389 glider build

I hope we can do a glider project on the farm in about 10 years. This would have been the year to do it just wasn't feasible financially speaking. It would make a great winter project if we didn't have much to haul.
I've always liked this paint scheme

Sorry I haven't bine posting guys the company we hual coal for put a big push on for trucks an we bine working day an night .Went from running only 6 trucks to running 12. But I did get some more parts in an hope to get it going soon.
[ame="http://s1161.photobucket.com/user/Garth_Matusek/media/20130413_124501_zps3ae2b159.jpg.html"]20130413_124501_zps3ae2b159.jpg Photo by Garth_Matusek | Photobucket[/ame]

[ame="http://s1161.photobucket.com/user/Garth_Matusek/media/20130427_131743_zps5357eab9.jpg.html"]20130427_131743_zps5357eab9.jpg Photo by Garth_Matusek | Photobucket[/ame]

[ame="http://s1161.photobucket.com/user/Garth_Matusek/media/20130427_134102_zps3dc52c6f.jpg.html"]20130427_134102_zps3dc52c6f.jpg Photo by Garth_Matusek | Photobucket[/ame]

[ame="http://s1161.photobucket.com/user/Garth_Matusek/media/20130427_143142_zpsaa020f36.jpg.html"]20130427_143142_zpsaa020f36.jpg Photo by Garth_Matusek | Photobucket[/ame]

[ame="http://s1161.photobucket.com/user/Garth_Matusek/media/20130427_143150_zps7b22ba31.jpg.html"]20130427_143150_zps7b22ba31.jpg Photo by Garth_Matusek | Photobucket[/ame]

[ame="http://s1161.photobucket.com/user/Garth_Matusek/media/20130427_143248_zps1c108035.jpg.html"]20130427_143248_zps1c108035.jpg Photo by Garth_Matusek | Photobucket[/ame]

[ame="http://s1161.photobucket.com/user/Garth_Matusek/media/20130427_143328_zpsad4a791a.jpg.html"]20130427_143328_zpsad4a791a.jpg Photo by Garth_Matusek | Photobucket[/ame]
I went to First Class Services in KY saturday and they run almost all 379s and 389s. He doesn't buy new trucks anymore because of emmisions. He buys all new gliders probably had 15 of them there all had 6NZ and MBNs in them. I'm buying a 99 379 off him has every maintenece record since new. That place's maintenence schedule is amazing and the shop is top notch.

I built six of those engines.

From my Not-So-Smart phone
Some of you guys more well versed in cat part numbers look at a KRA prefix and tell me what you think. My estimation of it is all of the modern design and none of the trash. Has the dual solenoid injectors and so-on.
Something else, if you look up the turbo remans in TMI, in many instances it will designate what platform it is.
If anyone has stripped an sdp or Lee I want a fuel manifold with solenoids. I have a project that could use them.

We are looking into a peterbilt sponsored glider up fitter here locally.
Word is that cat is testing those waters too.

From my Not-So-Smart phone
No its not an orler it has smoked from take off since the frist rebuild I don't know why? Cat said they didn't know so I just drive it like I stole it.It cleans right up it don't smoke out 4lanes of traffic.
No its not an orler it has smoked from take off since the frist rebuild I don't know why? Cat said they didn't know so I just drive it like I stole it.It cleans right up it don't smoke out 4lanes of traffic.

I was just messin with ya a little, like I also said great build.
Thanks man an wasint being a dick just didn't want to get labeled as a coal oarler lol. Its runing today tryimg to tie up some loss ends an hopen to take it to get inspected in a week or 2.
Ok guys I got it runing but I have no jake brake or cruise control I have had the computer hooked up there disable but it won't let me turn them back on.Any ideas?? thanks in advance.
That's consistent with what Faulkner said I believe.
The ecm may have the switches set as inputs rather than 1939 cab controller also.

From my Not-So-Smart phone
A truck without an engine or trans so you can spec it the way you want

I thought the point was you could use pre-emissions engines and such? The truck had to be composed of a certain percentage of old reman parts to meet the requirements.

Not arguing just curious maybe what I heard was wrong.
Thanks biggy238 an jfaulkner how would I do it other then taken it to allstate cuz I got m y pdi in it an don't want them to f it up?