2wd Super Mod build

Sorry I haven't posted any updatted pictures we have been bussy trying to help Vance get Destrokes back together since we don't have a motor YET.:kick:

Well we are going up and getting the block and head this afternoon and guese what he don't have them done.I still have to take them some were else and have the work done.
The have been there since end of Januray.
well how did it go? i need to get work and finsh those valves covers. i hope you were able to get all of your parts back.
Thanks for helping on some of the polishing.Take some load off of me .:Cheer:
When we got up there he had the block on a cherry picker and had it bored and honed the head had the vavle bowl's CNC milled so I didn't have to do so much hand grinding.He gave me back all my bick block part's that I was trading him for the work and said he was sorry for taking so long.he has been working some where else so he has health insurance.he is closing his shop up doto the economy It is a shame he does damm good work very picky.Best of luck to him.



Its been a little while since I last checked this thread its coming along nicely I see TOP NOTCH work for sure. I like the paint job and of course Dales polishing obsesion is showing off.

Keep up the good work Dale very impressive stuff when do you think it will be running?
Hopefully by the end of the month if the clutch is done.
I sure like the way your's came together reai nice.


When are you going to be "closer" so I can get some seat time.
Can't believe how good it looks and not near finished....

droooool droooool slobbbbber slobbbber
We are trying but this week we're working on DESTROKED getting it ready for Mexico Mo. where you went with us last year their going to have 2 track this year and have ing 2wd gassers damm I wish we had our's done.i'll let you know when we fire it up.Haven't had much time to get on here have been working late yes I said the working word.

You have done one H of a lot of work for a "winter" project

REMEMBER, it's only Spring so far :)
Ye I know but I can't wait for it to hit the track.I just hope I'm close on the gear ratio.

Dale probably won't say anything about it then just all the sudden post up a video thread of its maiden voyage lol.
Yes he got the block bored and honed and the bowl in the ports cnc milled so save hand work.And I droped them booth off at MCS this past wed.and picked them up on frid,he fire ring and them booth.

Holy batmen dale i cant beilve the progress you keep it up. I will post some pics of what ive been working on latly