Texas DHRA Nationals?

Apparently I didnt fill out the form and so I should be getting a check around the 15 whenever they pay their bills again...

They also said there was 1 other person who didnt fill it out properly
Depression is a very scary thing. You can never really tell how bad it is affecting someone suffering from it. My prayers are with him, his friends and family.
Wow, terible news. I meet him at the Diesel Power Challenge. He was there with an entry and seemed like a nice, happy guy, guess you never know.
We have sent out the checks, if you did not fill out the tech card completely then you didnt get paid. For some reason some of you cant read the 1 inch tall letters that say NO PAYOUT UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT that are right in the middle of the tech card. We have to have your SS# for taxes and alot of you didnt put it down. If you did fill it out and havent recieved it please call the office and we will check in to it. If you didnt fill it out then call and give us the needed info and you will be paid. 765-768-6400 Thanks Kyle Jackson

And as a side note everyone from utah was paid besides one person and he will not give his SS#.

Not everyone from Utah was paid. We have a signed contract for the dyno operation and Eric refuses to pay. He told us to come out to Houston to get our money. How about pay for what has already been done and then we will talk about going somewhere else. It is not like you can tow a heavy a** dyno 4000 miles hoping to get paid for the last trip. Fool Me Once Shame On You Fool Me Twice Shame On Me. It is pretty bad when you can't pay people that actually work on the day of an event. Thanks Jeremy Wright Jefferson State Diesel 530-221-6161
For some reason some of you cant read the 1 inch tall letters that say NO PAYOUT UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT that are right in the middle of the tech card.

NIce...very tactful way to conduct yourself.

I would think something along the lines of 'some tech cards weren't completly filled out so payment cannot be made untill that it rectified. If you have monies coming and think you may have left out pertinent info then please contact the office'....but that's just me..........
I guess it is my fault for not following all of the directions. I am just use to having to fill out the bottom part if the driver is not the owner. in which case I am the driver/owner and did not fell necessary to fill out the bottom portion.

There is actually a supreme court case saying that it is no longer a requirement to give out your social security number unless it is to your employer.
In the state of Texas since the money won is less than $599 it would not be taxed.

I am hoping and praying that after my conversation with Eric he will reissue my check to me. Since I just blew the turbo and I have a injector internally grounding out I could really use the money