Truckers, lets see your rigs!

I'm on my first away from home truckin trip lol you'd be proud of me. Haven't slept in my own bed since last Wednesday.
Wtf are you doing? Lol

Hauling litter with this ole peach...

We've been in the boot heel of Missouri since Thursday of last week.

Oh and because I deem it necessary...
Here is more of the 359
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Rick I don't see anything wrong with that truck. Looks rather nice from the picture.
Rick I don't see anything wrong with that truck. Looks rather nice from the picture.

My pictures hide it. Truck is very rough and needs put to sleep. At one time this truck was a high roller and was very nice. It's been severely neglected and it shows. Truck is nasty...
Pictures of the mud are from last week on the egg farms in Ohio. I've never seen mud squished thru the holes in the rim like that before. The tipped egg flats were down at the packing house in Neosho Missouri and the clean picture of the truck was yesterday. Can't wait to get rid of this POS trailer and back under a 54' stainless side.

Super singles!
Super singles are probably one of the worst things ever invented.
Super singles are probably one of the worst things ever invented.

I'm gonna disagree. If you're 99% hard surface, like most company trucks are, and going for fuel mileage there's nothing better. Off-road all the time like you do? They are not recommended for that. Just cause they're not engineered for your specific field of operation doesn't mean they're worst invention ever. I realize they suck in snowy roads and in that case park it. Noone has a gun to your head telling you to run them, so don't.
When I was pulling hoppers there was a guy who had them on his set, you can't run as heavy with super singles as you can duals because the tire isn't rated for the weight, on a single axle set like on a pup, if you blow a tire you'll lose control. Even on a tandem axle group if you blow a tire you're done and not moving until a service truck shows up, along with that, nine times out of ten you'll ruin the wheel and fukk up your trailer in a bad way when a 500 pound tire tears the schit out of it. Duals give you better traction on snow and ice, you can actually carry what an axle is rated for with duals, if you blow a dual you can limp to a tire shop, and they're a lot cheaper than a SS. maybe on a reefer @ 80,000 pounds weight isn't such a big deal, but with farm commodities or anything else hoppers normally haul, being able to haul what your set can bridge is a major thing. I still maintain that they're a schitty idea.
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Sooo what happens if ya blow a steer tire? That's a single tire. And I agree they're not meant for hauling heavy but they'd be good for the 83-86k I normally am grossing
Sooo what happens if ya blow a steer tire? That's a single tire. And I agree they're not meant for hauling heavy but they'd be good for the 83-86k I normally am grossing

It's real bad when a steer goes. Why increase the odds?

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My 3 axle western had 385/22.5 singles on it when i bought it, seemed like a great idea until I lost 2 in one day out in the desert in NV. Nobody has them on the shelf so even if I wanted to pay $500 to have someone drive out to change one, they couldn't bring me one anyway. I chained my axles up and took it home and put duals on.

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I was referring to the pictures Loren posted - he turned his duals into super singles with the mud lol
Yea I know that's what you were referring to. I just get irritated by people who right off a particular product as "worst invention ever" just because it doesn't work in their application. That's like saying a 4 wheeler is useless because they don't float or a jet ski is a terrible idea because you can't ride in snow with it.
They may not be the worst invention but they're damn close lol
They have there place. OTR that pull vans or tankers they work good if you are trying to be at 80k. They help your fuel mileage and are quite a bit lighter and if maintained will last a long time. I would not run them in my application because I'm off road, heavy and deal with snow (lake effect in michigan). I think they are great if used in the proper application but they are not for everybody.