24 valve spring tool loaner


Nobody responded to yesterdays drawing so I did another today and the new winners were CTD03 and BH-10. You have until noon on Monday to contact me at the office. (512)804-9015

Ryan @ Hamilton Cams
Wow, the economy must be worse than I thought. People won't let you pay for half of their parts bill. Maybe I should open up half off to everybody on CompD, maybe I Could get a response then.:hehe:
You guys have a good day.

Anybody got a location on the tool yet?

I've got 2 sets to do next weekend and may end up purchasing one.

If you have the tool, please speak up.


Ok guys, Any leads yet? If need be I will buy another one. I guess we are going to have to draw again on monday it looks like nobody is going to claim the half priced cams.

MAN PUT ME IN THAT HAT!!!!!!!!! Holly crap guys thats pretty cool of you, I REALLY WANT A CAM!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOOO hope you pull my name!!!:rockwoot::rockwoot:

As soon as my springs get back ill need the tool!!
MAN PUT ME IN THAT HAT!!!!!!!!! Holly crap guys thats pretty cool of you, I REALLY WANT A CAM!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOOO hope you pull my name!!!:rockwoot::rockwoot:

As soon as my springs get back ill need the tool!!

You won on the previous page but they redrew!
I tell you what, since I can't get seem to pick a winner that will respond, how about we change it up a bit. Anybody who is eligible. If you have purchased a Hamilton Cams product before and/or have posted in this Spring tool loaner program then you are eligible. Call in monday and mention the discount drawing. I will give you half off. Only monday until 12:00, and please don't put this all over the place on the rest of the forums. Just a small way that I can say thanks to all of you that have purchased our products in the past!

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sorry i cant take this offer i lost my job and laid off permanenatly i have been saving all my money intill i get a job. and yes the economy sucks in my area
but i do thank you very much for putting me in the drawing and i will be getting a cam from you zach i am just waiting till i get a dam job
Great example of someone who has a passion for the diesel community not just in it to make a killing off of everybody else. Thanks Zach!
The spring tool has been located. It should be shipping out today to Big Jare. So hopefully everything should go back to normal. Sorry about all that .
Thanks , Ryan @ HDCAMS
Well I did. I was going to wait a while before I bought a cam but with this deal I couldn't pass it up.

A Big Thank you to Everyone at Hamilton for being so totally awesome!!! If you were closer I would buy you all a couple rounds but I'm sure it would get a little hot and fizzy in the mail. Cheers anyways!

Scott from Neb
Crap. I was ready to dial the phone but did a quick budget check and decided against it. Now I am kicking myself. The wife better get a job soon, this one income crap sucks!!!
I'll let you know... Mine has been pushed back from June 27th. I should be able to get it done weekend of the 15th... maybe sooner if I can take off a couple days.