Who disagrees with me that this is nos?

there is a lot more to the story like he was free to do whatever for an hour and a half and the tech admitted he didnt follow all the lines hooked to the intake to there origin.

Also it's funny you say that because he parked his truck and came right over to the sidelines to watch you guys pull to see where he stood, then was over talking by where the tractors were lined up to pull when they came to get him so he could take his truck out there to be presented the win then shortly after gets teched. Do you really think he was over working on his truck somewhere in that time frame that gave him enough time to completely pull a nitrous system and cap or fill any holes in the intake system to make it appear that there weren't any injectables? Be a man and take the loss and try harder next time...
That's not what the dude that owns the truck said. Jus sayin.

He said it's rarely the same setup from week to week. Watch the videos or watch him pull every week, the truck sounds shifts and acts the same every time. May not pull as good one time as it does another but the track and other factors play a big role in that.
He said it's rarely the same setup from week to week. Watch the videos or watch him pull every week, the truck sounds shifts and acts the same every time. May not pull as good one time as it does another but the track and other factors play a big role in that.

A quick utube search for garry woodward will show it doesnt do that everytime but it does often. In the past there were videos of me on utube when I sprayed and I bet not one of you cheerleading for Garry could pick it out because you have no clue.

Sancrest its funny you say now you had a bad run and never got your rpms up because I swear I saw you post elsewhere you had a bad pass because you "melted your tires off". Maybe I'm wrong again? Either way Ive seen a lot of people like you come and go with a super sharp truck and hauler. Whether you stay or not probably depends on if you pay attention and listen to everyone to try and learn or march on blindly until you get tired of wasting money and getting nowhere.
I did say that. When I left the line it just spun and I had very little ground speed when it hooked. I never got a good fire built back up. I'm making adjustments to help that. It will take time to get it right. You seem to like and judge someone you know very little about. That hauler is truck I ran over the road and paid for. It's got 700k on it but I just take care of my stuff. My puller is just a well kept 04 Dodge with some nice graphics. I built that truck from scratch with a lot of hours and money. I'm damn proud of it.
You weren't that far ahead of me for my truck not being good enough.
I have learned a lot from people like Garry. My truck wouldn't be half as good as it is if it wasn't for Garry. Unlike a lot of other pullers he was willing to help and share knowledge with me. He's a 100% stand up guy. I have been all over his truck and its clean.
I have never once came on here and claimed to know everything or act like I'm the pulling god. I also never once down graded anyone else's truck. I have more respect for people than that. I don't see how you can say what you do about my truck or myself when you have no idea who I am or have ever pulled against me. I'm done with this pissin match.
Im just throwing this out there.......One foot behind a truck on a very loose track. Aka not a horse power track. Great accomplishment. Then Saturday night 40ft behind it. And 20ft behind a a tractor motor as some motor builder of yours would say. Hmm some strong runner there.

What all did YOU, YOURSELF, build on your 04????? I'm just curious...............
There have been times that his airbags somehow gained air while going down the track. At the end of the track they were not able to unhook the sled because of this.

All sleds use a 46" long hook chain. His or any truck would have to gain a ton of height to not be able to be unhooked. It would be plainly obvious something was up because the rear if the truck would be sitting 2 foot higher than it was at the start line.
wow... im glad you guys don't pull around us. we would have to call in the jerry springer show. last time I checked pulling was a family sport, not nascar. if I was either one of u I would be ashamed to even show my face on the track. u both sound like u need to grow up or sell ur trucks and go pantie shopping.... keep it clean and keep it on the track

Don't think that Indiana/Ohio is immune from drams. How many of the Dualled up SRW dodges were running brakes on the rear in a class that required 4 wheel hydraulic brakes? The rule has since been changed.

I still am curious if he is running NOS, why does the smoke disappear, and then come back?

I have been cheated on more than I would ever have imagined. I will say this, I have pulled with Garry lots, never once have I seen him cheat.
I will also I have never seen Rob or Craig cheat that I recall.
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I was going to be quiet, but would like to step in and say that in the past, I questioned Garry's truck myself, but we have pulled against him consistently and I personally believe track conditions dictate the smoke. We have developed a mutual respect in competition. As far as Baillie Diesel is concerned...until something is proven, he is innocent. We in no way want to offend anyone on either side because we have people working for us and pulling with our stickers who are involved here- they all speak for themselves. THIS is the stand BAILLIE DIESEL is taking. Wish everyone good luck this weekend!
Does this look like a nawwwzzzz pull to anyone?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWRfo_Uaiec"]Imelmos first sled pull - YouTube[/ame]

Im just throwing this out there.......One foot behind a truck on a very loose track. Aka not a horse power track. Great accomplishment. Then Saturday night 40ft behind it. And 20ft behind a a tractor motor as some motor builder of yours would say. Hmm some strong runner there.

What all did YOU, YOURSELF, build on your 04????? I'm just curious...............

Andrew in one of my earlier post I even put how one of them handed my azz to me Saturday. I have no problems admitting that. The point I was trying to make different track different night the trucks will do different. Someone can't sit here and say mines not good enough to pull with the others.

I don't bash your truck and you know how we all lined up last year. I do believe I was one of the first people to come and tell you how great a hook you had and that your truck is running much better.

Yes I have a Tyler from Mothers Machine Shop build my motor. Yes Garry does my tranny work. Who do you think puts all that in. Who do you think built all the other parts. Don't run your mouth when you don't know.
Don't think that Indiana/Ohio is immune from drams. How many of the Dualled up SRW dodges were running brakes on the rear in a class that required 4 wheel hydraulic brakes? The rule has since been changed.

very true and good point. but this has gotten way out of control. now they are bashing on trucks and haulers.....I mean whats next. lets start on truck brand and whats the best to keep this thing rollin..... lol
I'm just as bad tho. I stuck my 3 cents in here . I have never used spray on a diesel. Most likely never will. But I do have to say I like the roll cage hiding..... that's a good one. Best one I ever seen...well seen do to malfunction is a nos tank in an intercooler explode in the pits up at bg. opppps lol
I just think there is a huge lack of sportsmanship here. If you get beat shake the mans hand and go on. I congratulated Rob on his win Friday and I also took the time to stop at the Baillie Diesel trailer Saturday and shake Jim's hand for kicking my azz. That's the way I was raised. We showed cattle at national shows and had numerous national champions. Sometimes we lost and didn't feel we should have but instead of making a big stir you go and tell the man who won good job and tell the judge thank you whether you agreed or not.

I could care less what anyone on here thinks of me. I sleep good at night knowing that I have done the best I can and been honest with everyone.
To whoever said his smoke cleans up and gets dark again further down the track doesnt mean he wasnt spraying. Im not saying he did but if i were to spray a truck it would only matter in 100ft-250ft area. Dont need it after the pan hits that big ground speed will carry you out to a win.
Some of you guys are crying worse than CF. Having never pulled I'll throw in my half a cent from a bystanders view. I have no idea if he sprayed, it didn't seem to clear up that much that long for anything major to have happened. Also didn't hear any changes at the time of the clearing but like I said I have no idea what to look/listen for anyway. As for the bad tech job. I have been in competitions before (car audio) and I have been teched, requested a tech and for a while was even the tech inspector. If there are rules on WHEN the tech should be done, as it seems there are in this even, then why didn't you ask a requestor make sure the tech was done by the books? If the truck is supposed to be checked on the track then why didn't you say anything when it left the sled? When the inspector told you he did a half assed job (I doubt he did) then why didn't you bring that up to someone RIGHT THEN? Why did you not say something to the head officials? I know when I was in the audio game there was no fee to request a tech of a car so it happened almost every time I went up. So when someone beats me that I thought cheated it was easy to request it. In the end once I became an inspector the local show I worked for required a $10 fee that went to the shop so the BS went down but the guy who was saying something about it was in my face while I checked the car. Many times they would spot something I may have overlooked as they already knew what was there.
To whoever said his smoke cleans up and gets dark again further down the track doesnt mean he wasnt spraying. Im not saying he did but if i were to spray a truck it would only matter in 100ft-250ft area. Dont need it after the pan hits that big ground speed will carry you out to a win.

My understanding they are saying at the point midway in the pull, the engine pulls down, at a lock up or upsift, and then the smoke comes back. That is the point they are saying the nitrous is injected, at least that is my understanding.

If you watch that point you can see that the smoke clears up for just a second, then gets dark again.

I am curious their explanation for that.
If your talking after the pan hits in the video looks like the truck was working rather hard and using the fuel. When he downshift/unlock it cause the truck to spin the tires off and unload the engine and then show unused fuel/blacksmoke. You can and will see that running fuel only aswell. Tractors do it all the time.
If your talking after the pan hits in the video looks like the truck was working rather hard and using the fuel. When he downshift/unlock it cause the truck to spin the tires off and unload the engine and then show unused fuel/blacksmoke. You can and will see that running fuel only aswell. Tractors do it all the time.

No I think they are referring to earlier in the pull, when the engine pulls down probably around the 100 ft mark.