12&24v cr head blocks etc WILL BE AT NUMEDIA

You had to send these to a machine shop? Ray Charles could've seen that this one was junk! :doh:



Give these guys refunds for the trash that you sold them and PHUCK OFF! $.02

None of my business but I don't know of a single Machine shop that would have wasted time checking this for cracks knowing damn well it is junk....

ill give you 20$ for the head so I can cut it into sections. Been looking for a junk head and that is the perfect candidate
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I purchased the CR head, it turned out to be a VP head. I sold it and it turned out to have cracks on almost every cyl between valves. I was also told it was checked and crack free..
Cracks circled in yellow:

Scott, i'll send you a text to see if you can redeem yourself.
Let's face it, either the machine shop he sent these to didn't check them or the guy is a damn liar. Based on the complaints that have been posted by various other buyers I'd say he is a damn liar. As I stated before, Ray Charles could've seen the damage to the head above and known that it was junk...buyer beware, bring on the ban hammer!
He replied to me and claims there is a check being sent fri/sat. My string of bad luck continued when i purchased a brand new head and when Joker Fab finished it UPS decided to drop it from a truck doing 100mph... I'll give this guy a one time and final redemption pass to just help me recover if he does follow through.
I dont think it is just someone.. Ive seriously been looking at Raptors or Denali 1500's and sayin F diesel all together.
Cash, i dont do that trade for cars and pieces of a truck stuff.
$27k, which is a few thousand more than what i paid to get ****ed in the ass the last go around.

Bank time

Keep in mind, price changes with the mood im in. I'm pretty moody right now, price doesnt get lower and it may become not for sale if i think about it to long. So take your shoes off before you kick these tires so it ****ing hurts.

At least I know exactly what condition the truck is in so you don't have to tell me what's done to it :D
He got it. he said to remove the other thread so I moved it to the bin
I still don't see anywheres u mentioning that you received a check...

This isnt my thread its yours.. I had mods delete the thread i started as Disturbed said.

For the other guys;

I received the price for the incorrect cracked head 7 weeks after he originally sent my refund supposedly.
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thanks for deleting the other thread. this one can get deleted if whomever can do so..but id appreciate u saying the check got recieved n we came to an agreement