Whos coming to Steele, Ala for the CompD race?

There is a good chance. LOL They are called little people now. LOL
There is a good chance. LOL They are called little people now. LOL

I'm not gonna lie... they creep me out. Not the regular normal little people... just these weird 'jackassery' type of little people. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that they're jackassery is not a "little" level like they are... I'd say it's right up there on normal big folk level... Yup, Kinda creepy.
BTW, who's sticking around on sunday to observe of these little people?

You KNOW you love the little's Tim.
After all...


Then again.... I was so shocked when I googled "midgets" that I couldn't stand to bear the pain alone. Oh, and I brought one thread back on track, so I figured I had to make up for it here LOL

Thats going to take up a lot of bandwidth tim, call the server company and tell them to fire up the reactor.
I'm filing that in the list of "Wrong things Angela has done" along with the "Tim's Taint blog" thread:hehe:

Get out a big ol notebook, that list will eventually grow with leaps and bounds :hehe:

And Tim said the same thing... but it just sounded more techy coming from his keyboard LOL
p.s.... Reactor? That don't sound so safe. That could probably fry some little people.... :doh:
Thats right you can hang with us girls, cant wait to see you there.
PARTY TIME IS ON "GIRLS".:woohoo: But we will be good girls.


Yeah right, dont let Aunt Loretta fool you...when she says "good girls"
she means good girls gone bad. i guess ill have to be the babysitter this time! hahahaha!!!
I looked it up and this trip to Bama is about 45 miles less than to Bowling Green. Thought that was kinda crazy.
It takes me 4 hours to get to BG. Lemmie know how I can do it in 45 minutes LOL
It takes me 4 hours to get to BG. Lemmie know how I can do it in 45 minutes LOL

lol Timmy... I think he means for them. Their drive to BG was only 45 minutes longer than there drive to Bama will be... I could be wrong tho.