"The 2.6 right now is 3.0 undercover."

Never competed? Again, you talk of things you do not know. I think you are in over your head, but you talk a good game.

Pull results and truck name for a Weston Shupe please?

You can go find my records...first year runner up, second year, championship, then took some time off.

You're trying to prop up your facade Weston but I'm calling you out.
You can go find my records...first year runner up, second year, championship, then took some time off.

I'm done sled pulling personally, I have no time nor desire to do so, I'm glad you have taken some time off. It may be all that more humbling for you when you do return to a completely different class than you left. It's actually people, with attitudes such as your's that keep progress from being made.
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Really? I like progress. That's why I've said all along, let's not change the rules, go backwards, chase our tails, pay money to vendors for unneccesary changes, etc. Let the trucks run!

It is a much stronger class, but rest assured I'll be ready, otherwise I would go to the sidelines, like you.

P.S. Please send a list of "your" awesome 2.6 trucks so I know where to go find 'em next year.
It is a much stronger class, but rest assured I'll be ready, otherwise I would go to the sidelines, like you.

You should visit the sidelines at a pull where there are some of your "real" 2.6" trucks.
You should visit the sidelines at a pull where there are some of your "real" 2.6" trucks.

Have you lost your marbles...this doesn't even make any sense.

When you someday have time, your Highness, to spell out the entire rule package you think will bring everything back "in hand," please put it out there so everyone can benefit from your extreme wisdom.

Because right now you seem to be an ace at the smoke 'n mirrors game.
it would seem that underneath all this are whiners who want to win but wont put forth the effort to do so. so joe puller devotes all his time and $$ to pulling and always beats you...so you whine and want a turbo rule so u can even out and be "competitive" ???
ford gm dodge, none of them are here competing, its not like privateers going up against the factories. we can all call the same people pay the same $ and get the same parts. if you cant afford to be at the top then understand your place and just go have fun. dont cry all over the interwebby it just makes you look like a girl.

if you want to run 2.6 "time to nut up or shut up"
Plenty of people know my opinions/thoughts on the rule alterations, are you just upset I won't share them with you? I talked to a few of the best guys in the 2.6" class this year, and they feel like this class is headed out of control.
if you want to run 2.6 "time to nut up or shut up"

Dude, have you not read what Weston says? It's out of hand! It's crazy out there! Chaos and terror are destroying the sport!

Get a grip man, the class is on fire, it's a burnin-down, DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!

Plenty of people know my opinions/thoughts on the rule alterations, are you just upset I won't share them with you? I talked to a few of the best guys in the 2.6" class this year, and they feel like this class is headed out of control.

No, I think you're a bullchit artist who is hiding your real thoughts for some unknown reason.

Spell it out Weston, whatsamatter? Cat got your tongue? Or you just like dancing in circles with yourself?
Dude, have you net read what Weston says? It's out of hand! It's crazy out there! Chaos and terror are destroying the sport!

Get a grip man, the class is on fire, it's a burnin-down, DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!


obama! obama! obama! save us from ourselvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvves!!!!!!
No, I think you're a bullchit artist who is hiding your real thoughts for some unknown reason.

Spell it out Weston, whatsamatter? Cat got your tongue? Or you just like dancing in circles with yourself?

I think you like to hear yourself talk. The NADM knows my opinions on this matter, if they do or do not choose to use any of them that is their choice. I simply offered them some options as to what I feel might work.
Buddy, you're incredible. You're not just talking to me, you're talking to everyone reading the thread.

So I guess everyone here is below you.

Spell out your package. One last time.
Let's take a different approach. Here is a simple few questions, feel free to respond to them.

1. Should RSV governors be allowed in the 2.6" class?

2. Should dual CP3's be allowed in the 2.6" class?

3. Should T6 turbine housings be allowed in the 2.6" class?

4. Should duals be allowed in the 2.6" class?
LOL Maybe if you had been running NADM rules, it would have been rather obvious where he belonged LOL

Don't say you, I have nothing to do with the f'd up rules they use.

My bad I keep forgetting how f***ed up the rules are over in PA.

OPEN doesn't mean OPEN
RWYB doesn't mean RWYB!!!

Still affraid some real trucks from OHIO might show upLOL

I never pulled Washington the past two years because of the rules. They had stock diesel (stock turbo), open diesel (unlimited single, twins, drop boxes, ect...) that Shawn and Calvin pulled in and modified that was a class made for Frank and his DT466.
Weston I will take some time to think about your questions and post my thoughts, might not be today....already chewed up my internet allotment for today...
I'm done slep pulling personally, I have no time nor desire to do so, I'm glad you have taken some time off. It may be all that more humbling for you when you do return to a completely different class than you left. It's actually people, with attitudes such as your's that keep progress from being made.

I agree with the time off part.
Nothing personal nwpadmax don't know you and am not starting an arguement with you however I agree with what weston said. Trucks that even a couple years ago, as in 2 and 3 years ago that were top of the line are know falling to the bottom if they havn't done more modes to them to this date.
Take the same truck you took 2nd and 1st in 2 and 3 years ago without any other mods than what it had then and hook to the sled today might still do well. However I would put money on it that you would be mid bottom of the pack right now
I know some of you think I just fell off the turnip truck and that's fine.

Nowhere did I ever say that I thought it would be the same, and nowhere did I say my existing truck would do well. In fact I know it wouldn't as it sits. That's one of the reasons it's parked.

It's getting a total rebuild with tons of good parts. I have friends in the class and I keep current with what's going on.

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm just looking for a stable and consistent rules package to build the truck to. I'm not biotching about the current ones even if it means that I'm not SuperMan right out of the box. I'm OK with that. You're not going to catch me whining about it either....work hard and make it better.

At the end of the day, one of the reasons for me choosing to run in 2.6 is because it's so competitive. I think it's a great class as-is.
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At the end of the day, one of the reasons for me choosing to run in 2.6 is because it's so competitive. I think it's a great class as-is.[/QUOTE]

The only thing i dont like is running dual rear wheels on a single wheel. But guess what they keep letting it happen i will follow. I've said it before it a motorsports in money tends to put a guy out front but there come's time when karma strikes in you dont do so hot. Just like last nite i twisted my axles in too. Guess what there getting up graded.
Let's take a different approach. Here is a simple few questions, feel free to respond to them.

1. Should RSV governors be allowed in the 2.6" class?
2. Should dual CP3's be allowed in the 2.6" class?
3. Should T6 turbine housings be allowed in the 2.6" class?
4. Should duals be allowed in the 2.6" class

.........if it has the approperiate fenders to go with them

these next few are my own addons not trying to make it look like the OP opinion. just a way to keep the class on a more level playing field. even these two things will let the guys build the 8-900 hp builds but they are wasting the time and money if they can not put it to the ground.
i think it would allow 6-650 hp to be the limit to put to the ground

5. pull the hanging weights out of the 2.6

6. pull the traction bars out of 2.6 and still have a usuable rear suspension.

5&6 if you cant put the power to the ground without breaking the drivetrain then you either learn to drive and be smoother on the power delivery and still take the chance of breakage for the higher hp top trucks. or back the power down to save from breaking every hook. or jump up to the 2.8 class.

how much power can you put to the ground with a non weighted non traction barred truck with out destroying on a regular basis??

if you take the weight and bars from the 2.6 allow them back in the 2.8 but bump the water injection to the 3.0 class. these few things will bump up pullers back to where they need to be or dial the power back.

before anyone jumps the gun to say i just want a class to fit my build or suit my ego to win just because i cant pay the big money for the engine and turbo you would be way off base. these ideas are the only way other than a restrictor plate idea to basically bring it to the idea most have of a step up class from stock. not the step up to big money class. these rules would shoot my truck in the foot but maybe i'll hold out for a true street drive it in run-whacha-brung class that only needs safety equip to pull. twins/triples/nos/h20 whatever class. JMHO!!!$.02
The 2.6" class is for pulling trucks, you cannot take away hanging weight or traction bars. You say allow dual CP3's, but not RSV governors, I have talked about this with others, I don't see allowing one and not the other. I do not think T6 turbine housings need to be in this class. Again, if you allow factory trucks with duals to run them, but not on a 3/4 ton body, don't you think most will just add dual fenders, again a double edged sword.
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