TNTR Software

DODGE74, Thank you for posting those comparison tables, that is good intel!

As I stated in the past, that is what I always believed Marco's explanation to mean, but there was so much opinion and controversy, it was difficult to decipher.

For whatever reason my 03 seems to run better on sw6 & sw8 then it does on sw7 & sw9, always running timing 3...but it just must be me. I do know I have had different results re-loading the same sw, so sometimes it may be the luck of the draw, or battery condition, outside temps???

Anyways, Thanks again, hard to argue against hard facts.
A couple of hours on my favorite out of the way tuning jet has made me realize I left some on the table at the Brawl.The street manners netted me with the need for some new sneakers for the truck now..egads!
The new tune on my truck netted a LOT better street manners and seems like it pulls harder.
I retract my previous statement. After getting to do some "testing", the TNT file I had before was definately stronger than this one.
"RPM Limit"

You can shut off the high rpm. It's called "RPM Limit". You select "On" and it'll spin to ~3400, and "Off" to turn 4k.

Ok, so I finally got around to installing tnt-r last night. This is what it says on Smarty - V:4.05A D:P6.3T. My question is this, when I plugged it into the truck and went to adjustable options I had no "High RPM option" or "RPM Limit". I had no option to select on or off? All I had was the normal speed limiter, shift limiter, torque, timing, rail pressure, and wastegate. Any help on this or why I'm not seeing the High Rpm option? Little worried to load a catcher at this point, not knowing that everything is loaded.
Solved my own problem. I freakin downloaded the wrong software, I'm an idiot. I had V:4.05A D:P6.3T which i guess i just a tnt software. I saw V:4.05A which is what I remembered off of mads and just hit download. The CORRECT version should be V:4.05A D:TTR63. I now have the "RPM Limit" option. Sorry, but I thought I'd clear up any confusion I may have started.
I want the 4.05 TNT file that I had back. It was much stronger than this one.
The first drive I took, it seemed a little stronger but the more I drive it and play with different SW's the one I had was definately better. This tune has a little better manners, so I will give it that.
Finally got my truck back a few days ago. Spent the afternoon re-torquing my head. Loaded up the new TNTR last night. Only drove it for a few minutes. So far it definetly seems like it pulls way harder . Even tried timing on 2 and no pop, yet. Truck never liked timing on 2 before. Always had to run it on 3. Will be doing some more tuning today. Really liking it so far.
I must have downloaded the worng one as well, I can get past 35-3600 rpm's.
since i got my truck back together i've done some testing. i can't really say what made what change since i did a lot at once on my truck. i think i still need to play w/ the settings a bit.

truck setup was s475, stock bodies w/ 90hp nozzles, stock springs, cam and pushrods.
old settings (was using the mp8) on the tnt software

truck setup now s475, hamilton 188/220 cam, valve springs, pushrods, cp3, exergy 100hp nozzles w/ new bosch bodies
new settings (no longer have the mp8) and the tntr software

my thoughts:

this is what bugs me the most at the moment and i'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this but i've got a really annoying surge at very light throttle and very light load. i usually drive like an old man to try to keep the hazing to a minimum and when i do that you can feel the surge and hear it even more in the exhaust. it makes it seem that i'm bouncing around on the throttle which i'm not. i've adjusted the tq down to 1 and it still does this.

it seems to have a little more injector/timing rattle than before, but that went away some when i switched to timing 3.

right after i got my truck back together i went to orlando for the race at PRI. the truck ran its best passes ever (in my sig) and feels really strong on the street. when i made a pass down the track before my egts would hit 1500, i didn't get to watch that gauge when i was racing but i made a couple boosted launches on the street and watched the pyro hit 1600. i'm not sure that is because i'm using less timing now than before and its causing the heat to build up more in the cylinders. at least this is what my understanding is making me think, very well could be wrong.

all in all i like this tune, just want to get rid of that surge issue and hopefully someone else might have seen this and may have an idea to get rid of it.
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yoda - I get that same surge on sw7 but it pretty much goes away on sw9. I have always had an issue with my truck surging on sw7 and it got worse with the TNTR.
thanks, i was hoping that someone else out there had a similar issue as well. lol i'll switch the lvl and see what that does for mine.
Yoda, with less timing advance your egt's are going to be higher. With more timing advance they will be lower.
Yoda, with less timing advance your egt's are going to be higher. With more timing advance they will be lower.

Not a common rail guy, but also with more timing wouldn't you have less unburnt fuel? Sorry, I'll butt out now.
Yoda, with less timing advance your egt's are going to be higher. With more timing advance they will be lower.

thats what i was thinking as well. which would explain why i hit 1600 on the street playing around. i have noticed that since i dropped down to lvl5 the surge went away but had a good bit of injector rattle, but i also noticed a good bit of power loss. so right now i'm playing w/ lvl6 but tm3, rp3. the power at this setting feels pretty much just as strong as my old settings on lvl7. i've got a little of the surge back though so i'll play w/ a few more settings and see what she does.