more event vandals this rediculous

They did at Drury. Mouthy got got it nose broke I would say. Judging by all the blood I saw. Didn't slow the party down one bit. If anything it made things more rowdy. While the cops were there talking to the guy that was bleeding all over inside the truck. Everyone robbed his cooler for all his beverages while they weren't looking.

Well it was worth a shot:D

Dr. P removed the videos from You Tube.

At least they took care of the evidence...

Apparantly, from the PM I got from Alex, he was a hired driver to pull one of their trailers up there.
hey boss hawg600 im the one that hit ur buddys trk i wasnt sure if i did so i was tryn to make sure i nvr denied it one bit an ur a dam liar u nvr took out ne hand cuffs so shut ur mouth. I settled it wit ur buddy so its none of ur business. An i was far frm drunk my friend i had jst gotn off of wrk

I think you are still drunk off your ass if you can't type or use any more proper English than that. :bang Jebus. It is like trying to decifer a text message from a 6 year old. :hehe:
Apparantly, from the PM I got from Alex, he was a hired driver to pull one of their trailers up there.
I got the very same PM from Alex Laughlin of Doctor Performance. . . .

The cab of that toter looked like there were fullseats in that cab- all of them giggling like schoolgirls- and no-one thought that- hey- maybe we should set a good example as a responsible Diesel Business owner at one of the largest diesel events????

BS. sounds like some quick damage controlmanship.
Sure he was, get rid of the video then your PR people can deny it ever happened. That's a straight up b****h move not own up to what your crew did. Then post it on youtube showing off until they got called out. Like deleting it is going make this go away and everbody for get
Apparantly, from the PM I got from Alex, he was a hired driver to pull one of their trailers up there.

Could be...not exactly Dr. P's problem then....but that wouldn't really explain the posting on youtube under Dr. P's name??

I think you are still drunk off your ass if you can't type or use any more proper English than that. :bang Jebus. It is like trying to decifer a text message from a 6 year old. :hehe:

It's a new fad Jory...there's another thread going on where we relentlessly taunt a moron who can't figure out why we're doing it...well, at least I do:D:D

yeah the problem with it is there not drunken inbred rednecks in wife beaters...most of them are flat billed hat wearing with tap out or affliction shirts and designer jeans yelling for you to do burnouts....

If I was a bigger guy, I'd be half tempted to slap their hats straight. Can't stand 90% of those tools. Some are cool, but they're few and far between
Dont know why but it sure seems like the truck of choice for those guys are dmaxes. Not downing Dmax trucks but dangit there alot of crooked hat punks that drive them.
Dont know why but it sure seems like the truck of choice for those guys are dmaxes. Not downing Dmax trucks but dangit there alot of crooked hat punks that drive them.

I would have to agree with you on that and I think its mostly cause IMO Chevys and GMC's are more of a luxury vehicle and have been for years already. Take for example the Denali they now offer that in the HD lineup of pickups. I think what they do is instead of buying BMW or Mercedes they buy a Duramax. Again just my opinion cause I also know some very standup guys who own duramaxes.
Hey now not all duramax guys where flat bill hats and act like morons. But I do agree. I saw alot of idiots driving around in duramaxes and doing burnouts.
I was talking to some hotel people down there and they told me they have a different price for this event. They tack on extra then their normal rate just because of the people destroying stuff . So it is costing us all for the few morons that are out there doing this stuff.

NO SHAT! This years prices were BS! I love the place but its normally 80 bucks, that weekend thurs-sun the rooms jumped to 141... :bang :kick:
Oh and heres some pics FTW... :hehe:


if anyone wants to stay about 10 miles outside of terre haute next year i have 5 acre hayfield at my house you guys would be more than welcome to syay their and your trucks will not b touched.

That sounds very nice, we camped in the big field at the fair grounds and got (NO) sleep due to a bunch of dumba$$es doing doughnuts right beside the tent.
