24 valve spring tool loaner

I think the tool is in route to me currently... I will PM the next in line, as soon as I am done.
Ram_This Missing?

Does anyone know Ram_This?

He was supposed to ship me the valve spring compressor at least 2 weeks ago. I have never received. I have messaged him a couple times. Can anyone give him a call and see whats up if you know him? My cam was delivered this week. Now all I am waiting for is the VLV SPG Compressor.

Ram_this please let me know whats up... I am all geared up to do this...

Not trying to be shi**y, just wanting to finish my truck up...

Or who has the tool now? I can PM you my address.

Okay, anyone have the tool and not using it?

I have another set of Hamilton springs to install on the weekend of Aug 7, 8, 9.

I someone could pass it along, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again Zach for making the tools available.

VLV SPG tool

I am still hoping to have the tool by next weekend (July 31st) for my install. I was supposed to have it sent to me long ago. I think it disappeared...

So If anyone has it I can definitely use it this weekend and get it to cummin-a-long by his install date.
I am still hoping to have the tool by next weekend (July 31st) for my install. I was supposed to have it sent to me long ago. I think it disappeared...

So If anyone has it I can definitely use it this weekend and get it to cummin-a-long by his install date.


Looks like it's time to break out the Tool-User-Holder-Onto'er Be Good Stick.....

I was talking to Ryan this morning. He thinks Kenan Eubank from Oblong, Il might have it. If you know how to get a hold of Kenan, let us know.

By the way guys, I told you that we would have a drawing with all of the people that have bought our springs and used the tool fo half off a cam. I looked at the boxes recently but there was only a few names on it so........... I have decided to use all of the names here on the spring tool forum to draw from. I will be taking all of the names and writing them on a piece of paper and puting them in my favorite cummins rocky mountain hat. We will do the drawing tom. at 12:30 p.m., so tune in at exactly 12:30 to see which one of you is the winner. By the way if anybody orders anything between now and then we will put your name in the hat as well. Good Luck!

Zach Hamilton
Haha, I can't decide whether that is better or the other 80's music they posted last week. Damn funny though!

1/2 off cam drawing

This is Ryan with Hamilton Cams and I compiled a list of all of the people who have purchased an HD product but have no camshaft yet. I have done a drawing and CBtoyz has won the first round. You have until noon tomorrow to respond if you are interested.
Cam Drawing

That is for a bigstick cam . If no response we will draw again tomorrow at noon.
Zach also said to do a drawing with all of the names including people that have cams already to be fair to the rest of you. So the second winner is Bswope. You have until high noon tomorrow to claim your prize or we will draw again.
