2wd Super Mod build




The rear weight box under the rearend housing the name is sprayed with pearl with medaflake you can only see it when the light hits it in the sunn looks cool.

Rear tail lights are paint with black base and top of with clear with red metalflake in it and then cleard again.


he just called and I can go up sunday and pick the block up but I have to find some one else to do the valve job after I get the valves he work 2 jobs so he can have insurance.hope it will be going together this week tbe block that is.i have to finnish the porting he has all the bowl work and the cut for the bigger valves.then we can start on the tubed intake.I wish he could have got it back to my before I started back to work at my job.Off today because of tomuch rain got to finnish up on the polishing all the alluminum parts afew people said we should just paint some of the peices so they won't have to wear sunglasses to look at it.

Thanks Welcome aboard


Yea do more reading then posting on this site. When I saw your truck I had to say something. I look up to people that do things themselves. Very nice fab work. Paint job is awesome. Very cool to see the whole build can't wait to see it run.
We started to putting parts back on the frame this week and still have alot more polishing to finnish and some more alluminum to weld.

Wow, that thing sure is lookin' sharp...I can't wait to see the first pull video! :drool1:
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Man, this sucker is going to be awesome!!!!!

So when is the first planned hook????
Sofore all our plane on the first pull prediction has been thrown in the toilet because of MY MACHINESHOP not keeping his word when the block and head WAS SUPOSE TO BE DONE he is really PI-------- me off.

I think so. That truck is bad a$$ looking. I think they should put it in there. They are stupid if they don't!
In your profitional opion do you think the paint job is good enough to be put in DieselWorld and Diesel Power.


I regularly write for those two magazines plus a bunch of others. Looking at your photos, the paint job is certainly good enough for the magazines. Your photos aren't, but the way the paint looks, I would say so. Good Job!

I have kept quiet untill now!

THAT WAS A Duhhhhhh question to say the least.

Even with the painter being a SON-IN LAW he sure as __________ did
an excellent job. Had he done something like this for a customer it would
have been MAJOR $$ for a job like this.

Keep up the polish work and keep them pics CUMMINg

Thank everyone Dan get on here and reads all the post but dosn't do any posting I wish he would.
Ron what have been up to.
Chris did you get that hydro pump that we was talking about.


Playin with the PowerJoke and turnin' a few wrenches.

MY project looks nothin' like yours that's for sure. I decided to stretch the
old truck and 4 door it, maybe a 8.3 Cummins if I can come up with more $
I found 2 complete runnin's for 2500 each and one with real low mileage.

BTW, how much for the son=in=law? I'll trade guns, $$ AND a meth head
for him.

Dale the truck is looking really good so far. Your son in law is a heck of a painter in my opinion. I like the way you did the paint and the graphics. Can't wait to see it pull for the first time.
