Truckers, lets see your rigs!

She's done and Rollin to the patch!

I've heard of it being done, but they get hot in a damn hurry
I'm not one to call a man a liar....but I'd have to see the meter for myself. I've NEVER heard of a 3300 doin that without some external help.

No lie, all done by my local tech here in Tennessee. All of the internal mod's he's learned over the years plus we swapped in a set of Motorola 477 final's in place of the 1969's. Years ago when you could find the 497's he had Galaxy's & Connex's doing 95-100 watt's by themselves. I stopped counting what I have in that radio a long time ago. :bang LOL :hehe:


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My phone was sitting up against the windshield and I had the sunroof cracked a little, this thing is LOUD
Where abouts are you in ND?

The snow screams not Texas so I went with my next guess.