7.58 @ 181

*Quoted for Accuracy* :hehe:

Which tells me you obviously don't have a clue what's going on in this industry LOL Seemed to work just fine on your truck to.... Until of course u saw someone else willing to give you free parts. Just sayin
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What would you call it when you supply them with completely assembled engines of the exact same build, turbo package, transmission and converter along with the TCM tuning that came out of another truck that just ran 9's then? I call it a proven 9 second package! I think you need to go back and get your facts straight!

We (TTS) did not build it all but did supply just that to the Max'ed Out team. We had the engines assembled with all our parts and specifications that have been proven to run 9's, Suncoast supplied the same transmission and converter package that was proven to run 9's in the Duramax, Nathan at MPI supplied the same twin setup as the 9 second truck had and we gave them the TCM tune-up that was in the truck for 9 second passes!

Ken and Rob have tried to say otherwise but that is the truth and if you do not want to believe me, check with Nathan from MPI as he was the one that started the truck build before Rob was ever part of it and he and I worked it all out before Rob came along. Yes, they had to tune the engine which is just what I said to start with but that was by there own choice. Those are the cold hard facts!

Getting close to this time?:
She's just first in line. All the rest would need to remain on board until called upon for service. :)

Or you could keep at the back...save the best for last kind of thing.

Epically post by a dumb phone.
................... Back to the fight.....................

I think all of you guys owe a debt of Gratitude to Mr Johnny Duramax, inventor of the Duramax, without whom you guys would not have anything to race.
7th from the right ttf.

You picked the one most likely to have a dick under the little swimmer! I'll take far right. Put some ******* on that girl a BOOM!

EDIT: Oops... Didn't know we were back on track. Carry on.
Rob and Ken seem to have forgotten that they were setup with a proven package that had already run 9's before they ever got started. Engine combination, turbo's and trans combination along with trans tuning all done and proven. All they needed to do was the engine tuning as they want to do that on there own. So it's not like they had much to figure out to start with.

Rob and Ken are both nice guys but something seems to happen when it comes time to tell the truth anymore when it comes to Max'ed Out, that's for sure.

As usual, you give yourself a bit too much credit Steve. You had absolutely nothing to do eith the turbo set up. That was Nathan's call 100%. If I would have waited for you to build the engines and for Nathan to have enough free time to finish the truck, it would still be. sitting in pieces. We used your rods, pistons, one set of heads, cam to build those firdt teo engines. Buck really helped with the Duraflite, and if you want to claim you got itin the 9's so be it.
You picked the one most likely to have a dick under the little swimmer! I'll take far right. Put some ******* on that girl a BOOM!

EDIT: Oops... Didn't know we were back on track. Carry on.

Y'all can have any of the girls on the boat. I want this one...
Johnny Duramax did all this $hit first.

I'd like to see Buck bring his pile back out.
As usual, you give yourself a bit too much credit Steve. You had absolutely nothing to do eith the turbo set up. That was Nathan's call 100%. If I would have waited for you to build the engines and for Nathan to have enough free time to finish the truck, it would still be. sitting in pieces. We used your rods, pistons, one set of heads, cam to build those firdt teo engines. Buck really helped with the Duraflite, and if you want to claim you got itin the 9's so be it.

Buck, I and Nathan spent many hours on the phone together working out what needed to be done, ask him. It was supposed to be a team effort but you sure screwed the people that got you there! You and Rob were no where to be found! You were given a package that had proven itself already to run 9's plain and simple. Not only were you given the complete combination to have the power and get it to the ground Buck also gave you guys the exact suspension setup and tire combination. I know people that would pay plenty for that kind of information.

The fact that you try as hard as you can to down play how much you were given up front goes to really showing what kind of people you and Rob really are!

I did not get it into the 9's but without all the information and parts that we gave you guys, you would still be playing with yourselves today in the 12's. The fact that it took you years to get it to work is only due to your tuner.