833hp Common Rail Single turbo on #2 I am back

alldiesels said:
well wade you should have some insite, you work at ats and you know darn well the 5k won't support 800 on fuel don't u????

Well we definently don't rate the turbo for that kind of power, we consider it a very strong 700hp turbo. But the new advances in fuel systems for the Dodge's have proven to be an exceptional setup. With twin pumps, the right injectors, programming and a good matchup of support products we've had multiple Dodge Common rails breaking into the upper 700hp low 800hp range.

If you had asked me the same question 3 months ago before the release of the twin pumps for the Dodge, I would have told you that you wouldn't be able to hit 800hp with a single A5K. The basis of that statement was based on our own experience and the experience of others. The Dodge seems to be a completely different monster with the A5K, twin pumps, big injectors and some tuning.

I just think the CR Dodge has taken everyone by suprize with what it's capable of. But I think that it's just a shocker for everyone since it's recently come of age.

Just my .02,
I just think the CR Dodge has taken everyone by suprize with what it's capable of. But I think that it's just a shocker for everyone since it's recently come of age.

Dang Right Wade LOL
i agree the CR dodges have made HUGE advancments in fueling very reacently, but you still need air to burn that fuel. I made 630 on #2 with my 6.0 and a 5k and it was EXTREAMLY smokey. I know dodges have made 650 on a 5k but they to were very fueled. I just don't see the air being there for 800+ now with NOS or a big charger that is a totaly differnt ball game
Im a new comer to this thread. Really interesting whats going on here, hope some good numbers and a race can be done. Timbeaux38, that was pretty much every picture in my yearbook last year, everyone was doing taht
Do advances in fuel systems make a compressor go into a magical island of efficiency (where me lucky charms might be hiding) that does not appear on the standard compressor map? One time I saw a dmax do 880(ish) hp with the same turbo, credit was given it's second pump instead of the nitrous bottle hidden under the back seat and the massive jets spraying into the bottom of the intercooler. Unfortunately when it let out a terribly obvious nitrous backfire and blew up on the dyno (after the driver lifted and forgot to shut the switch off) nobody seemed to notice the Thermodynamic impossibility of that turbo pushing that much air.

Just my $0.02, maybe I'm a pessimist that's taken 2 too many thermo classes.

It is very easy to see NOS use on a dyno becuase of the way the power curve comes in. It shoots straight up and very quickly.
My .02 on this
bv19 said:
Do advances in fuel systems make a compressor go into a magical island of efficiency (where me lucky charms might be hiding) that does not appear on the standard compressor map? One time I saw a dmax do 880(ish) hp with the same turbo, credit was given it's second pump instead of the nitrous bottle hidden under the back seat and the massive jets spraying into the bottom of the intercooler. Unfortunately when it let out a terribly obvious nitrous backfire and blew up on the dyno (after the driver lifted and forgot to shut the switch off) nobody seemed to notice the Thermodynamic impossibility of that turbo pushing that much air.

Just my $0.02, maybe I'm a pessimist that's taken 2 too many thermo classes.


:thankyou2: Im clapping.:ft:
Another truck with close to the same mods ( A5K turbo, twin pumps, big stix, ) goes on the dyno this week.

Sea Level Dynojet. Lets see what happens.

Don M said:
Another truck with close to the same mods ( A5K turbo, twin pumps, big stix, ) goes on the dyno this week.

Sea Level Dynojet. Lets see what happens.


i am guessin 650 ish
alldiesels said:
i am guessin 650 ish

The truck was already dynoing @ 720 on Diesel with a smaller turbo ( the silverbullet 66 ) It is roughly a 70 lb/mn huffer. The A5K is over 84 lb/mn.

I suspect the truck will be closer to 800 than 700 now.

It passed 660 HP with a sinlge CP3 before XMas. And then went 720 with the dual CP3 set up. Now it has more air. yee haww
it might make 800 with a high correction factor, i have ran the 5k and i don't see any way that it will push enough air for 800hp. i know the cummins is alot different than the 6.0 but they all need air to burn the fuel
alldiesels said:
it might make 800 with a high correction factor, i have ran the 5k and i don't see any way that it will push enough air for 800hp. i know the cummins is alot different than the 6.0 but they all need air to burn the fuel

IF the silver bullet is smaller than the 5k then it should give plenty of air, givin the fact that many have allready broken into 800+ HP with II's silver bullet. i think the best i have heard is 870 hp with the silver B.:evil
alldiesels said:
it might make 800 with a high correction factor, i have ran the 5k and i don't see any way that it will push enough air for 800hp. i know the cummins is alot different than the 6.0 but they all need air to burn the fuel

We used the same compressor wheel used in the A5k but fitted into a slightly different housing a few months before the A5k hit the market. This was in 2003. With 10% CF it made 800 HP. I suspect about half the CF was valid. So in the 760 range @ sea level might be fair. This was with the old low pressure P pump. The CR utilizes its available airflow much better.

The dyno might happen this afternoon. No CF would be added to it. It is on the East Coast and at sea level. It is cold there today. I suspect the DJ software will take away a few points for the good air.

Fingers crossed for 800.
bv19 said:
Do advances in fuel systems make a compressor go into a magical island of efficiency (where me lucky charms might be hiding) that does not appear on the standard compressor map? One time I saw a dmax do 880(ish) hp with the same turbo, credit was given it's second pump instead of the nitrous bottle hidden under the back seat and the massive jets spraying into the bottom of the intercooler. Unfortunately when it let out a terribly obvious nitrous backfire and blew up on the dyno (after the driver lifted and forgot to shut the switch off) nobody seemed to notice the Thermodynamic impossibility of that turbo pushing that much air.

Just my $0.02, maybe I'm a pessimist that's taken 2 too many thermo classes.


You keep on talking about all this fuel and all this smoke and the turbo not able to keep up. First off, I have one word for you, ATOMIZATION, might not mean a whole lot in thermo classes, but it plays a huge role in making diesel power. The lower the fuel pressure, the lower the atomization, the larger the fuel particles, the slower they burn, hence the black smoke due to the fuel not having enough time to burn, not because you don't have enough air. Now turn that around and crank the pressure up with twin pumps (Fuel system upgrade!) about 10K plus, what do you get ladies and gentlemen????...........(Dramatic Pause)......That's right, smaller fuel particles that not only burn faster but more effeciently, hence the capability of making more power and less smoke with the same amount of air!!!!

Since you guys specialize in 6.0 performance, you probably don't pay much attention to this because of the HUEI injection system, or at least had a momentary lapse in reason. But in a common rail, it makes a world of difference, just ask DonM how much spray angle, hole count, hole size and fuel atomization play in making power in a diesel.

I said it before, and I'll say it again, the CR Dodges are a whole different monster then the Duramax with the A5K, injectors and twin pumps. And comparing them with a 6.0 that makes lots of smoke just makes me chuckle :hehe: .

I pride you on your attempt Brandon on trying to enlighten us with your Thermo engineering knowledge LOL . But I would urge you to hold off a little longer and see what some of the up and comming trucks put down with similar mods, I know of three so far with similar setups and all making about the same power.

I pride you on your attempt Brandon on trying to enlighten us with your Thermo engineering knowledge LOL .

Wade, what an ugly thing to say. I abhor ugliness... does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know, Wade, if I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it. (I love that movie)

You keep on talking about all this fuel and all this smoke and the turbo not able to keep up. First off, I have one word for you, ATOMIZATION, might not mean a whole lot in thermo classes, but it plays a huge role in making diesel power. The lower the fuel pressure, the lower the atomization, the larger the fuel particles, the slower they burn, hence the black smoke due to the fuel not having enough time to burn, not because you don't have enough air. Now turn that around and crank the pressure up with twin pumps (Fuel system upgrade!) about 10K plus, what do you get ladies and gentlemen????...........(Dramatic Pause)......That's right, smaller fuel particles that not only burn faster but more effeciently, hence the capability of making more power and less smoke with the same amount of air!!!!

Since you guys specialize in 6.0 performance, you probably don't pay much attention to this because of the HUEI injection system, or at least had a momentary lapse in reason. But in a common rail, it makes a world of difference, just ask DonM how much spray angle, hole count, hole size and fuel atomization play in making power in a diesel.

I said it before, and I'll say it again, the CR Dodges are a whole different monster then the Duramax with the A5K, injectors and twin pumps. And comparing them with a 6.0 that makes lots of smoke just makes me chuckle :hehe: .

You know I have to be extremely careful as to what I can say. I don't want to receive a letter. We should have a beer sometime and discuss our differing opinions and their basis in detail. I think an 'outside perspective' could be interesting to you, and I would be glad to hear yours too.

There. Now we can be friends again. But if you want to tell me that four years of engineering school is now invalid because I don't wear the right color anymore, you can kiss my @-!*$ng *&s.

Wade is correct. It all boils down to surface area. Gasoline in a liquid state doesn't burn very well but the fumes do. It's the same way in a Diesel, you're looking for surface area. High PSI and proper dispersion is the key. ;)
So if the A5K wont make 800 hp on a 6.0 then it wont make 800 hp on anything else? I don't think that is accurate. Rather than bashing anyone that is excited about numbers they have attained or who is running parts sold by a company of which you are angry with the owners, let's just see what happens this season. Make judgement on what you see. Thanks for sharing your info Wicked! Those of you waiting to attack, give it a rest.
bv19 said:
There. Now we can be friends again. But if you want to tell me that four years of engineering school is now invalid because I don't wear the right color anymore, you can kiss my @-!*$ng *&s.


Your so sensitive Brandon :Cheer: You should know by now that I always post with a smile on my face!!
Once again I see this thread is getting way to personal ..Come on guys can't we discuss this like adults, Not adult Red-necks, But adults with enough sense to know not to Personally Attack someone else??

Let's keep it Civil!!!!!