7.58 @ 181

Here I thought sleb pulling had alot of whining back and forth. I guess it is everywhere!
I never said he was not nice at the events!! Im just sick of him and subman, and there swinging back and forth.. Its been a grudge match for years, we almost got along for 10 min in texas, almost lol but i guess its better this way :)

Rob and Ken seem to have forgotten that they were setup with a proven package that had already run 9's before they ever got started. Engine combination, turbo's and trans combination along with trans tuning all done and proven. All they needed to do was the engine tuning as they want to do that on there own. So it's not like they had much to figure out to start with.

Rob and Ken are both nice guys but something seems to happen when it comes time to tell the truth anymore when it comes to Max'ed Out, that's for sure.
I never said he was not nice at the events!! Im just sick of him and subman, and there swinging back and forth.. Its been a grudge match for years, we almost got along for 10 min in texas, almost lol but i guess its better this way :)

Ya sometimes this is the way it is.
rob and ken seem to have forgotten that they were setup with a proven package that had already run 9's before they ever got started. Engine combination, turbo's and trans combination along with trans tuning all done and proven. All they needed to do was the engine tuning as they want to do that on there own. So it's not like they had much to figure out to start with.

Rob and ken are both nice guys but something seems to happen when it comes time to tell the truth anymore when it comes to max'ed out, that's for sure.

ya got any cool pics of my truck?

I actually did not take those. Only pic I took was the little video of your pass. If I find any I will post them up.

I did hell holy **** that trucks pulls the pit vehicle when you went by, everyone looked at me with a what an idiot look. Hahaha
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You might want to learn the truth before you go all Booooooom!!!!! on someone. Steve has a pretty high opinion of how much he helped out the Max'd Out truck. There are many more people you might want to query to find the truth. I highly doubt you will find the"truth" on a chest beating, my daddy can kick your daddy's ass thread. I personally witnessed the blood sweat and tears that went into the build, and that continues to go into it as they make improvments. :stab:

On a side note, check the video that the pic of the lifted tire came from. The tire did come off the ground but was most certainly not lifted off the track by the awesome power of the tow rig. :lolly:

By the way my Dad is dead, but I'm sure he could kick your dad's ass blind folded, with one arm tied behind his back. :shake:
It's no fun running by myself.

Then who the hell do you race at an NADM event? Nice try on claiming packed stands with them. Heard most of their events are like ghost towns. Not even the locals give a chit they are there LOL
You might want to learn the truth before you go all Booooooom!!!!! on someone. Steve has a pretty high opinion of how much he helped out the Max'd Out truck. There are many more people you might want to query to find the truth. I highly doubt you will find the"truth" on a chest beating, my daddy can kick your daddy's ass thread. I personally witnessed the blood sweat and tears that went into the build, and that continues to go into it as they make improvments. :stab:

On a side note, check the video that the pic of the lifted tire came from. The tire did come off the ground but was most certainly not lifted off the track by the awesome power of the tow rig. :lolly:

By the way my Dad is dead, but I'm sure he could kick your dad's ass blind folded, with one arm tied behind his back. :shake:

The truth does not exist as there are always two sides and who believes who bla bla bla in the end!!! The truth is clouded by haters.... and internet hero's!!!! PERIOD... If you actually watch the video, the truck pulled the tire on the 1 to 2 shift i would say thats some cool **** no matter how it happened... If power is not the case, then lets see your rig pull a tire with out a floor jack :shake::lolly: P.S my Grandpa could have taken your dad :) I dont dought that alot of time has gone into maxed out..You seem to forget i have had a 9 sec truck for 2 years and the 10s the year before that so i do know how much time and blood goes into the program!!! My beef is with rob and ken, either protesting, crying, or chasing me around the net with high school games!!! Leave that aside and the haters id drink a beer with both!! Rob and i had it out in texas then were able to eat dinner in the same camp..

I dont give a **** till it comes to this bull **** ken starts on the net... He is a ****ing child in a 70 year old mans body, making threats on line and thinking he is 25 again!! It gets real old... Ken told me over on DD to pack a lunch for he was going to kick my ass.. Truth is i would use his face to wipe my ass, for thats all the purpose he could serve to me or anyone else in this industry.... KEN grandpa... Give it a rest buddy!! Your childish threats are lame just like you.. you thrive to live through rob, as you dont have the balls left to be a man.. Your washed up, had your day, and im sure it was a good one, congrats buddy, but over time rust does take over and whats left is you in person :) Good day
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Kinda like your posts on this forum...

LOL I should keep my reply to "Shut up, you are a little b i t c h." butI bet you know why nobody goes to nadm events to. Why don't you tell little bi tch.
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No this is a pulled tire...with limit straps and bar.
Seems like all the cool cats are stuck in one diesel organization. I would prefer that group to just stay there. Much much better without them. No need for folks that are easily brain washed, by someone who claims to know everything/everyone in the industry, to be involved with the sport. Going home now. Have fun.
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LOL I should tell myself to "Shut up, you are a little b i t c h." but I bet you know why nobody buys my airdogs anymore. they plain suck donkey nuts. Why cant i controll myself on the internet, guess cause im a little *****.

*Quoted for Accuracy* :hehe:
I actually did not take those. Only pic I took was the little video of your pass. If I find any I will post them up.

I did hell holy **** that trucks pulls the pit vehicle when you went by, everyone looked at me with a what an idiot look. Hahaha

Haaa, yea i was towing the golf cart with my truck...:lolly:

Did you give them the dumb look back?

Who knew we would be having a discussion about a push bar...LOL
You might want to learn the truth before you go all Booooooom!!!!! on someone. Steve has a pretty high opinion of how much he helped out the Max'd Out truck. There are many more people you might want to query to find the truth. I highly doubt you will find the"truth" on a chest beating, my daddy can kick your daddy's ass thread. I personally witnessed the blood sweat and tears that went into the build, and that continues to go into it as they make improvments. :stab:

On a side note, check the video that the pic of the lifted tire came from. The tire did come off the ground but was most certainly not lifted off the track by the awesome power of the tow rig. :lolly:

By the way my Dad is dead, but I'm sure he could kick your dad's ass blind folded, with one arm tied behind his back. :shake:

What would you call it when you supply them with completely assembled engines of the exact same build, turbo package, transmission and converter along with the TCM tuning that came out of another truck that just ran 9's then? I call it a proven 9 second package! I think you need to go back and get your facts straight!

We (TTS) did not build it all but did supply just that to the Max'ed Out team. We had the engines assembled with all our parts and specifications that have been proven to run 9's, Suncoast supplied the same transmission and converter package that was proven to run 9's in the Duramax, Nathan at MPI supplied the same twin setup as the 9 second truck had and we gave them the TCM tune-up that was in the truck for 9 second passes!

Ken and Rob have tried to say otherwise but that is the truth and if you do not want to believe me, check with Nathan from MPI as he was the one that started the truck build before Rob was ever part of it and he and I worked it all out before Rob came along. Yes, they had to tune the engine which is just what I said to start with but that was by there own choice. Those are the cold hard facts!