Will they be next to be shut down...

Diesel stuff is going the way of the dinosaurs. Saw it coming several years ago. Fight it all you want.
I haven’t messed with diesels or had any association with the industry in a while since I blew apart yet another 7.3 block so this whole thing kinda took me by surprise when I was talking to my brother about it. Can someone please dumb this down for me because something in my head just isn’t clicking. If trump is rolling back emissions standards, telling California they CANT have more strict emissions standards than the feds, how is it getting worse. I mean I know it IS getting worse I’m just not putting A to B. Sorry for my ignorance I just heard about any of this yesterday and figured CompD was the place to get some actual info. What am I missing?
I haven’t messed with diesels or had any association with the industry in a while since I blew apart yet another 7.3 block so this whole thing kinda took me by surprise when I was talking to my brother about it. Can someone please dumb this down for me because something in my head just isn’t clicking. If trump is rolling back emissions standards, telling California they CANT have more strict emissions standards than the feds, how is it getting worse. I mean I know it IS getting worse I’m just not putting A to B. Sorry for my ignorance I just heard about any of this yesterday and figured CompD was the place to get some actual info. What am I missing?

If the EPA is getting funding pulled- They would need to bring in cash in order not to have cutbacks. Folks pretty much selling emissions defeating devices out in the open are low hanging fruit.
If the EPA is getting funding pulled- They would need to bring in cash in order not to have cutbacks. Folks pretty much selling emissions defeating devices out in the open are low hanging fruit.

Now that makes sense... So at this point, what’s to change this from any other states rights issues. Such as legal marijuana. Federally, still illegal. I can’t even keep track of how many states it’s legal in now. At what point do the states take their rights back? I’m not talking civil war but to me this is no different than the magazine ban issues that law enforcement refused to enforce in Colorado. The only sheriff in the state that didn’t come out and publicly say they wouldn’t enforce it was the Denver county sheriff. So how did states get around the weed thing?
The part that bothers me is where will it stop now if there is no such thing as "off-road" anymore?? Literally everything has had emissions for 30 years, and literally anything aftermarket technically can alter emissions and performance. Wait till they decide everything has to be inspected even if its a vehicle that isn't plated. Is it gonna be kit bodys for everyone or nothing? The oralers have really screwed this up for all of us. Ive seen a lot of posts on the interwebs thinking its just a diesel thing and its really not, even though diesel is ground zero at the moment.

THIS!!! They are making a example of the diesel world right now wait they will head over to the gas side as well. I sent in support for the RPM act through SEMA but will also personally write my representatives as well. Probably won't amount to a rats behind but still something. My take on the EPAs logic is unless it is a purpose built race car (ie nascar, Indy) then its illegal. All production chassis racing, pulling, etc. would be history.

My truck is way illegal in their eyes:hehe:
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I believe the idea is that if it is plated then it has to abide by the laws for the road. It sucks and I don't like it one bit but at the end of the day when you go to register your vehicle you are agreeing to the terms. There are 400 million guns in this country and they are still continuing to regulate that slowly. I cant see the regulations ever going backwards. None of this would bother me except it is getting very expensive to live in this world. Everything is regulated and taxed to a point where you really dont dare do much outside of basic needs.
RonA is right it's a losing battle fighting with them. Those level of government employees are usually pretty mindless and live in box. If they can slap around violations which are easily spotted via the interweb they will.

Here is an example of the intelligence of these people. This is about a guy working for the deq ( which is about the same level as the epa). Alot of our customers have cattle feedlots of various sizes. One customer is getting started works day and night and over the last 4 years started to put it in a few pens. There are permits you have to get to run cattle on a certain size of ground and for a certain amount of head. He got his permit for x amount of head. Later on in the year he got inspected. The deq guy was in his pickup holding the map of his yard and how it was mapped as to his permits. He noticed the guy was getting confused and started to tell him that he was in total violation with his pen placement and cattle placement. The customer looked over at the map the deq guy was holding and noticed the guy was holding it upside down. :nail:

Sorry it's a bit off topic. But it's the same sort of governmental bs
I believe the idea is that if it is plated then it has to abide by the laws for the road. It sucks and I don't like it one bit but at the end of the day when you go to register your vehicle you are agreeing to the terms. There are 400 million guns in this country and they are still continuing to regulate that slowly. I cant see the regulations ever going backwards. None of this would bother me except it is getting very expensive to live in this world. Everything is regulated and taxed to a point where you really dont dare do much outside of basic needs.

So when you vote for Elizabeth Warren this coming year don't forget to cast your ballot in smoke signals as a tribute to her heritage...

I couldn't help myself when I saw your "why challenge authority" mind set.

The EPA is largely run by liberals still.
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The reason it is different than the devil's lettuce, is that the devil's lettuce does not operate on the interstate system.
The reason it is different than the devil's lettuce, is that the devil's lettuce does not operate on the interstate system.

Black smoke and assault rifles share similarities..... they are publicly seen as scary due to ignorance.

It is difficult to educate or debate that mindset.

With that said, the Sons of liberty under Samuel Adams leadership openly fought against institutional suppression and overreach through collective power.

The irony is the current majority collective powers aren't willing to be louder than the opposition. This is at the root the problem with Zfaylors comment. When you just accept that "this is just how things are gonna be" this allows persons in regulatory capacities to have free reign.
Black smoke and assault rifles share similarities..... they are publicly seen as scary due to ignorance.

It is difficult to educate or debate that mindset.

With that said, the Sons of liberty under Samuel Adams leadership openly fought against institutional suppression and overreach through collective power.

The irony is the current majority collective powers aren't willing to be louder than the opposition. This is at the root the problem with Zfaylors comment. When you just accept that "this is just how things are gonna be" this allows persons in regulatory capacities to have free reign.

It is not accepting anything other than the written law. Emissions standards were set in place long before these shops were getting busted. I will say it again: I do not like the emissions standards and it sucks. However, they are here and have been for some time. Everybody getting hit knew what they were doing was illegal. They didn't rewrite the law days before showing up and busting them. There is a difference between organizing people together to fight the standards and blatantly doing something illegal and crying after the fact. The point of my assault rifle comment is that there are millions of gun owners and I have yet to see an active revolt against what is happening there. If you think something should be done about the emissions standards then I suppose you should start working on a plan. Make something happen. Do not say those who are willing to abide by the laws are the problem. I am ok with what is happening because I simply wasn't part of the cash cow of deleting trucks. I knew it was illegal. I knew there was a possibility that things would start heading south in that business. I do not own an emissions equipped diesel truck. I do not have a dog in that fight.
There is an ongoing legal battle against the EPA and CARB as we type, if anyone wants to "join the fight". :)
The main goal at this point is to stop California from dictating nation wide standards. Apparently, there will be a new EPA mandate coming in 2020 setting nationwide regulation standards. I don't know if it'll put a lid on California or not.
I do agree with zfaylor. Emission will never be rolled back, but if the administration keeps the pressure on the EPA, specifically the clean air act, manufactures may get some breathing room.

Trump: EPA to remove California emissions authority

Texas v. Environmental Protection Agency - SCOTUSblog

Epic fight over diesel pollution and Californias clean air authority

There's all kinds of reading material if anyone cares enough to sift through the legal jargon. I find it interesting, but boring.
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That sulfur dioxide does have a distinct odor- must be really bad for you and stuff
I believe that just happened a few days ago. It will take time .....
Annnd electric cars are sooo good for the environment.

I wish someone would publish a study showcasing the real costs of electric cars. Then MAYBE people would see that no matter what your propellant of choice is they all pollute.
So, armed Federal agents wearing body armor raiding a diesel shop. Maybe they are looking for al-Qaeda?
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