Vandalisim in a Hotel Parkin lot

I have a friend that is into the photo enhancing stuff and i have him taking a look at it, here is what he said.

The truck has some sort of "item" on top of the cab - almost looks like a light bar... maybe a rescue-squadder or volunteer firefighter - also looks like a sizeable construction behind the cab - bigger than a work box - maybe one of those racks? I didn't even get it into photo shop yet.

Does that video system only capture still images? Or does it capture video too?

Asking because this is a jpg still image - which has gone through JPG compression. The video itself is probably compressed, so this is a 2nd generation compression - if it was brought back one level, might help a bit.

The original video might be able to be enhanced more - still doubt a plate, but might likely be able to remove some of the jaggedness

I live for this stuff

Good job Rob!!!!!!
From Sean:

Other than it being a dark colored pickup that appears to have a Light bar on top of the cab, like the pictures attached. It looks like the center portion of the light bar is also a brake light - and that the trucks standard 3rd light brake light is also functioning. I think the vehicle has split tail-light (you know where the top and bottom are separate bulbs)like a later model Nissan frontier - and that the upper portion of the right passenger side is out. As far as anything regarding the license plate, not a chance, unless we can get less compressing video or images, which I doubt is an option.

The only other thing that I am considering - which could be a glitch - but perhaps not - is look at the car that the pickup is shining its lights on, Specifically the rear driver side wheel - its yellow. Unless a glitch - this dickheads truck might have fog lights, where only the right one is working.

Again a stretch, but maybe worth something.

Wish I could help more
