Name the AFC Controller Giveaway

The stage 3 needs a lope tune

Stage four has a feature that automatically tucks your pants in your boots and flips your hat backwards.

YES all that and an air operated tow mirror function. flip the mirrors with the a twist of a knob! Even better is that it is directly tied into your boost source, the more boost you make the higher the mirrors go! All adjustable in cab of course. :hehe:
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Ditto. And I noticed it says stage 1, I want to know if they've got some more tricks up their sleeves..

We do actually have a stage 2 ready to release as well. It is geared more to the hotrod guy. We hope to have a video to introduce it next week sometime.

Eventually you guys will be referring to then as "Just Another F$&*/ Controller" or "Just A Free Chedk".
Ok I'll get serious. Kids thinking AFC Live can kiss it. That is obviously referencing EFI Live. Never reference a competing technology... especially when said technology is literally in a different ball field in a different galaxy. My official recommendation is something that ties back to your company name (branding). Bring the revenue back to your business. You toss EFI in there and search engines alone will kill your traffic, and probably slaughter your revenue potential for the product. You are a business selling a product you developed. Think of marketing as holding the product over your head from the tallest mountain. Never is the product separated from the business. The marketing goal is to differentiate yourself from the competition (even if there is no competition when said product is released). Think ahead with the marketing. Never assume you won't be copied or lack competition. Speaking of copied ...Xerox was so effective with their marketing that it became commonplace to say Xerox instead of photo copy. They had to fight to keep their branding, and fight off competitors using their name.

Yes I like to have fun with hairbrain marketing ideas. That is actually a part of the creative process and opens a plethora of creative doors... however when it comes to putting food on the table and a roof over a family's head... well I only care about my family. With this said consider the creative doors opened. I highly recommend something that ties into your business yet is open ended so you are not a one product company. You have an extremely narrow market focus. Individuals messing with these mechanical pumps are well into the minority right now.... Yes I think you can open the mechanical maket a bit... how much is what the marked decides... which in my opinion is a very small market. Make the product obvious to the hardware it applies to. Keep It Simple Stupid.
Maybe more of a tag line, but

'Dial-a-saur' Fuel Tamer

And the really dumb one: SupaTuna, though it'd be better if the controls were in a can for that one lol
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I'm still thinking Power Driven Dial System "PDDS" sounds good. As shainer stated it ties into your company name as well.
So you've never heard of Fuel Air Spark Technologies....
Ok I'll get serious. Kids thinking AFC Live can kiss it. That is obviously referencing EFI Live. Never reference a competing technology... especially when said technology is literally in a different ball field in a different galaxy. My official recommendation is something that ties back to your company name (branding). Bring the revenue back to your business. You toss EFI in there and search engines alone will kill your traffic, and probably slaughter your revenue potential for the product. You are a business selling a product you developed. Think of marketing as holding the product over your head from the tallest mountain. Never is the product separated from the business. The marketing goal is to differentiate yourself from the competition (even if there is no competition when said product is released). Think ahead with the marketing. Never assume you won't be copied or lack competition. Speaking of copied ...Xerox was so effective with their marketing that it became commonplace to say Xerox instead of photo copy. They had to fight to keep their branding, and fight off competitors using their name.

Yes I like to have fun with hairbrain marketing ideas. That is actually a part of the creative process and opens a plethora of creative doors... however when it comes to putting food on the table and a roof over a family's head... well I only care about my family. With this said consider the creative doors opened. I highly recommend something that ties into your business yet is open ended so you are not a one product company. You have an extremely narrow market focus. Individuals messing with these mechanical pumps are well into the minority right now.... Yes I think you can open the mechanical maket a bit... how much is what the marked decides... which in my opinion is a very small market. Make the product obvious to the hardware it applies to. Keep It Simple Stupid.

Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback and suggestions. My partner Todd and I had a good discussion about the in-cab tuner name after reading your post, and after careful consideration of the pros and cons of branding, naming, company recognition, etc, we made a decision. The winner will be announced later tonight. We are also going to make our website go live at the same time we announce the winner so be sure to check out later this evening.
I agree with all of that, except the competition part. Google can show you 100 results for efi live, doesn't make it work any better on a 12valve lol.
I wish you guys the very best. All of your threads are epic and I've learned so much.
Agree, you guys take alot of time to help teach us uneducated folk something new. You guys and smokem post alot of detailed knowledge that most people want to keep to themselves. So I personally thank you all.
It's probably too late, but, Franken-Tuner. It doesn't reference your shop directly, but it reference's a truck I think most 12 valve people have heard of.