2wd Super Mod build

Thanks guy's we are trying to make it different looking. Hopefully we will put the body on the chassy this week if we can round enough guy's to help lift it up.

Thanks guy's we are trying to make it different looking. Hopefully we will put the body on the chassy this week if we can round enough guy's to help lift it up.


Mission Accomplished Dale!!!!!

Looks even better outside!
yes it does it gave me goose bumps when the sun hit it.It still looks better in person.

super impressed and totally dissappointed it might not make the show at TS... does the guy that painted it paint for a living or just a hobby? He is extremely talented! Beautiful truck man!

Badass Dale.... It needs to come to TS so we can drool on it...... even if it doesn't run.
+1. Just throw together one of those good old one time motors that really shouldn't be doing whats its going to do and just hope and pray it holds. Had a guy do that at the drag strip along time ago. He wanted to race his mustang so bad he pieced together a stock motor and threw a 500hp shot on of spray on it. It lasted one pass to go 10.50 i believe, then on the way back to the trailer every rod was knocking, puking smoke and lots of oil out the exhaust. Good Times lol.
I would like to put a granade motor in it but that means that we would probly scratch the frame just for one exibition pull just ain't worth it and we don't have a clutch yet.I want to do it rite once I don't like do over's.O I realy don't like to work that hard anymore.

the pics here dont do the thing justice.....i stopped by yesterday to take a peek.....WOW......the "Gambler" on the door looks to be popping-up the way it was painted.......Dan did one heck of a job and im very impressed!

Wait a minute... You are Dan!! SWEET rig Dale. Last time I stopped by. All I got to see what the motor on the stand. Truck was off getting some paint.
Looks great Dale, you should bring it to TS just for the show-n-shine!

ye that would be something to get a award with out having a motor in it.:Cheer:and all the perdy shinnie stuff the goes on the motor.
O by the way Vance realy like the turbo likes looking at it.i have to go over to his house tonight and set the pump.
if time cuts close enough to get it running after you get here, I'm game for pitching in a helping hand friday and saturday.
Thank guy's for the offer realy apreteate it but don't look like we will have the 2wd there bumming me out lots of hard work and the clutch people and the machinest drop the ball.This sucks.

We got the body back on the chassy yesterday and cleaned up the garage and my son and his buddy put new plywood on the folddown door on the inclosed trailer.still haven heard from the machine shop.And we made a push pull bar for moving the 2wd around with the sidekick.
Taking today off and spend some time with the wife.

sadly i wouldnt of been able to see it run even if you would of made it to TS.....

but why not just throw the thing in the trailer and take it to TS to show it off, you know it will draw a heck of a crowd, park it next to DERANGED and you and Tim can talk about your unfinished projects.....:hehe:
+1. Just throw together one of those good old one time motors that really shouldn't be doing whats its going to do and just hope and pray it holds. Had a guy do that at the drag strip along time ago. He wanted to race his mustang so bad he pieced together a stock motor and threw a 500hp shot on of spray on it. It lasted one pass to go 10.50 i believe, then on the way back to the trailer every rod was knocking, puking smoke and lots of oil out the exhaust. Good Times lol.

friend of mine did that with a duramax.....the truck won two classes in one night.....junkyard motor with some camshaft he had laying around, i think some type of injectors and it SCREAMED, but it didnt hurt the engine like that guy did.....
I know alot of people with unfinnished prodjects to since the truck isn't going I will have to go to a freind funeral o I mean wedding I wish I could go hand meet everyone.

Man Alive That Thing Is Wicked I Cant Wait To See The Fimished Project Wish I Had The Funds To Build Something Like That Keep Up The Awesome Work And Props To The Painter Now I Need To Find Where The Rest Of My Jaw Went