$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

Oh trust me, from the call's I've been getting everybody is getting innovating LOL In the last week I have heard of some WILD idea's people are coming up with. I think after this race is over there will NOT be a ton of 66mm charger's for sale.............I see the BIRTH of a new racing class!! People, this going to be the end all of diesel drag racing as we know it. Just think of it, an affordable FAST, FUN class of truck's that MOST anyone can build. Everyone think's you have to be RICH to run in this race, I say all you have to do is THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!! Nuff said, Gary :st:
I'm not saying you can't make power with a 12 valve non electronic power plant , but without variable timing , your spool time will be uncompetitive.

if you choose to set on the line during qualifying , waiting to spool , and somehow get in to the show. first round will be ugly

slow spooling trucks will be first round fodder.

:poke: Phil, I believe that Greg just BISH slapped you!!!!!!! :kick:bif Here we go, LMFAO Your turn Phil :tree:
I'm not saying you can't make power with a 12 valve non electronic power plant , but without variable timing , your spool time will be uncompetitive.

if you choose to set on the line during qualifying , waiting to spool , and somehow get in to the show. first round will be ugly

slow spooling trucks will be first round fodder.

And your a dumba$$
Oh trust me, from the call's I've been getting everybody is getting innovating LOL In the last week I have heard of some WILD idea's people are coming up with. I think after this race is over there will NOT be a ton of 66mm charger's for sale.............I see the BIRTH of a new racing class!! People, this going to be the end all of diesel drag racing as we know it. Just think of it, an affordable FAST, FUN class of truck's that MOST anyone can build. Everyone think's you have to be RICH to run in this race, I say all you have to do is THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!! Nuff said, Gary :st:

This is the beginnings of real racing. Racing where two trucks actually make it to the stripe under power, and live to come back around, to make another pass.
The more limited the rules, the more you will get innovators in to the class. The .4 tenths pro tree , makes it all come in to prospective.
This is not just about power , it’s about the sport of Drag Racing .
:poke: Phil, I believe that Greg just BISH slapped you!!!!!!! :kick:bif Here we go, LMFAO Your turn Phil :tree:

It's like wrestling with a pig in mud...let him think what he likes. I want to line my slow spooling truck up against project 2.6gonnawhoopyourass in Feb.
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I hope Project 2.6 does better than Project X...cause the first one couldn't even run a 12.0 class, much less this.
your just can't stop , you use any thread you can to attack me , what are you doing to promote this race.

and to set the record streight Project X would run 12,00 without nitrous , and it was 6200 lbs . the best time was 11.28 @ 128,98

go get a life , and find another way to campain agains me , I'm not going away.
One can dream can't they? LOL
Oh yea...to answer your question.
My goal is to have my new daily driver done by then. If so I intend to enter and race. For the fun of it Greg...not to promote my name or make a profit...just fun. That's why I do this.
If I don't finish I've already told Gary I'll be there to help out in any way possible.

I'll do my part for the love of the sport....not self promotion.

PS....learn how to see the humor in things instead of crying all the time.
How about everyone stops with the BS and just get on with building for the race. Just think what all this pissing and moaning looks like to people who come around for the first time. Some need to grow up and just get on with life! This race is this race and the rules are the rules for this race. If you've got a better idea then start a new thread and you too can have your own race, then you can set the rules and do your promotion there.

If I’m such a cancer, as you say…… why do I get support, I bet in a poll on this site , as to who contributes the most to the diesel world , you or me , the results would not go as you and your over inflated ego would like. unless you rig it

lets see this poll. who all is included in this? how about a poll on who would you take advise from to build for a diesel racer or engine?
are we just talking unbroken and greg?
If I’m such a cancer, as you say…… why do I get support, I bet in a poll on this site , as to who contributes the most to the diesel world , you or me , the results would not go as you and your over inflated ego would like. unless you rig it

lets see this poll. who all is included in this? how about a poll on who would you take advise from to build for a diesel racer or engine?
are we just talking unbroken and greg?

I'd take Greg's advice.
Speaking of outside people, I have had a call from a person , with all the right equipment , less the motor, They were shocked to know the diesel world had any organized races , much less the performance available.
If they get involved, expect 3 foot wheel stands on launch, this is how you keep a SS/ stuck to the ground . and for those that aren’t in the know NHRA now has a SS class for diesels. 12.5 lbs per factored hp . GT/TD, been a long time coming, and one of my pets for years, another got it done.

This race could set in motion a class of racing, which will include a bunch of parts, and innovations.

hmmmm....... 800 hp x 12.5 lbs per factored hp = 10,000 lbs NO F'n WAY YOU CAN COMPETE WITH THAT
Speaking of outside people, I have had a call from a person , with all the right equipment , less the motor, They were shocked to know the diesel world had any organized races , much less the performance available.
If they get involved, expect 3 foot wheel stands on launch, this is how you keep a SS/ stuck to the ground . and for those that aren’t in the know NHRA now has a SS class for diesels. 12.5 lbs per factored hp . GT/TD, been a long time coming, and one of my pets for years, another got it done.

This race could set in motion a class of racing, which will include a bunch of parts, and innovations.

This means what? Unless you're in a wheelie contest, who cares how high the front wheels go? This is how you stick em? Okay. Haven't seen many serious cars winning with the tires 3 feet in the air.
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And the day a vehicle with a 1000 pound motor stuffed in the nose pulls the wheels 3 feet is the day pigs fly! And I don't mean Dave catching a ride with Tim. LOL Sorry couldn't resist the analogy.

I asked Compy for advice once and got a lot of advice and offers to borrow equipment and a long list of contacts...none of which pertained to the question I had posed.
Making daylight under the skinnies is fun to watch, but it sucks if you're driving or paying for parts... besides, it often isn't the best way to run the number.

Mass needs to move down-track, not up in the air.
And the day a vehicle with a 1000 pound motor stuffed in the nose pulls the wheels 3 feet is the day pigs fly! And I don't mean Dave catching a ride with Tim. LOL Sorry couldn't resist the analogy.



That was funny as Chit!!!
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this thread is starting to get REALLY STUPID ****.

altho i have no dog in this fight since my 24v has been a massive slo ass money pit.
i have done alotta drag racing in my life..latest was a 10.5 radial class that i couldnt compete in cuz i was out $$$$'d.

it good to see a real drag race comin on. actuall run like a drag race...i think the biggest challenge actually for everyone is gonna be passin tech in bradenton..which no one really seems to care about. long drive for alotta ya to make to get busted out on tech for not havin the rite seatbelts

slo spooling trucks on a pro tree..ever run a pro tree?? it friggin hard and fast...guys good o a tree will go alot farther than fast guys

hey gary...you gonna invert the field of qualifiers for round one? #1 qualifier againt #16
3-14 etc???

dbl liting the tree..deep stagin..the inexp will die quik..regardless of speed
As far as the ladder...

I'm pretty sure its the #1 vs #16, 2-15, etc...

Courtesy staging is going to be in affect...