Vandalisim in a Hotel Parkin lot

yes, all original mint condition obs and got second place in the show and shine.
I really hope he finds out who did that cause I'll help him go kick there a##. I was very impressed with that truck and it hurts me to know someone do that. But you know this world is full a a## holes that think its funny to do s##t like that.
Guys, im working on getting a copy of the video, good thing mondays are my days off... I will definitely post it up asap, im trying not to let too much time go by, I want this solved/resolved FAST! Im currently gathering as much info as I can for my insurance. . Never in a million years would I ever have thought I'd be dealing with something like this. .

I honestly don't know if you wouldn't be better off not catching them, or at least not telling the insurance who it is.

On Edit: Just give Mickey theie address when you find it.
I hate to hear about stuff like this. One of our sister magazines had their project truck stolen, and it didn't even run at the time! The thieves actually had to move one car out of the way and then tow 4wheel's project truck out of there....but just as in this case, the security footage was too crappy to make out plates, even though they were in plain view.

Stolen Truck | Miscellaneous Blog & Discussion at Diesel Power Magazine
That is just awful. . I cant fathom what posesses someone to make them willing to ruin, steal, deface others hard earned property!
What sucks is it will be featured in Diesel World November issue.. I hope those heartless fawks see that and realize what they've done!
Though we all know karma's a biatch, they'll get what they deserve..
That sucks!!!!! I work in Law Enforcement and have reviewed hundreds of sueveillance tapes of poor quality. You should know that in most cases the tape can be enhanced by professionals. The best results I've seen were tapes we sent to the local casino, where they have the best equipment money can buy. Good luck finding the POS responsible.
pm me a copy of video

Ill post it on my facebook, the diesel garage, psn, all the forums im on to help these dumb azzes. Sorry to hear about your truck.


Guys, im working on getting a copy of the video, good thing mondays are my days off... I will definitely post it up asap, im trying not to let too much time go by, I want this solved/resolved FAST! Im currently gathering as much info as I can for my insurance. . Never in a million years would I ever have thought I'd be dealing with something like this. .
Man I hope they get caught and you get a couple minutes alone in a room while the police turn their backs.

Why do people have to be such dirt bags?

That sucks!!!!! I work in Law Enforcement and have reviewed hundreds of sueveillance tapes of poor quality. You should know that in most cases the tape can be enhanced by professionals. The best results I've seen were tapes we sent to the local casino, where they have the best equipment money can buy. Good luck finding the POS responsible.

awesome info!!!
96stroker Your Truck Is Awesome Hate That This Happened And I Live Close To BG and go To BG 2or 3Days Per Week Let Me Know If I can Help
This makes me sick to here this.If i had the skills i would fix it for you FREE.
Cowards, yellow belly jerks.I am so sorry to here this.I feel for you.
He got 2nd place? I would be looking into who got 3rd place and so forth. I don't see any other reason someone would fuk up a nice OBS.
He got 2nd place? I would be looking into who got 3rd place and so forth. I don't see any other reason someone would fuk up a nice OBS.

Did you read what you wrote before you hit Submit Reply?:doh:

The man is asking for help and you want to start accusing people that more than likely had nothing to do with it.

I don't come here to pick fights with people, I got enough problems in my real life, but you aren't helping by starting a witch hunt!

This place sure is filling up with retards.$.02
He got 2nd place? I would be looking into who got 3rd place and so forth. I don't see any other reason someone would fuk up a nice OBS.

He's saying LOOK not harrass. If anyone wanted to ask "where I was when it happened" I wouldn't take it wrong. The only ones who will would have a guilty conscence.
I'm sorry, that reasoning is stupid. Following that logic he would have trashed the winner's truck, people would be trashing trucks that beat them down the dragstrip, pulled farther, had higher dyno #s etc...

Usually stuff like this is the same low life trash that generally screws everything up...
I really hope he finds out who did that cause I'll help him go kick there a##. I was very impressed with that truck and it hurts me to know someone do that. But you know this world is full a a## holes that think its funny to do s##t like that.

you and me both man, im local to him and I know how hard he works to keep it clean it makes me sick to hear this. thats why I hardly to go to big events anymore becuase of all the idiots
Dang.. I was really hoping to log on today and see that you had figured who had done it