Vandalisim in a Hotel Parkin lot

Just goes to show you that you can't have nice stuff. I hope they find the people that did that.
Thanks for posting that up over here bdp. I was just about to do that.

That's f'd up that anyone would have to be that low. I'm 21 and could never bring myself to doing that. What's with kids these days?
That's just disgusting. I hope he can get us a video I'm sure we can make the truck out quicker than the Local Police can.
Am I to understand that the truck messed up was the really sharp regular cab black ford?
I guess it was real hard to make out what the truck is so they sent the vid off to have it anylized to see if they could make out the license plate. Hopefully we get to see the video.
Hey all, Im Spray7.3, the owner of the truck. I dont make it over very often but I sure appreciate Bean posting it up!
Am I to understand that the truck messed up was the really sharp regular cab black ford?

yes, all original mint condition obs and got second place in the show and shine.
man stuff like this really gets my blood boiling. Hope they get identified man.
yea I saw it when you drove by John Robinsons trailer...extremely nice truck. It gets me the gall people have to bash it up in plain view. As Dex said on PSN we were out around that time but I really don't remember seeing anything..
WOW!! That makes me sick. Sorry to hear that. Not very often you get an old truck with all original gear still on it. Then some prick has to ruin it. I wish him nothing but back luck on any/all of his trucks he buys.
Hey all, Im Spray7.3, the owner of the truck. I dont make it over very often but I sure appreciate Bean posting it up!

We are all going to do what we can to find the waste of life's that did this! If you can get a copy of the video make sure you post it here. there are always people and things on trucks that make it distinct. Someone here or on PSN will know the Truck/people.
Start a reward fund and post it on every forum known. One of these dirt bags will get scared and squeel. If the reward isn't needed it can help him fix his truck.
Yea that truck was beautiful. I just got through telling my dad about it when I opened up this post.
Guys, im working on getting a copy of the video, good thing mondays are my days off... I will definitely post it up asap, im trying not to let too much time go by, I want this solved/resolved FAST! Im currently gathering as much info as I can for my insurance. . Never in a million years would I ever have thought I'd be dealing with something like this. .
worst part about it im sure is not the money part, but more all the man hours spent working on it making it look as great as it did.
Fukkin scumbags! Ill toss ya a fifty for the reward money pot!
some people obviously just can't stand the fact other people can have nice stuff. Hope like hell they're caught !!