$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

Ok this **** needs to stop..I know UNBROKEN personally he is a really nice person..But this thread is about the SUPER STOCK RACE..If you don't have something to say about the race DO NOT POST ON THIS THREAD...

DAY - UM!!!

Sticky's done grown a pair of Stones!!!!!:rockwoot:

Well Said my man!! Well Said!

He is a very big guy and pretty scary looking but everytime i've been around him at races ..He is laughing and having a good time:rockwoot:

Lucky for the rest of us he ain't near half as mean as he looks! :hehe:

Still wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley w/o extra Beer... :Cheer:
Somone needs to start a betting pool, or some side bets! There are some tall orders being called up in here. :pop:
So someone with a smaller turbo is going to give the advantage back to someone with a big turbo? with a $500 buy in and $25,000 purse.


Just not seeing that one!
yer talking the courtesy staging..wtf is that anyways...funny chit...

little turbo guy hurrys in first and the big guy cant get in quik enuff or the little guy waits til the big guys in and then lets him bur down at the tree...gonna be entertaining anyways
yer talking the courtesy staging..wtf is that anyways...funny chit...

little turbo guy hurrys in first and the big guy cant get in quik enuff or the little guy waits til the big guys in and then lets him bur down at the tree...gonna be entertaining anyways

Dont matter, if it's a pro tree it's pro rules, there is no coutesy staging under the pro rules.

If you guys that cant race want to whine, then tell the folks putting on the race you want a user friendly sportmans tree, not a pro tree.

Then according to NHRA and IHRA you can race with coutesy staging.

otherwise i dont care what anyone says the IHRA/NHRA rule book wins everytime!
absolutely..may be the only chance some of these guys got...

maybe not tho..since no one on here knows anything about head games!
The Pro Tree don’t have anything to do with courtesy staging , Super Comp , Super Gas , Super Street all run a .400 Pro Tree and you must courtesy stage in those classes .

This is Super Stock. And it seems that they have just made the decision that it's in place.

And the Pro’s don’t run a .400 tree, they run a .370 tree. This was put in place after the LED lights starting all of the Pro’s red lighting.
hmmmm....... 800 hp x 12.5 lbs per factored hp = 10,000 lbs NO F'n WAY YOU CAN COMPETE WITH THAT

The NHRA Super Stock HP is based on the factory rating; the first engine combination is a 285 hp Dmax LB7.

The engine will have to have rods that weigh the same or more then stock, and well as pistons, valves and so forth.

The heads can have any port work, that can be done off the valve guide mandrel .Stock turbo size. The index is 12.85, so to be a hero you need to run 11.60’s .

The only way to get an engine combination is have the manufactory provide the specs directly to NHRA . Good luck on that one. but one guy has , and more to come
One other thing, when you set a record, or win a race, or just go really fast and they call you to the tech barn. Don’t get freaked out when they ask for one piston, and rod, and cylinder head to inspect, and oh by the way they will be back in a hour to look at your parts.

This is a done deal.

Oh and it’s a engine combination , , meaning it doesn’t have to go in a truck,
:poke: Ummmmm.......RACERS!!!! Sorry, we are NOT letting the cat out of the bag. When you show up in Feb. then you will know who all is in :Cheer: Gary

oh I love it , this is going to be fun.

good work all of you
:poke: Ummmmm.......RACERS!!!! Sorry, we are NOT letting the cat out of the bag. When you show up in Feb. then you will know who all is in :Cheer: Gary
I'll be there...I just maybe want to know who is coming into town.
thats some funny chit mike...

hey i gotta question for the pro trucks and some of the rails etc...super gas or comp cars
how do you guys build boost at the line..
im assuming yer using trans brakes..
or you dont use trans brakes and launch timers etc...jus wondering..has nuthin to do with any of this race

Back to a legitimate technical question (and I missed this since I was out at a drag race during the rest of the posts on this thread)...

Some guys barely build any boost until they have pre-staged and staged, then they set their trans brakes and build their boost. I don't think that will work too well at this race ;)

As far as 3-foot wheelstands, I've at least seen 1.5-foot wheelstands out of a diesel (Malcom Cross, and me in Dirtymax with a broken wheelie bar). I agree the high-hp, small-tire stockers and super-stockers in the NHRA gas world need a lot of weight transfer to hook up, but they do that at the expense of vehicle reaction time (which would be an issue in eliminations with the 0.400 pro tree). BTW - is the tree going to be set for "true" 0.400 or for 0.370? That has been an issue at some tracks in this area when you have "association" races vs. NHRA events. It seems that at the NHRA events they make sure the tree is set with a 0.030 compensation (to effectively make it a 0.370 tree), while some tracks set the compensation back to zero when NHRA isn't there. Not a big deal since I doubt red-lights will be a problem at this event.

One bigger deal that should be clarified before the event - is Courtesy Staging going to be in effect? I already posted on this once:
I think the closest classes (being "Sportsman" but Pro tree, heads-up no-breakout) are TAD & TAFC. Both allow deep staging but do not require Courtesy Staging.
I think the comparison to S/G and S/C (requiring courtesy staging) is erroneous. Completely different type of class (index class, deep staging not allowed, etc).
:poke: Ummmmm.......RACERS!!!! Sorry, we are NOT letting the cat out of the bag. When you show up in Feb. then you will know who all is in :Cheer: Gary

So if Garmon's diesel and your business are entering trucks why is it you guys get to know whose entered and the other 98 entrants who paid the same as you aren't allowed THAT info? :badidea: IMO thats :bs: