event more than any other event in our div.


sure id rather have beat them running heads up but i cant help that i was the only one to survive, and its not like i lined up all alone in the final round, and we were all running close times. Come to find out my truck was broke and only had one pass left in it. I loaded the truck up and brought it back to ennis a month later and made on pass before completely fubar'ing my chit!

so quit hating Gary! lol I'll be thinking about you when im polishing my division champ trophy tonight...:hehe:
Not to muck up the thread but what about the trucks that are low 11's, is there gonna be some kind of class for the heavier trucks, i think an 11.00 index would be a good middle for alot of trucks, i mean its either S/S or 11.90, thats kind of a big step up, might be something to consider

My truck runs mid to upper 10's and I moved down to 11.90. It's a great class, actually a lot more fun than SS unless you have a 9 sec truck. Way more involved for the driver and it's heads up.
So, why can't a street truck run a normal exhaust. Seems strange in a class that supposed to be street trucks, but has turned into almost all trailer queens.

Lots of times, especially with a following wind they smoke out the lights, just get and elbow with a clamp and put it on the end of the exhaust.