UDC Sample Tunes

I finally have a tune that is almost smoke free but power is down. And milage is 16mpg so that sucks! I compared yours to mine and they are not that different so what is the difference between 06pod and SSR? To bad I can't compare it won't let me! But I figure same engine would come to the same graph in either smarty configuration!? Going to bump timing up and duration and keep playing with it till its right! See you next year!

Comparing your sample to SSR3 Sample your RP is set quite lower and the timing is close to the sample but remember it's set that way to mach the original sample fuel demand so that may be causing the power lose..

Just an FYI, On my truck I have TC's PRV (I think he said it was set to 30k) and have noticed no matter what I have my UDC map RP set to (Say 23,207 psi) my gauge will read 26,000 when its pulling hard on a WOT.. So I'm thinking with the higher RPRV it's doesn't make a difference what we set our max RP to but not positive..

You can try bringing the RP on a bit quicker/steeper in the load area like the sample first and play with that for the timing table your using..

One thing I keep in mind when building a tune is that, the sample tunes supplied from Marco are from hundreds (or thousands) of dyno test runs, so I try to stay close to what has been already proven by staying close to the samples and matching the peaks, valleys and flow as close as possible and just smooth things out, make some test runs and then make small adjustments one at a time as I see fit..

AH64ID's performance goal is to get the most efficiency possible out of the motor for towing/daily driving and makes his tunes from spreadsheets and timing tables to ensure maximum safe and efficient performance from each stroke, so by using his samples and the samples provided from Mads as a guide would be best.. I use his spreadsheets when making my tunes to ensure the timing is close to or within reason to the fueling demand keeping in mind my mods versus stock and make adjustments accordingly..

I'm no master tuner (Just an ol dumb retired Marine) but I have learned over the years is to make do with whats provided from my surroundings and knowledge from the people that are around me, lots of great info on these forums..

Good Luck!




Torque in pink is from SO6 Revo 9 sample

Something to keep in mind is that the OEM rail pressure sensor only goes to 26K psi, so if it reads 26K psi you could be at 26K or 30K...

Interesting that you are making more pressure than the tables call for, have you emailed MADS?
I lowered the rail pressure to try and reduce the smoke. Which helped alot! I do have TC's PRV set at 28000. The tune as it sits is smooth vertually smoke free and gets 19MPG My best yet! So if I raise the rail pressure what else can I adjust to reduce the smoke? Also my temps are good!
Wouldn't smoke mean to much duration, not enough timing or a combo of both? Also on pressure did Don M. say to for normal driving (cruising range) try not to go over 18,000 psi. Example 1800-1900 RPM @ 10-15% Eng load..AH64 lawless do you guys have and tips on that?
I have found timing to be the best way to reduce smoke, and pressure second. Duration really isn't a factor at cruise as you have to inject "x" fuel to make "y" hp.. within reason, timing effects that too.

If reducing pressure reduces smoke and your pressure is lower than you want, bump the pressure back up and retard the timing a little.
OK glad I'm thinking that way just did a new tune with that in mind! Seems ok so far but got to drive a day first! The tune I posted was my best yet!
Something to keep in mind is that the OEM rail pressure sensor only goes to 26K psi, so if it reads 26K psi you could be at 26K or 30K...

Interesting that you are making more pressure than the tables call for, have you emailed MADS?

I want to get some more definitive data before I say anything to Mad's..
OK glad I'm thinking that way just did a new tune with that in mind! Seems ok so far but got to drive a day first! The tune I posted was my best yet!

Well back to square one! Increased duration and lowered timing feels good but smoke is back real bad and milage dropped to 15mpg! Back to tune #15 and try again! Has anybody noticed weather really effects the tunes?
Only adjust one thing at a time, then you know what made the good or bad change.

When you increase duration the timing pulls from lower cells. I would play with timing, and then duration, then back to timing.

Another thing, are you filling up and hand calculating your fuel everyday?

My brother has a completely stock 05 w/48re. He does have a Smarty JR, one of the first w/pod, so whatever software was offered at that time is what he has. He has a large camper and pulls a 14' flatbed loaded with his ATV's and half his household, so I'm guessing 14/16k lbs.

I'm going over to upgrade his Smarty and am considering your sample tune. I have to ask, you state 70/90 RWHP gain, what SW# is that on? Not being familiar with UDC(still haven't accessed mine), do the UDC custom tunes still offer SW# 1 thru 3 like the standard Revo tunes? Also does pod still work?

Just needed to ask before he puts out the $ for a dongle.

Thanks for all your effort, and most of all for sharing, very selfless on your part as most folks are reluctant to share their knowledge.

UDC tunes to not offer SW selection. The Jr base tune is the same as SW3. My sample tune is not as aggressive in the upper rpm band on timing as the SW3 tune, so that's why I think it's only 70-90. I dyno'd 415/850 on a very similar tune to that sample.

PoD does still work, and I keep it at PoD85 for towing, still get full power but with a smoother throttle.

If he has a stock trans I wouldn't run UDC while towing until he does some upgrades.

If you just update his Jr to the latest software and put it on SW1 he will like the new software, lots of changes since the first PoD tune from early 2009.
Ok, thanks for clarification. His trans is stock, believe I'll just load him up with the current JR Revo software, then he can run the SW he's comfortable with...his choice.
Only adjust one thing at a time, then you know what made the good or bad change.

When you increase duration the timing pulls from lower cells. I would play with timing, and then duration, then back to timing.

Another thing, are you filling up and hand calculating your fuel everyday?

I use a scan guage it's pretty spot on with usage and current mpg I do an average when I fill up I also have a transflo that shows the gallons used per day. I use the lyometer as a reference only I reset it when engine is warm and let it adjust when I get to work I can tell by what it reads if the tune is good on fuel. So if it says 21.5 that's good! 19.5 is very bad!
your samples : have a different settings data and can not be used for comparison, says the same thing when I try to use the sr or jr sample to compare with mine.

Dangerous, how are you getting mpg readings, are you going by what the overhead is saying? the mre ya fiddle with udc, or any tuner, the less that thing is accurate. you need to drive it starting with a full tank and fill it back up, and hand calculate. that overhead is best left on the outside air temp, that is about all it is good for.
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I use a scan guage it's pretty spot on with usage and current mpg I do an average when I fill up I also have a transflo that shows the gallons used per day. I use the lyometer as a reference only I reset it when engine is warm and let it adjust when I get to work I can tell by what it reads if the tune is good on fuel. So if it says 21.5 that's good! 19.5 is very bad!

The SG is using OBDII data based on the ECM output for fuel usage. When you adjust the duration that is no longer calibrated. With every duration map change you have to re-calibrate the SG. It wouldn't be hard to make the SG think you are getting 40mpg, but still only doing 17.
The SG is using OBDII data based on the ECM output for fuel usage. When you adjust the duration that is no longer calibrated. With every duration map change you have to re-calibrate the SG. It wouldn't be hard to make the SG think you are getting 40mpg, but still only doing 17.

Damn I thought I had it down I got 20.5 this morning Calibrating the SG is a pain! Hand calc is easier! Going to do that for a week! But on an up note my latest tune #18 is best so far for highway milage still have a smoke issue on take off and excel! Have you noticed that all the sample tunes are the same up to about 50% load! I think the sample tunes are from mild to wild 1- 50 right? I'm using the 30 sample and smoothing it out where I need to.