$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

that is southern grammer and a 18pk. i do have an extreme appreciation and extensive understanding of the kings English in the proper setting. Come on Bama you are better than that.
I got respect for everyone until they give me reason not to....

Since you road raced and I know what that takes, I got mad respect for ya Brah!!:Cheer:

I was just bored and needed to mess with someone, and THERE YOU WERE!!!! LOL

i figured as much slowe
I see all it takes to get Greg interested in a diesel race is to throw 50K at it.
I always knew he was in it for the money....not the love of it.
I see all it takes to get Greg interested in a diesel race is to throw 50K at it.
I always knew he was in it for the money....not the love of it.

hence the term "PRO"

And you don't think a lot of money is being tossed at this race.

People will be shocked at some of the people looking at it , some of these people are outside of the diesel community, and have never even seen a diesel event , nor do they care. It’s just racing no more no less…..

and thanks to Jeff and friends , it’s a great race at that .

I have had several offers, I'm weighing options now. I have my dragster to race, spent a few grand more on it this week.
I’ll be at this race, but not sure yet in what capacity, or vehicle.
Pro what, Greg?
Salesman? I suppose
Driver? Not hardly. What's the last diesel even you raced ? Are you running anything in your backyard at Crandall this weekend? Lemme guess...there wasn't enough money on the line so you passed?

Admit it...if jeff's race was just another low payout event you wouldn't have anything to do with it. Money is the only thing that interests you...aside from whatever magazine coverage you can con someone into giving you to stroke your inflated ass ego.
You're a cancer to this sport as far as I'm concerned. Here for nothing more than to use and exploit whoever you can to further your own "program"
I don't even know why I type this sh!t out...you're not worth my time or effort.
Pro what, Greg?
Salesman? I suppose
Driver? Not hardly. What's the last diesel even you raced ? Are you running anything in your backyard at Crandall this weekend? Lemme guess...there wasn't enough money on the line so you passed?

Admit it...if jeff's race was just another low payout event you wouldn't have anything to do with it. Money is the only thing that interests you...aside from whatever magazine coverage you can con someone into giving you to stroke your inflated ass ego.
You're a cancer to this sport as far as I'm concerned. Here for nothing more than to use and exploit whoever you can to further your own "program"
I don't even know why I type this sh!t out...you're not worth my time or effort.

Jealous are you. You should be,

You’re the one attacking me, every time you get a opportunity, what are you queer for my gear or somthing.

Sure it’s the money, it’s the a good part of the reason this race is going to be very successful.

This race has innovative people coming out or the wood work

As to me…. what about you? What have you ever done in the diesel world? I mean really besides being a bully on this site, what have you accomplished in your entire times in the diesel world. really , just answer the question.

If I’m such a cancer, as you say…… why do I get support, I bet in a poll on this site , as to who contributes the most to the diesel world , you or me , the results would not go as you and your over inflated ego would like. unless you rig it , and I'm sure you will.

So go back to your self pity party , and let us talk about real racing , the race that Jeff built , I’m here to support him.

so what about a qualifying session on Saturday morning, just incase some one breaks , it gives them the night to fix it .
You actually believe the crap you type, don't you?
Sad really....I feel bad for you.
What's really sad is how you never say these things to me in person. Are you scared? Just a big man behind a keyboard?
Scared is no way to go through life my friend.

BTW...."pro" would imply that you make a living from this stuff.
In fact you do not. You're a firefighter. A noble calling indeed...but that is what you're a pro at....not racing.
You're a serious hobbyist at best in the diesel racing world. No better than any other guy on this board. You just hound people for free stuff more than anyone else.

You see a way, somehow to use Jeff's race to promote your own name. If not you'd have nothing to do with it like so many other races every year.
I wonder if the truck you sponsor wins you'll make a big show of giving them the money and trophy on camera then ask for it back when the camera is off....like you did at Drag Week.
THAT is your true character Greg....you're trying to build a reputation as a benevolent person...that's not who you are though.
Speaking of money Greg, When the hell you gonna pay me back! You dished that $500 out really quick yet you cant pay me! Cheap ass!!!!!!!!!!! Karma is a b!tch! I hope your program Fails!

David, I hope to make it down

Wow... This got ugly over night..

Dont forget guys, there Are lots of folks reading this that aren't from the diesel world and sites...

We've all had our beef's with folks on here so I understand, but lets try to keep it mostly about the race and promotion of it....

I hope to see and meet many new faces at this race!!

Hope you can make it too Chris!!
Speaking of outside people, I have had a call from a person , with all the right equipment , less the motor, They were shocked to know the diesel world had any organized races , much less the performance available.
If they get involved, expect 3 foot wheel stands on launch, this is how you keep a SS/ stuck to the ground . and for those that aren’t in the know NHRA now has a SS class for diesels. 12.5 lbs per factored hp . GT/TD, been a long time coming, and one of my pets for years, another got it done.

This race could set in motion a class of racing, which will include a bunch of parts, and innovations.
We'll see, I generally don't write checks my ass can't cash...

I'm not saying you can't make power with a 12 valve non electronic power plant , but without variable timing , your spool time will be uncompetitive.

if you choose to set on the line during qualifying , waiting to spool , and somehow get in to the show. first round will be ugly

slow spooling trucks will be first round fodder.