Who disagrees with me that this is nos?

I been tied up all day working on a truck, grain cart and wheat harvest, glanced at this from my phone but no time to post. No nitrous, I do have air bags, the compressor is unplugged or the fuse pulled before every pull. It's the little firestone compressor that comes with the kit, takes 3 to 4 minutes to air the bags up to set the suspension height and then run the stops down. On a long haul I air the bags down, the truck rides much smoother on the trailer. Tim H you are f...... liar saying you have seen my air bags gained air going down the track!!!! This is all bull sh.., my truck liked the single tire rule, it worked better than some others. This is the first time I ever beat Rob, not positive on Craig. They are both strong trucks, I don't care how good you are their is always someone out there on the right day and right track you may get beat fair and square. Our truck is a constant work in progress, very rarely does it have the same setup as it had the week before. Sometimes I go forward sometimes backwards but always trying to improve. I won that night, it may be a different story next pull out, sh.. happens. I used to have respect for some of these competitors and the all the bullsh.. whining, blatant lies and accusations changes all of that!

All of your questions answered from the horses mouth.
I been tied up all day working on a truck, grain cart and wheat harvest, glanced at this from my phone but no time to post. No nitrous, I do have air bags, the compressor is unplugged or the fuse pulled before every pull. It's the little firestone compressor that comes with the kit, takes 3 to 4 minutes to air the bags up to set the suspension height and then run the stops down. On a long haul I air the bags down, the truck rides much smoother on the trailer. Tim H you are f...... liar saying you have seen my air bags gained air going down the track!!!! This is all bull sh.., my truck liked the single tire rule, it worked better than some others. This is the first time I ever beat Rob, not positive on Craig. They are both strong trucks, I don't care how good you are their is always someone out there on the right day and right track you may get beat fair and square. Our truck is a constant work in progress, very rarely does it have the same setup as it had the week before. Sometimes I go forward sometimes backwards but always trying to improve. I won that night, it may be a different story next pull out, sh.. happens. I used to have respect for some of these competitors and the all the bullsh.. whining, blatant lies and accusations changes all of that!

Gary. I have seen you throw a complete ***** fit before when people call you out and there are a few videos from years ago that show the airbag ****. Calling me a f...n liar. Lol. Toby Williams and the nice people from Mstpa caught you. I also had respect for you but all the bs and your wife's bad mouthing out of nowhere are uncalled for. Have a good one.
I been tied up all day working on a truck, grain cart and wheat harvest, glanced at this from my phone but no time to post. No nitrous, I do have air bags, the compressor is unplugged or the fuse pulled before every pull. It's the little firestone compressor that comes with the kit, takes 3 to 4 minutes to air the bags up to set the suspension height and then run the stops down. On a long haul I air the bags down, the truck rides much smoother on the trailer. Tim H you are f...... liar saying you have seen my air bags gained air going down the track!!!! This is all bull sh.., my truck liked the single tire rule, it worked better than some others. This is the first time I ever beat Rob, not positive on Craig. They are both strong trucks, I don't care how good you are their is always someone out there on the right day and right track you may get beat fair and square. Our truck is a constant work in progress, very rarely does it have the same setup as it had the week before. Sometimes I go forward sometimes backwards but always trying to improve. I won that night, it may be a different story next pull out, sh.. happens. I used to have respect for some of these competitors and the all the bullsh.. whining, blatant lies and accusations changes all of that!

No you've never whined have you Garry? Not at platte city last year about harts turbos? Not about unhooking your airbags at rogersville or ozark empire fair?
Tim, when did MSTPA and Toby catch me? You are still a f...... liar!!!!
Really Rob. What a douche comment.

Garry has helped me a lot along the way. I can't just stand there and let you guys bash him.

Yes, it was almost as bad as yours, we can read what he posted without you quoting it.
No you've never whined have you Garry? Not at platte city last year about harts turbos? Not about unhooking your airbags at rogersville or ozark empire fair?

At Platte I was questioning the theory behind allowing the air straight in to the wheel on the Harts turbo, I didn't post a bunch of blatant lies on compd!!!! At OEF I unhooked my bags and had to show a tech official at the end of the pull end of story!! At Rogersville I unhooked the air lines just as requested and pulled, end of story!!!
Just wanted to make sure you got it all. You asked and he answered.

Yep! Reads the same as when he posted it believe it or not! Thanks though, I haven't needed explanations all night. I've seen a lot more than you. I've seen people that are *****ing on here about people *****ing throw a big old ***** fit. I did not accuse him of beating me from cheating, I had an explanation of why one would be accused of any kind of cheating, people clearly can't read before they type though. I agree with Garry, everybody has bad and good days on the track.
At Platte I was questioning the theory behind allowing the air straight in to the wheel on the Harts turbo, I didn't post a bunch of blatant lies on compd!!!! At OEF I unhooked my bags and had to show a tech official at the end of the pull end of story!! At Rogersville I unhooked the air lines just as requested and pulled, end of story!!!

You whined all 3 times, I was there, the turbo you told me yourself was bs. I never accused you of cheating to win. I stated the facts about airbags. Nothing more. Please copy the lies I posted maybe I forgot?
wow... im glad you guys don't pull around us. we would have to call in the jerry springer show. last time I checked pulling was a family sport, not nascar. if I was either one of u I would be ashamed to even show my face on the track. u both sound like u need to grow up or sell ur trucks and go pantie shopping.... keep it clean and keep it on the track
Garry have you ever protested someone who beat you that hasn't beat you? I mean after all no one can make their truck pull better so it would have to be cheating right?
Im sorry if any of you thought I was debating this. I think it is interesting to see who has a clue and who doesn't. I have no doubt it was sprayed. I told a fellow competitor as soon as he ran before anyone else did that it seemed he sprayed. I have ran nitrous and it is obvious. I'm sorry Sancrest but I'm not giving lessons.
Why do any off you think he's running NOS? What in that video makes you think NOS?
Im gonna go out on a limb and guess you have never ran nitrous like most of the other people in this thread? And I dont think you had a bad hook Friday. It looked like a good run for you but your truck doesnt really run in the league of the other trucks there.

I am not mad at Garry or buthurt like some think but Im not afraid to call it like I see it. I have been pulling 25 years and have never protested anyone till now. I did and will again if I believe I should.

And to Luken. Thanks for clueing me in to the 100hr statute of limitations. I'll try to be speedier next time. Its obvious you KNOW what your talking about.

I wouldnt have said anything on this forum but he posted he was cleared by the tech on fb. Well that is true. But there is a lot more to the story like he was free to do whatever for an hour and a half and the tech admitted he didnt follow all the lines hooked to the intake to there origin. Just want everyone to know it will be protested next time its sprayed if I am around.
CPMac I didn't have a good run. I only carried 3100rpm down the track after I locked. I wasn't even up in my timing curve. No I've never sprayed this truck. This is my first year of having a 2.6 truck but that doesn't mean I'm blind. Also that night was the first time 1 of those trucks that was there had beat me and I turned around the next night and put 16' on it. One of the others got me by less than a foot on another occasion. So don't sit there and tell me mine can't run with them. This is a new truck with about 10 hooks on it. It'll take some time of trying this and that to get it just right.

I was discussing all this with my pregnant fiancé earlier and thought maybe I shouldn't have said what I did but now I don't take a thing back. I know Garry is honest and he won fair and square. Like I said earlier I got $1000 cash to the person who can prove he ran NOS to beat you.
I'm completely an outsider looking in. I'm a nobody. I'm not a "seasoned" puller. I have zero national wins under my belt. You can all put $1,000 up that you have pulled for more years than me. I've never been on the cover of Diesel Power. You win. But I do know Garry personally and he and his entire family is some of the most honest down to earth good people that you'll ever meet. Anybody that TRUELY knows this man reads the bull**** you guys are posting and shakes their head.
How many times have you seen Garry's truck pull in person?? Its the SAME thing every time! This to me seems childish and just shows your a sore loser... The truck was teched Saturday night and he passed. Now here it is 4 days later and your are posting it up in here making a big deal out of it when it should have been left at what it was Saturday. To me a person who is bring it up like this 4 days later is just like you said butt hurt over it... Also what advantage would you get by protesting him when you were clearly in last place... If it were me and I really thought he was spraying and the official came and told me he didn't trace back the lines then I would have had someone who knew what they were doing go check it. Just drop it man your not getting anywhere....
And to Luken. Thanks for clueing me in to the 100hr statute of limitations. I'll try to be speedier next time. Its obvious you KNOW what your talking about.

I wouldnt have said anything on this forum but he posted he was cleared by the tech on fb. Well that is true. But there is a lot more to the story like he was free to do whatever for an hour and a half and the tech admitted he didnt follow all the lines hooked to the intake to there origin. Just want everyone to know it will be protested next time its sprayed if I am around.

No worries. I'm sure Garry will appreciate the easy money. $50 bucks is petty tho... We need some side betting!
No worries. I'm sure Garry will appreciate the easy money. $50 bucks is petty tho... We need some side betting!

I'm in! Maybe they should raise that to $1-200 so people will think about their "feeling" a little more...
I hide NOS inside my NOS and keep the outer bottle empty and unhooked so people wont suspect im cheating

Oh yeah? Well I hide my NOS inside an empty NOS bottle inside another empty NOS bottle!

How many times have you seen Garry's truck pull in person?? Its the SAME thing every time!

That's not what the dude that owns the truck said. Jus sayin.

I've know CPMac for a few weeks. He's as good of dude as there is.