7.58 @ 181

David. News Flash. Rodney is dead. Have a little respect. I mean, after all, your boys put a pretty good stomping on the man once. Ain't that enough? :lolly:

Rodney King Dead at 47 - NYTimes.com

and who are you, NHRDA tech? You wana threaten folks over tech, shoot i could drop half truck count of any event if i were tech ...is this what you want???

Shut up about what will and wont happen, There is lots of stuff that can come back to bite you because of your mouth flapping away with the wind...

Talking about ones personal life is a good way to look stupid when you dont quite know the truth behind it....but you probably could see daylight if your head wasent under robs testicles.

Im sure that dmitri will hand you your rear in the 11.90 class, and quailfy in SS.

dmitri has far more drive than you do, at least he didnt back out of a fast ride cause he was scared.[/QUOTE]

Not following you there Wad? Not sure what I backed out of. Yes I'm sure Sh!t Stick has raced more than me. I only started in 1960. Now that was before Sh!t Stick's daddy was even a wet spot in his Grandpa's sock.:lolly:

Good luck at Scheid's this weekend. You are going aren't you? Or are you afraid you might actually have to race someone.
I dont think he saying he has more driving time, i think he was saying he has more "drive" kinda like more ambition or whatever
So Sh!t Stick what you are telling me is your are bringing a dually to qualify for Supersteet and leaving your, "race truck" home? Lame...NHRDA must be getting pretty damn hard up to go down to that far on the points list to invite your sorry ass. That good because it will be fun when you get your ass handed to you in both classes, (that is if you can keep a tranny or boot on either of those pieces of sh!t through qualifying). You and your butt fuk buddy Wad, are a real pair, put you two with the old snake oil salesman Ronnie Cock and you three win the gold medal in Tag Team Tools!! Congratulations.

You got your ass booted off DD (at your request) cuz the heat got too bad and you were caught in your lies. The truth is coming out Sh!t Stick. See you in Billings.

Ken if i had the race truck at home it would be coming!! Its getting every little thing it needs to be up to speed, shoots ect... Its funny you talk about blowing transmissions.. I have had great luck this season and last season with them holding..there have been a few to go down sure, they dont last forever dumb A** Again not talking about your failures just like rob to make yourself look that much better.. Im bringing the dually to support the sport for thats all i have at the time.. You want a small turn out at worlds so you guys can have a easy time??? Sorry kenny, i will come trip the beams in superstreet and run you in superdiesel :) DD is a bunch of nut swinging.. I dont give a **** about the heat over 200 dollars ken, that situation is bull ****.. I dont have the time to waist with it.. As rob said i have showed the D MAX community.. THE HATERS not all.. this year another side.. well they made me this way, so put your teeth in ken couple pairs of diapers, and your walking cane and will see you at the track!! P.S its so cute to see the 3 of you teamed up swinging :) Who is the man in you circle :)
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I don't think Durimini has drag raced more than Ken, or even close. My money id on Ken with this one.

I dont think you actually know jeff.... How about you just sit back and wait for the results after this weekend.. then voice your opinion??
Sh!t Stick first of all Max'd out started in 2009 which is four years and hit the 9's the third month it was running. May of 2009 here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyzETNnFjvA&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eidahodieselpower%2Ecom%2Fshowthread%2Ephp%3Ft%3D740%26page%3D3&feature=player_embedded Don't think anyone ever said it didn't break parts, lots of them in 2010. As far as you coming in an 8100 lb dually I'm assuming it's Pierce's that went 10.84 @ 123 at SLC last weekend? It gained 200 lbs someplace was told it weighed 7900 lbs. But like everything else you do you tend to stretch the truth or just flat out lie. If it goes faster than 11.50 without a roll bar, I will have it kicked off the track. We don't need you or your half asses ways of doing things. You fuk up and wreck and it is found that NHRDA let you race without the proper equipment and we won't have a diesel drag racing associaton. Be warned you faster than 11.50 without a roll bar and your gone.

Its always been that weight dumb F*** If you wanna read about it ken go grab a mag... and some reading glasses!! We posted what it weighed, your the one who dropped it to 7900 on the top 50 list.. just like the fact that you were right at the scales at nationals when my crew weighed 7050 pounds but yet the top 50 says 6900 pounds!!!! Who is shaving weight ken??? Or stretching the truth.. Why dont you take your ass back to the top 50 list and change the weights of those two trucks, Yes thats the same truck, its our shop truck now..
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His truck only goes a couple passes an event, so it'll have to be first round, lol....that is how he made it to the finals, he bought a tech card, but I don't think he has made a pass in eliminations this year in NHRDA. Phoenix-Boom, Texas-Boom, etc.

We'll get it over with this weekend if you are coming to Billings.

Sorry Rob but prettyjean rodchuker can not only drag race but he can race and rockclimb at the same time...You got no chance.
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Oh, your truck is not coming? That sucks, how long since you have raced it? Your truck is very sweet and has a bunch of potenial, except the limiting factor of the owner and his ego.

I win races and championships and could give a **** about ET and MPH. That is too bad you will not have your race truck there. BTW I have never protested you as you have never made an elimation pass at any event I have been at this year.

Keep talking sweet heart, all fluff. You have shown the Dmax world what you truely are this year, talk all you want as it won't change what you are as a human being.

Yes indeed it does suck.. we will have our time at nationals or Ohio if you choose to come?? I appreciate the kind words about the truck.. thank you. If i had the EGO you say i do, then why am i always willing to help everyone at events loaning parts to anyone who needs a hand???? My limiting factor is people like YOU!!!!! WHO only care about champion ships!! You only care about idaho rob.... Your the one who brought up the fact that my truck has not yet beat your fuel only best?? Now you saying that e.t and mph mean nothing?? If that be the case then you would have just simply said, look at my championships, look at my passes, look at me :) You chose to bring it up not me!! Where did brian spooner go for help in AZ.. Who had parts.. yeah me like always... I made not a dime off him... actually ended up paying shipping for another one. Same story countless times for people i have helped ... So by the d max world you mean the haters... Well stand the **** up then, can all my haters please stand up :) Im putting you on the trailer at worlds rob Your time has come and gone.. Your only saving grace and your championship you speak of this season is due to me having problems. PERIOD!!! Im coasting to just shy of your best from the 1/8... Again i appreciate the kinds words about the truck.. As you said.. come get some at worlds ill be waiting!!!!
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Yes indeed it does suck.. we will have our time at nationals or Ohio if you choose to come?? I appreciate the kind words about the truck.. thank you. If i had the EGO you say i do, then why am i always willing to help everyone at events loaning parts to anyone who needs a hand???? My limiting factor is people like YOU!!!!! WHO only care about champion ships!! You only care about idaho rob.... Your the one who brought up the fact that my truck has not net beat your fuel only best?? Now you saying that e.t and mph mean nothing?? If that be the case then you would have just simply said, look at my championships, look at my passes, look at me :) You chose to bring it up not me!! Where did brian spooner go for help in AZ.. Who had parts.. yeah me like always... I made not a dime off him... actually ended up paying shipping for another one. Same story countless times for people i have helped ... So by the d max world you mean the haters... Well stand the **** up then, can all my haters please stand up :) Im putting you on the trailer at worlds rob Your time has come and gone.. Your only saving grace and your championship you speak of this season is due to me having problems. PERIOD!!! Im coasting to just shy of your best from the 1/8... Again i appreciate the kinds words about the truck.. As you said.. come get some at worlds ill be waiting!!!!

The Punisher got you on the track last weekend....Rob your just a dick coming all prepared with your trailer and all.

From my seat Rob is one of the nicest guy to be around at a diesel event.
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The Punisher got you on the track last weekend....Rob your just a dick coming all prepared with your trailer and all.

From my seat Rob is one of the nicest guy to be around at a diesel event.

I never said he was not nice at the events!! Im just sick of him and subman, and there swinging back and forth.. Its been a grudge match for years, we almost got along for 10 min in texas, almost lol but i guess its better this way :)
Sorry Rob but prettyjean rodchuker can not only drag race but he can race and rockclimb at the same time...You got no chance.

You said prettyjean rodchucker....... :hehe::hehe:

Who knew designer jeans could go so fast???

Yankin the wheel off the ground too!!
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