24 valve spring tool loaner

I need it next

Thanks Zack....got the pushrods and springs today
bgbldodge I sent it out on the 4th, you should be getting it on mon or tues.
Who gets it next? I am done, though I never got my springs installed... was to busy melting pistons. Might be awhile before I get to the springs now and don't want to hold up the next guy.
I think Im next. I got my springs and pushrods friday. There are 2 tools being loaned out there
Got the tool today. Springs will be installed this weekend and then it's off to the next person.

The goodies are here, just need the tool now.

Lemme know when it's available.



Cummin-a-long are you next. Im done with the tool. Pm me your address and the tool will go out

Hey why are your pushrods black?
Watch out my springs might not be happy they have to work together with gregs pushrods! Just Kidding Rich, goodluck.

Zach Hamilton

BTW, how is the tool program going any gripes or complaints?
Watch out my springs might not be happy they have to work together with gregs pushrods! Just Kidding Rich, goodluck.

Zach Hamilton

BTW, how is the tool program going any gripes or complaints?

Since my motor is out of the truck and my injectors are pulled....my only complaint is .............I did it in 2.5 beers

Tool is awsome...even Richard could do it:kick: