24 valve spring tool loaner

I'll let you know... Mine has been pushed back from June 27th. I should be able to get it done weekend of the 15th... maybe sooner if I can take off a couple days.

Just checking to see if you Got 'Er Done?

I'm gonna PM you my address to send it.


Talked to Zach.....

I'm just gonna hold onto the tool, so if you need it, just shoot me a PM with your shipping info and I'll get it to ya.

It's sitting here ready to go.
Just making sure.

Anyone need the tool.

I'll be out of town from Oct 1st - 12th, so if ya need it, please let me know before then.
I would like to use it...

Please send to:

Kevin Kaesberg
Rubicon Financial
2181 E. Warner Road, #101
Tempe, AZ 85284

You can email me the tracking number if you wish at kakaesberg@cox.net...

did you get my PM? i really have to have it by next weekend. springs are sold and NEED to get them out of the truck ASAP.