03/04 updates?

The only thing I need for Christmas is to get LML and the USA diesel Cruze out of beta, finish off the 6.7L CSP, then get up to date on the GM gas stuff....at that point we can recommence working on additional platforms.

Good luck on all your endeavors down there, and happy belated first day of spring. Lots of folk willing to help, just ask and we will do all we can.
Good luck on all your endeavors down there, and happy belated first day of spring. Lots of folk willing to help, just ask and we will do all we can.

Its not going to happen, has been years now. Something new will continue to come out and further pushed down the list 03-05 goes. *bdh*
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I wonder if it is the fact that you can not data log, and they do not wish to release a product that is "crippled" as in it can not perform on par with efi on other platforms/ years..
Good luck on all your endeavors down there, and happy belated first day of spring. Lots of folk willing to help, just ask and we will do all we can.

It's actually summer.

I wonder if it is the fact that you can not data log, and they do not wish to release a product that is "crippled" as in it can not perform on par with efi on other platforms/ years..

Logging isn't the hold up.

problem is you got a few new diesels out, and coming out. Colorado pickup, dodge 1500, cruise, jeep grand Cherokee.... all with the diesel, all going on a burner, while we chill off to the side. I hope we at least get refrigerated so we don't spoil.
I don't see it ever happening as much as id love to see it come alive. As stated with all the new diesels coming out that's where the demand is. I cant blame them as a business standpoint, but I wish they would just come out and say it instead of continuing to give those of us that have been wanting and waiting too long optimistic hope. I know a few people that had bought v2's when they were led to believe it would be released that have given up and or are selling then. I cant help but think in the back of my head with as many or us that are waiting it would beneficial for them to get it out but as they've stated they just don't have time I guess.
I know the written word is sometimes hard to catch emotion from, but with the way Cindy words her posts on this subject, I'd say it's time to "go piss up a rope".

Honestly, as I said before, it's apparently "harder" to work with the early ECMs, even though there are (or maybe "were") significantly more vehicles on the road with that system.
It's apparently "easier" to work on the 2006-on CAN-BUS system than the rest, even though the CAN-BUS is a more finicky system?

my gut tells me that folks tha thave just spent a ton of cash on a new vehicle, are a lot more prone to being worried about voiding warranties and reluctant to load up a tuner that could hang them out to dry if something goes wrong. I know for a freakin fact that not one of the 03 to 05 trucks are under any such warranty, and we have zero fear of jeopardizing anything. I'm not at all scared to drive around with a ****eatingrin for a few months.
I'm with you on this one , I know quite a few people who have newer truck and are not going to sacrifice their warranty. This has been too long and drawn out if its not gonna happen I think that we should be told so instead of led on for as long as its been

my gut tells me that folks tha thave just spent a ton of cash on a new vehicle, are a lot more prone to being worried about voiding warranties and reluctant to load up a tuner that could hang them out to dry if something goes wrong. I know for a freakin fact that not one of the 03 to 05 trucks are under any such warranty, and we have zero fear of jeopardizing anything. I'm not at all scared to drive around with a ****eatingrin for a few months.
Holy, I don't believe you guys are still burning a candle in hope. There's bigger fish to fry I'm afraid.
Worth 1000 words.



















It's not about "burning a candle", it's about EFI Live bull schitting people for as long as they have been on this one.
It's quite simple, if it's not happening, then come out and tell people it's not going to happen.
Otherwise, if it is, then say so and give a target date.

IMO, EFI Live using the excuse "we are busy with something else, so this is tabled" is basically saying it's too complicated for their skills, or not worth their while.

This habit of BS-ing people around is one reason, personally, I would hesitate to buy their product.
