1st Annual Jackolope Diesel Nationals

So who all going will be running in super street? I'm thinkin about trying that class out, just wondering what i'm up against.
Doesn't matter who runs superstreet, jump in. It's a lot of fun, don't forget that these 10 second turcks need to live.
Dmitri will be there. I'm not sure if we are bringing White Out or not. Running out of time to get it running. There will be others there as well. I'll run something in Superstreet even if it the tow truck to ger some points.
i'd say do it mike should be fun, alot better than bracket stuff, either way it will be a blast.
Just talked to the guy at the track. He was going to see if he can round up a crew and rent us the track. He had no idea on cost yet.
NO test and tune friday, the track could not get the staff put together on a short notice
Sorry I tried
sucks about the test and tune, i got my roll pan painted tonight gunna move the hitch back tomorrow hopefully the truck will be ready... underpowered, but ready...
In Casper now headed to Cheyenne then back to Douglas. The response has been good so far.
Man it is hot here. Suppose to cool down tomorrow and be about 80 degrees.

Saw Maxed out and White Out in the Hotel Parking lot. We got swarmed last night at midnight when we stopped and fueled up. There is a Rodeo going on tonight and sounds like a ton of them will be coming out to race track tomorrow. Yeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaa