Adrenaline Q & A!!!!!!!

woot more fuel!.... got dyno dled gogin to go out and play with it some
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well went out and tryed the dyno tune.... and kills the truck everytime after a wot run no matter the gear, truck restarts on 00 didnt try to start it on the other levels. will try 3000
well went out and tryed the dyno tune.... and kills the truck everytime after a wot run no matter the gear, truck restarts on 00 didnt try to start it on the other levels. will try 3000

That pump is a major pain in the rear.

Try it i on lower power levels and it won't run it dry so easy.
I thought the monster pump was supposed to be able to supply sigma pump type fuel and never run dry? Either that or quad's tune is so nasty that it drains the holy grail of pumps. :D
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I got to haul the big boy today with the new ADR2000 file loaded on PL02. I couldn't get egts over 1200*, didn't matter how hard I pushed it. I didn't have defuel turned on or anything. The turbo spooled up right off idle & my boost gauge is now showing 50psi again after replacing the intercooler. Big thumbs up to you & your team! This box rocks!!!!
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just as a reference for those who dont know, I have nothing more than 100hp sticks and the Adrenaline and can bury the 60psi boost guage with HX40/HT3B twins! anything over PL07 will cause a black-out unless its lit. havent seen the need to try latest tunes... yet!
Ok, truck did it again, I noticed with the shut off before the one that doesn't shut the truck off , it shuts down as soon as I turn the key off.

Any help here ? I cant shut the truck off at all now. It has to run 3 full minutes every time before it shuts off.
i had a tune sent to me from yall and it was called ADR_10PLDyno, and i also have an ADR_CCS, what can you tell me about these? oh yeah about a month ago!
i had a tune sent to me from yall and it was called ADR_10PLDyno, and i also have an ADR_CCS, what can you tell me about these? oh yeah about a month ago!

Garbage......use the new ones. keep them for novelty purposes if you want but, they will not work as well as the new least on 99% of the trucks.
Just FYI, I have had a LOT of emails from people telling me they really like the ADR_DYNO tune.

It is TERRIBLE on our trucks here but, to each his own. Feel free to use it, smokes like a tire fire but, these guys are saying it is smooth????? Just did not want everyone to be scared of it.
i don't want alot of smoke for the street, fuel is too damn high and im too damn broke, i was just wonderin if these tunes were the same and what the CCS tune was for i have never heard anyone else talkin about it!!
quad tryed it on the lower settings first 5 then 3 and killed the truck every time, it only does this when i let out the throttel. it pulls geat smokes more than imaginable and is wicked fast then let out the throttel and bam truck off turn off key and try to start it on anything other than adr 00 it wont start..... wtf going to try out adr 3000 tonight