$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

Just want to say to Jeff, Gary, and David, I hope the best for this race and appreciate your efforts for trying to make this happen. This is the type of deal needed for growth in the Diesel Motorsports area.
Just want to say to Jeff, Gary, and David, I hope the best for this race and appreciate your efforts for trying to make this happen. This is the type of deal needed for growth in the Diesel Motorsports area.


Thanks man!!

We'll be even better next time...!
Gary I should be back in Florida by then...I am right around the corner (literrally) and can do whatever is needed...
Misery loves company! I plan on trying to build a truck that will perform well, and make as many passes as it needs. I do wanna win.......but isn't those about showmanship for the fans, and competition between competitors? It's not my job as a racer or wanna be, to sit back and complain about something I'm not even competing in. Maybe this will give all these turbo manufacturer's another way to think about building their turbo's, a whole new market possibly. I don't know enough about turbo's to even know what I'm talking about, but I still admit it. Thanks again for this race, we need something to get people in the stands, and not out on the street partying, like last Aug. 28 in Indiiana.
I'd like to say thanks in advance to Jeff, Gary, and David as well!!! Although I've never been lucky enough to meet any of you guys, your race idea has already earned us (Diesel Performance Engineering) a decent amount of work for the winter (don't think for a second the dinosaur injection guys are going to roll over and give up :evil).

I'll do what I can on my end to get a truck or two sponsored for the race, but if one of you would give us a call and talk to the ones writing the checks I'd bet the chances are a lot better of filling more spots!

Thanks again guys! Already looking forward to the racing and seeing just how our old dinosaur pumps stack up! :rockwoot:
one question--- yes there are gonna be alot of racers........ but those in the stands/crowds....... whats gonna be done to make sure there arent issues like that at TS or Shelds?
I'm Giving Turbo Matt the advantage in this race This is right up his alley! David, Gary, and Jeff don't pay attension to the haters!

SSSHHHHHH man... I dont want these geeky electronic Isuzumax button pushers to loose any sleep over my old Dinosaur. It's gonna be intimidating enough, when they see it come through the gate "ON" the trailer for once, instead of pulling it! :evil
SSSHHHHHH man... I dont want these geeky electronic Isuzumax button pushers to loose any sleep over my old Dinosaur. It's gonna be intimidating enough, when they see it come through the gate "ON" the trailer for once, instead of pulling it! :evil

And that is probably as fast as it will run all day. :poke:
one question--- yes there are gonna be alot of racers........ but those in the stands/crowds....... whats gonna be done to make sure there arent issues like that at TS or Shelds?

What kind of issues are you talking about? The track doe's not put up with ANY nonsence, and since they are taking care of that I don't see any problem's. As for the racing, do you realize that with 100 truck's making 3 qualifying passes you are going to see 150 side by side race's. And on Saturday with the fastest 16 truck's you are going to see 4 round's of elimination's. Then we can all get together after the race and attack all of the local eateries....LOL I may not have mentioned this to everyone that is posting in this forum, but the track manager (Allen) is so excited about this race he is turning flip's. That is way cool in my book!!! Bradenton is probably the most stringent track's I have ever seen for zero tolerance of idiot's. So it's OK to come down and have a blast, just don't expect to come show your azz and not get thrown out of the track. If you plan on coming and acting like a total douche, do us all a favor and just stay at home. We have had our share of blackeye's recently by some people that just don't know how to act. Let it be known, we will all be policing ourselves. I will have my big trailer and maybe even my travel trailer at the track and everyone is welcome to come by, introduce yourselve's and enjoy anything I have. Good luck to all of those that are racing, have a safe trip down, and may the fastest truck win. Oh I almost forgot, this thread is fuggin amazing at all of the attention it has gotten. I am damn proud to be a part of it and I am humbled by the participant's and spectator's. Hell, we've gotten more attention than a Gale Bank's ad in a magazine :lolly: Gary
What kind of issues are you talking about? The track doe's not put up with ANY nonsence, and since they are taking care of that I don't see any problem's. As for the racing, do you realize that with 100 truck's making 3 qualifying passes you are going to see 150 side by side race's. And on Saturday with the fastest 16 truck's you are going to see 4 round's of elimination's. Then we can all get together after the race and attack all of the local eateries....LOL I may not have mentioned this to everyone that is posting in this forum, but the track manager (Allen) is so excited about this race he is turning flip's. That is way cool in my book!!! Bradenton is probably the most stringent track's I have ever seen for zero tolerance of idiot's. So it's OK to come down and have a blast, just don't expect to come show your azz and not get thrown out of the track. If you plan on coming and acting like a total douche, do us all a favor and just stay at home. We have had our share of blackeye's recently by some people that just don't know how to act. Let it be known, we will all be policing ourselves. I will have my big trailer and maybe even my travel trailer at the track and everyone is welcome to come by, introduce yourselve's and enjoy anything I have. Good luck to all of those that are racing, have a safe trip down, and may the fastest truck win. Oh I almost forgot, this thread is fuggin amazing at all of the attention it has gotten. I am damn proud to be a part of it and I am humbled by the participant's and spectator's. Hell, we've gotten more attention than a Gale Bank's ad in a magazine :lolly: Gary

Can't wait for this race! It will be nice to meet you and Swole finally!
:bigsmile: Better be nice to us "tow" truck guys... Its a long ride back to the Left coast! :stab:

Matt we won't be bring out a truck, but I will be there cheering for you guys. All of you. Hope it turns out to be the greatest diesel event ever.:Cheer:
Have you guys worked out a date?

Wade, I never figured we would get like a gozillion post on this:lolly: I posted the dates about 300 pages ago, LOL but I won't make you go back that far. It is Feb.25th and 26th @ Bradenton Motorsports Park in Florida. Later on if I can find some help I'll make some kind of official flyer. Anybody care to help me on that? Gary
Wade, I never figured we would get like a gozillion post on this:lolly: I posted the dates about 300 pages ago, LOL but I won't make you go back that far. It is Feb.25th and 26th @ Bradenton Motorsports Park in Florida. Later on if I can find some help I'll make some kind of official flyer. Anybody care to help me on that? Gary

Gary if you would pm me you contact # i'd like to talk to you about another oppertunity this race may offer.