12&24v cr head blocks etc WILL BE AT NUMEDIA

I keep bumping the post up about him on FB's diesel swap page. I don't care what he's claiming on here, he has phucked a lot of people over. Low life's like this deserve whatever comes along and bites them in the ass!
Joel, I'm up for a road trip to jersey if you are.

Sucks we are still waiting on a good head. Hopefully third time is the charm. I would be livid if I was in your shoes over last two heads.
Dustin i just went ahead and bought a brand new head, it will be at Joker on monday. They said they'll do everything they can to turn it around.
Phuck this guy, he is a *****.

Sent from my fphone
Wanna make a trip? You know the car is down.

And good deal man. Hope this sucker runs good. Lots of time in it thus far.
For the people that decide to chime in like a bunch of school girls can go rack themselves.for one..
Joel I told you the head I sold you THAT I BOUGHT FROM A LOCAL GUY INFORMED ME IT WAS FROM HIS 03 CR. So that is why it was listed as that...once you recived it and decided to blow my phone up while I'm at work isn't too professional after your immature temper tantrum I responded to you and tried to make it right and right away you told me no f u screw you scumbag blah blah ..so rack you Buddy I told you and offered to make it right and and decided to act like a *****h.so cry about it some more .you made your bed so lie in it

For short schoolbus driver ...its real professional and I'm so glad you had half a brain to return my texts and phone calls during the whole prossess from me getting your payment to find ding a shipping carrier to the day it was picked up you completely ignored me.why? I have no facking clue.I did nothing but bend over backwards by throwing in spare pushrods and other misc parts I had that you needed and told you that I word included them at no charge.so you can kiss my ars for doing more than I should've for you and getting nothing but trash talked.on top of it all I TOLD YOUR DUMB ACC THE ONE HEAD NEEDED TO BE DECKED ALONG WITH TWO VALVES.oh wait...I also told you that both heads were checked for CRACKS ...so yea..the heads are and were good.sorry you two hkmos didn't get fully ported polished race heads for 1xx bucks.you both knew what you were getting ..just because it wasn't gold plated doesn't give you both an excuse to bash on parts you both paid very reasonably for.and for anyone that wants to come round my way and act like a dumb facking teenager and Want to "crack skulls" feel fuuccckkkki g freee..I'll guarantee you two dumb mothafackefs will regret it.and if you want to go about the professional way I don't have a problem. Having all the state troopers I know waiting for you. Feel free to ask anyone local about me and I'll bet your bottom dollar you hearing the same dam thing..I'm a stand up guy..if your not happy with what you bought.if I'm in the wrong I have no problem giving a refund...but for those like you two.that get what I described and arnt happy because it doesn't look perfect idk what to tell you...and in joels situation.. I offered a refund.n u told me to go get bent..so same to you bud. Hope you guys have better luck inthd future.
I just found out this head is cracked also!!!!!!!!!!
F ucking piece of **** muther f ucker!
You should be banned from this forum forever and rot in f uc king hell!!!
Interesting to say the least. To start off, I didn't ask for any money back because you gave me a deal on the rest of the stuff, but the head is junk regardless. Just letting others know what happened. There is also more problems I haven't even said anything about yet.

I answered all phone calls, or called back. I don't text like a schoolgirl so sorry you got pissy about it. You are inferring I am not professional, I don't consider texting professional. To each his own.

The head has gouges out of it on the surface that I can measure up to .070" deep, and that's just what I can measure, not going to remove .080"+ off for a couple reasons. 2 of the valves have gouges BELOW the valve seats and even between the outside of the valve seat and the head. Can you please tell me how well that will seal when there is a hole going around the outside of the valve seat?

Now the part I haven't even mentioned to anyone yet. Remember how I wanted and paid for two 24v cams? You sent me two 12v cams.

Like I said, was not going to try to get money back because you gave me a deal on the other stuff. But since you so politely *****ed about it I decided to let others know about the cams also.
Pics for fun

Here is the part of the head that just needs a "decking". Also note the gouges below the valve seat. Probably aftermarket.


Here we have a hole around were the valve seat would go in its natural habitat.



Now we have the two 24v cams with piston lift pumps?


Also I have watched a lot of Bruce Lee movies so I would watch out.
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I just found out this head is cracked also!!!!!!!!!!
F ucking piece of **** muther f ucker!
You should be banned from this forum forever and rot in f uc king hell!!!

and to think I messaged this guy 20 min ago inquiring about his vp head... being a hormonal a-hole or a know it all douche is one thing, but screwing people out of their money is as low as it gets
For the ppl that decide to chip in just because they revolve around drama...palease.....go cry else where..as for the two buyers ..Joel...flat out I offered a refund after you decided to curse me out and then you proceeded to biotch ..thanks...

School bus ......never received a phone call in return or a simple text saying "yea I got the pallet" or OK thanks for letting me know it shipped..either way..you were fine with texting on the beginning of the deal...and since I didnt hear a single word. ..call..text..pm....email once you got the stuff...I assumed you got it and "thought" you were satisfied...clearly you weren't so I would think a simple phone call to me might've cleared it up...but it is what it is I guess...good to both you guys in the future
For the ppl that decide to chip in just because they revolve around drama...palease.....go cry else where..as for the two buyers ..Joel...flat out I offered a refund after you decided to curse me out and then you proceeded to biotch ..thanks...

School bus ......never received a phone call in return or a simple text saying "yea I got the pallet" or OK thanks for letting me know it shipped..either way..you were fine with texting on the beginning of the deal...and since I didnt hear a single word. ..call..text..pm....email once you got the stuff...I assumed you got it and "thought" you were satisfied...clearly you weren't so I would think a simple phone call to me might've cleared it up...but it is what it is I guess...good to both you guys in the future

Good luck ever trying to sell anything here again......
I'm the one doing work on Joel's truck so I guess I pretty much do have a say in this. If you wish to go and screw more people I will gladly volunteer my car and myself to them and a trip will be made. If Joel decides to make the trip we will see you. I don't get how you can sell scrap metal for a good head. You ruined your own name here by making the choice to sell junk. No one forced you or held a gun to your head making you do it.

Buyer beware!
I'm the one doing work on Joel's truck so I guess I pretty much do have a say in this. If you wish to go and screw more people I will gladly volunteer my car and myself to them and a trip will be made. If Joel decides to make the trip we will see you. I don't get how you can sell scrap metal for a good head. You ruined your own name here by making the choice to sell junk. No one forced you or held a gun to your head making you do it.

Buyer beware!

Well keep in mind I told your buddy to simply send it back and I would send him A FULL REFUND..he then continued to curse me out....you tell your 17yr old buddy to grow up.I didn't ruin my name or reputation....anyone that ever is slightly not happy with anything I sell I will GLADLY send a full refund as soon as I receive whatever part they wernt happy with.in the past 8 years iv only had a couple ppl not 100% satisfied...and iv done the same with all of them...make it right and fair on both ends..with either a full refund...other parts or partial refund...whichever is happy medium for both ends..your buddy simply decided to be unprofessional and curse me out till he was blue in the face .but to be 110% honest with the situation..after all the disrespect he has given me ...I'd still give him a refund after I receive the head back because I'm a stand up guy..not some punk ars kid trying to make a buck.I've been buying and trading parts since day one and will continue to do so.-scott
Scott, when I do refunds it's cash back then ship out. I have been screwed over from refunds from other people. I just don't get why you would lie about selling a head. It's cracked plain and simple. You said it was checked for cracks. Is this a truth or fictitious statement? He is not going to spend money on getting the head shipped back on a hope of you paying him. If you lied once what's going to stop you from doing it again? If you want to make this right send him back the money and he will ship it out. He ain't out to screw anyone and I guarantee he could care less at this time. He constantly gets this happening to him and I figured you could be the first stand up guy to change it and make it right. But I guess I was wrong.

Good luck

I don't think he will want other parts from you either. Your 24v cams with a fuel love def are special. How about this. Don't sell stuff if you don't know what it is.
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Dustin the shop in pa told me they checked them and were fine.one word to another.but hey..its been awhile since the deal even went down so tell him to text or call me at 609-500-5574 with what he paid me and for him to text me his address if the head truly is 100% not usable to just scrap it and sorry for the hassle things like this are half the reason I don't sell half the stuff I have because no one is ever really happy with what they get but if I was lied to n the head really is cracked it looks like me being the middle man will have to bend over as usual n be stuck with forking $ out that I shouldn't but to make things right its wat needs to be done I've been burnt plenty of times before n know how it sucked.esp buying a hrvp44 n end up being a facking core n stuck buying a new one.
You had to send these to a machine shop? Ray Charles could've seen that this one was junk! :doh:



Give these guys refunds for the trash that you sold them and PHUCK OFF! $.02