"The 2.6 right now is 3.0 undercover."

IMO, knocking 50HP off of these trucks is a meaningless exercise that accomplishes nothing except funneling money to the turbo shops.

So...I'm still looking for some justification for taking the biggest pulling class and monkeying with the rules, causing large numbers of guys to have buy new covers and have their wheels modded, to reduce the power output ~5%.


If the class was reigned in 150-200HP, I could see where that would significantly alter the landscape and prevent lots of broken parts, but we're still putting 50 ft. on JimEdBob's '94 cowchit 'Stroke with a chip.

Me too... anyone else?
Then finish your damn truck already and get off the sidelines :poke:


Check the diesel conversions section. ;)

I'm pretty sure in this thread or another one in the first page or so of posts I said the same thing - why screw around with the biggest/best class???
IMO, knocking 50HP off of these trucks is a meaningless exercise that accomplishes nothing except funneling money to the turbo shops.

I agree if doing it with turbo restrictions, besides it will never be teched correctly anyway

So...I'm still looking for some justification for taking the biggest pulling class and monkeying with the rules, causing large numbers of guys to have buy new covers and have their wheels modded, to reduce the power output ~5%.

A restrictor plate would work without guys spending big money on new covers, wheels, or turbos. Any limiting of HP at this point would be a good thing. It needs to start somewhere

If the class was reigned in 150-200HP, I could see where that would significantly alter the landscape and prevent lots of broken parts, but we're still putting 50 ft. on JimEdBob's '94 cowchit 'Stroke with a chip.

JimEdBob will never win (unless 30 other trucks break) and certain guys and/or trucks deserve to pull like a bag of **** (as that is all they are), not everyone deserves to win. If he spends years pulling, contributing, changing, and upgrading, then maybe he will learn how to pull and not look like an ass. If the class was unlimited 2.6, then let the pocket books and wallets open for high dollar turbos, wheel clipping, custom covers, drop boxes, reversers, rockwells, etc. but if not lets reel it in a little to something manageable for "not any longer a newbie rookie" but not yet a "Sleddy" type of guy with "some" extra funds (and no money tree growing in the back yard)

I agree it is probably the biggest class, but how long will these numbers stay? Anyone who has been around pulling has seen what can and does happen...

Not directed at you Mat, just chose your post as easy to respond to.
You can read everything in this thread and talk to all the 2.6 guys that pulled NADM, that's great. When will sleddy or anyone else take the time to talk to a wannabe puller that doesn't have a clue what CompD is? Not everyone that pulls or wants to is a member here. If you think the numbers will continue for the long term there is no need for change.
You can read everything in this thread and talk to all the 2.6 guys that pulled NADM, that's great. When will sleddy or anyone else take the time to talk to a wannabe puller that doesn't have a clue what CompD is? Not everyone that pulls or wants to is a member here. If you think the numbers will continue for the long term there is no need for change.

You mean to tell me there is life outside of CompD or NADM and there are beliefs other than those? Tell me it ain't so.....

J/K...well actually I'm not....probably a little more biting sarcasm that anything. I give NADM credit for what they do and CompD for bringing LOTS of different people together, but both tend to gather somewhat like minded individuals (birds of a feather so to speak). How many times has a newbie been run off for a "stupid statement". The problem with "us" competitors is that we often miss the forest for the trees. We get caught up in our own little world and forget about the big picture (even those that think they don't do it), hell I even do it at times.

Mod guys could give a crap about SuperStock guys, Superstock guys could give a crap about Super Street/Street Legal guys, Gasser guys could give a crap about Diesel pullers, and lets not forget about the "Gasser Trash" views :pop:. Lets get our head out of our asses (me included) and look at the picture from A to Z. From the 10 year old boy in the stands (who can't wait to pull), to the guy who is 60+ years old and has pulled everything from garden tractors, to 4 wheel mod trucks, to multi-engine tractors. You gotta start somewhere and each step needs to be logical/obtainable for the sport to continue and grow.

Has the sport grown in recent years thanks to diesels (YES!!!!!), could it have grown more (maybe not in some areas of the country, but in the 80% of the rest of it, YES) if it was more structured and not let out of hand.

We might think that diesel pulling it at it's best with the way things are, but I also remember when people thought 500-600RWHP out of a street diesel was unobtainable, and you were a GOD if you had 450RWHP.

Things change, so should we.
I honestly don't think the cost of a turbocharger alteration will kill the 2.6" class, but the 800-900hp trucks will, it's only common sense.
I honestly don't think the cost of a turbocharger alteration will kill the 2.6" class, but the 800-900hp trucks will, it's only common sense.

Common sense? F that. How about some data proving your point?

Seems like 2.6 is one of the best attended classes anywhere and everywhere. The class is alive as hell!
JimEdBob will never win (unless 30 other trucks break) and certain guys and/or trucks deserve to pull like a bag of **** (as that is all they are), not everyone deserves to win. If he spends years pulling, contributing, changing, and upgrading, then maybe he will learn how to pull and not look like an ass. If the class was unlimited 2.6, then let the pocket books and wallets open for high dollar turbos, wheel clipping, custom covers, drop boxes, reversers, rockwells, etc. but if not lets reel it in a little to something manageable for "not any longer a newbie rookie" but not yet a "Sleddy" type of guy with "some" extra funds (and no money tree growing in the back yard)

I agree it is probably the biggest class, but how long will these numbers stay? Anyone who has been around pulling has seen what can and does happen...

Not directed at you Mat, just chose your post as easy to respond to.

I have no problem with what you're saying, but let's distill it down.

A large number of pullers think the class and rules are fine as is.

A large number of pullers would like to see it changed. The problem is, there is no consensus within that group. Some want to go after turbos, some want to go after tires, some want to go after ______...

I am fine with reigning in the class, if it's at least 150HP. Any less than that is a total waste of everyone's time and money because there will be no material change to the outcomes. Moving everyone back 10', who gives a chit?

The cheapest way to reign it in is with a restrictor plate, but as of now there's like 3 people on that bandwagon, and that's not enough to carry the day. I don't think people want it, when it comes right down to it. Somehow this needs to gain some steam or else it will wither and die as an alternative.

And as for all the newbie pullers and whatnot, they need to go to brush pulls with all inclusive rules like the PPP set. A member here posted a brush pull he went to recently had some 60 trucks in that PPP-ruled event. So apparently it works and I have to think that newbies DO have plenty of places to hook locally. So I think some of the hysteria ("we're dead without new pullers") being put forth by Kevin is a little overstated. I believe we have beat that to death and it's no longer worth discussing. This discussion IMO should be confined to higher level events.
So I think some of the hysteria ("we're dead without new pullers") being put forth by Kevin is a little overstated. I believe we have beat that to death and it's no longer worth discussing. This discussion IMO should be confined to higher level events.

I like your thinking. I agree that there are more than enough places for the newbie to hook (not like they can't get their feet wet), just there is no global next step. It all depends on where you live and what rules they go by (pull with one and can't pull/won't be competitive with another). I also agree with your statement of limiting power by a few HP is useless.

That being said, coming at this from the other side of the coin. What can be done to limit HP by 150-200 or make it "useless" (i.e. tire restriction). If we as intelligent people/pullers sit down and think about this from a non-biased, non specific club orientation, I think it could be done and booster the sport (and even existing clubs) in the future.

Even if we kick newbies aside, rules and dinstinct seperation of classes is still needed (proof is all over this interwebby thing with threads just like this), even in "higher level events". While addressing those issues though, it would be foolish to not look at where the newb's (for lack of a better word) would fit in....

Will we ever get there, probably not due to stubborness, but one can hope....
The cheapest way to reign it in is with a restrictor plate, but as of now there's like 3 people on that bandwagon, and that's not enough to carry the day. I don't think people want it, when it comes right down to it. Somehow this needs to gain some steam or else it will wither and die as an alternative

I agree, it definitely seems like people don't want it. It would be nice to have a poll as to why though.

Is it because it makes it harder to cheat (that would be my guess), or because they would actually have to learn about their trucks, but it would be nice to know from "the pullers" why they would be for or against it. It would be nice to put some of them in the "hotseat" and find out why...
I agree, it definitely seems like people don't want it. It would be nice to have a poll as to why though.

Is it because it makes it harder to cheat (that would be my guess), or because they would actually have to learn about their trucks, but it would be nice to know from "the pullers" why they would be for or against it. It would be nice to put some of them in the "hotseat" and find out why...

If your out front, why would you want to have to spend money to take you backwards? I would say that would be the answer for most. Basically I imagine the poll results were the same, those folks already had NADM legal chargers, why would they want a rule that requires them to get a new charger?
...What can be done to limit HP by 150-200...
People will never go for it, but make it a 2.5" class. That will bring it down 150+ hp.
...why would they want a rule that requires them to get a new charger?
Sucks to do it but its definately part of the game. People want something done, as long as it doesn't affect them. I'd say its more than fair to say that most of the serious pullers get a rebuild on their charger at least once a year if they don't decide to try something different. Why not make the needed changes while its out? The rule change would take place over the winter when people are usually doing their biggest changes anyway. What's a charger swap while you're in there, especially if it gets the rules "where they need to be"? Although I think no matter what comes about, the rules are all but going to be impossible to keep locked in for any real period of time. Too much going on. Just my $.02 which usually isn't worth much.
One thing to ponder here:

There were similar discussions of this "doomed" end to truck sledpulling way back when I was pulling in a series.

And you know what? After 2 major changes in local rules, the last one being to NADM 2.6, 3 years later, there are still trucks coming to pulls. I am amazed at the new names and new trucks. Everyone who took some time off, like me, gets replaced. The class is running successfully and they have a full field of trucks at events that are well run.

So as much as you have a few people screaming "The END is NEAR!!!", just take a look around. The economy is having a strong impact on everyone, but instead of seeing nothing but trouble, I see a sport surviving, and even thriving in some places, in spite of the recession.

Sometimes I think people who are seeing nothing but down are stuck in a moment that they can't get out of.

Like some of the guys who pine away for the day when you chipped up Ol' Betsy and went out and got 3rd place. That was good enough for that moment in time, but things have changed....and not all in bad ways.

The hell with the past!
You post a lot of opposition to this and, when did you last hook to a sled?
You post a lot of opposition to this and, when did you last hook to a sled?

What does it matter to you? If you need to know, may 2008.

You should probably start concerning yourself about pulling against me in 2011...that is, if ye are man enough to show at a NADM 2.6 rules event :D
Didn't Kev take about 2 years off also? Geez. Kinda wierd having him throw that one at me.

The reason I'm beating my balls to the ground on this, is that unified and stable rules are just as important to the future of the sport as anything else. We have to keep that picture in front of us.
kevin just wants a class built for him he cried at washington county fair this year when he heard somebody was going 2 run open diesel but yet he still says he will pull against anyone josh from tiffin ohio came down and he was mad about that i am starting to think he just likes 2 hear him self cry and hes always *bdh*